Chapter 269
"What… What nonsense are you speaking, Gabe? That's her! Right there!" Andrew stepped forward, making his way to Julie\Celina when Gabriel stopped him.
"What are you doing?! Let me go!" Andrew yelled again and again but Gabriel didn't let him go.
"Hahahahaha." An angelic laugh that was full of amusement flowed in the boys' ears. Gabriel couldn't help but shot a glare at Celina while he still held the struggling Andrew behind.
"Oh come on. You don't find this situation a least bit funny?" Celina asked with a coy smile.
Gabriel looked at Andrew who was yelling and struggling for him to let go but Gabriel knew he couldn't. He couldn't let Andrew go near Celina.
If she were to turn on the machine, Gabriel knew he wouldn't be able to stop what was coming. Not in time anyway.
"What do you want?" Gabriel asked Celina.