My father was blessed by God. He has everything you could thing of in a Fighter. Heavy hands, speed, quick reflexes. The way to adapt middle of a fight. I wished for a long time to be blessed as he was, I wasn't god's favorite when it came to the department. I was an average child, I was born weighing in seven and half pounds. Length foot and half. My father saw the most potential out of me, and he sure did see that I've would reach that potential. My Father made have been crazy when it came to training. What he wasn't crazy about was the amount of food I needed to perform too his types of training exercises. He would feed me four times a day when I first started off, of course nothing processed. Which it was nothing for my father to find cause he had connections all over the world. With him being the greatest to ever do it, nobody would say no to him. Cause they thought of it as a marketing scheme they could use to promote their food. So I would grow very rapidly cause the amount of food plus the intense training. I wasn't supposed to built like this I can't remember the last time I was normal, it just have been when I was still being breastfeed. I wish I could go back to that time in my life. We're I knew nothing of this life, of my life. Why couldn't I been born into a normal family?!. Why did I have be a Buster?, there is no point in fighting it no longer. That was my attitude when I was younger, even close family members didn't know what was happening behind those locked doors. My Father trained me to say to my relatives when they asked me how is going with my Father. I was trained to tell them I was having a great time, while rubbing the bruises. Those bruises wasn't cause my Father would lay a hand on me. It was cause the amount of pressure my body was constantly going under. The amount of calories would drastically change depending if I would impress my Father, when he was impressed I would receive a special type of protein. I lobed that. That was a good thing for me, that means my Father loved my improvements. When I failed to meet his standards he still gave me food, of course it want fully cooked though. After eating undercooked food for so long your body adjust to it. I just wished that sometimes the food would be at least dead. Sometimes hunting your own food isn't the best way to survive, most of my scars are cause of my dinner. With each animal I killed or slaughtered the more I understood what that lesson was for. It wasn't for me to see the circle of life no. That was too easy of a answer, the reason why my father wanted me to hunt my food was for me to become independent. Independence is the most valuable thing in a Fighter. That took me quite some time for me to understand what that truly meant, even with me being Fifteen years old. His methods proves that it works. Of course it's not the best way to raise any child, what way is the best way to raise a child. My Father once told me. No matter how many times you've prepared yourself for your first child. Nothing will ever make that process of being a father easier, when I was growing up. Just seeing my father was enough for me. I guess once ei enter the age of puberty, my body started to change for the better. Now it change in too many ways. My bones and muscles were fighting to see who could take the majority of my body. That process was very painful. My father gave me a great solution for my pain, which I'm surprised that he done this for me. Once the pain started me and him would have a drink off. You know who ever could drink the most liquor before they pass out wins. I haven't won a single game yet. I couldn't even practice that though, that was the only rule he gave me. No drinking without him. He explained that drinking or doing any type of drug could damage your training. I didn't know how to would affect my training, after an thirty minute session of wall sits. I wanted to understand why he didn't want to take any liquor or drugs without him. I forgot the reason he gave me cause I passed out due the stomach cramps during the intense training. I think he hates the fact that he retired, maybe he still wants to go out for one last time. He doesn't seem the type just to put the gloves up with going out on a farewell tour. While covered in sweat and blood, I layed on the pine straw beneath me. The pine straw was on for Tuesday and Thursday. Those days were for strength on the bottom of my feets, he didn't want me to get cut on the bottoms of my feet. And that could have possibly been a weakness to my stand up game. He taught me the different styles of fighting after two years fo training . That was very confusing for me cause I thought normally you would chose a type of martial art then you would train. I can't question his system cause he has no defeats. Well I take that back he has been defeated by himself, he did say that no matter how much you train once your heart say slow down you slow down. While sleeping on the springs of a old mattress that my mother and father would make love on. I would haves dreams of me final meeting people around my age. Talking about youthful things, then I would soon realize I don't know what they are.