Chereads / Stargate The fifth Race / Chapter 81 - Progress

Chapter 81 - Progress

Since the advancement of the Tau'ri ,and the coming together of the five great races ,a great number of changes had occurred across several galaxies .

The Pegasus Galaxy had many changes,and a lot of progress had been achieved,the Genii had been brought under control, and are no longer a threat to any other world, the Wraith had been eliminated .

In the Milky Way Galaxy the Jaffa empire had been defeated, and human worlds had been freed, the Lucian alliance had been crushed ,and the Ashen were no longer a threat ,the military might and technological superiority of the Tau'ri ,had changed the face of the two Galaxies ,home worlds had been established in the Ida galaxy and the Kalium galaxy, and the gate network for each galaxy had been established , the Ida galaxy had its gate network upgraded,to the Pegasus gate system,and the Kalium galaxy received a gate network for the first time.

Many of the Alteran devices, that were scattered around the Pegasus galaxy, had recently been recovered ,including the city ship Nirvana, that had been buried with only its tower visible, on the planet Galla Tia, once known as the Lord Protectors planet. Through the use of beaming technology ,the soil was removed from the city ship, and spread out over a large valley ,with the help from the Martians ,and matter stream technology ,the repairs to the ship did not take long ,before the ship was in a state for it to be towed to Ex Nihilo ,where the ship would be upgraded ,and when Ex Nihilo was finished the city ship Nirvana ,would be more powerful than when she was first constructed .

The star drive had been repaired, and took the city into orbit where the city ship Avalon ,towed the Nirvana to a safe distance from the planet ,and used the wormhole drive to take the two ships to Ex Nihilo instantly ,rather than put the damaged ship through the stress of a hyperspace jump.

The Avalon appeared at Ex Nihlio with the Nirvana in tow, the tractor beams took control of the damaged ship and guided Nirvana into the ship yard ,where robots began working on the ship, entire sections of the ship were replaced, a new star drive and a wormhole drive ,along with F302 bays and the Acturus device ,had been installed and all power conduits had been upgraded, Asgard beam weapons and Ion cannons had been installed , Asgard transport beam technology , and matter stream technology had been installed ,Nirvana was completed ,and had been given all the upgrades that her sister city ships possessed, the ship would soon return to the Pegasus galaxy, and work in conjunction with Atlantis , a minimum of two city ships for each galaxy fleet had been established .

The new city for the people of Galla Tia had been constructed , the level of technology that the people of Galla Tia, were accustomed was of the renaissance era of earth.however the city had been built to the level of early Victorian times , schools were built and the five great races guided and educated the population, on the path to ascension and enlightenment, and being in harmony with nature ,science and mathematics was taught, along with agriculture and general education, the five great races encouraged the people to challenge themselves, and seek knowledge and understanding with a reverence for life .

Throughout the Pegasus galaxy, cities were being built by the Tau'ri and the Asgard, places of learning were being established by the five great races .

On the new home world of the travelers, who were the most advanced race of the Pegasus galaxy, the cities were built to a level of technology, that was just above the level that the travelers were at .

The travelers would receive access to entertainment networks, and the internet as well as cars ,and mag lift trains, the Alterans, the Nox and the Furling , would help guide them on the right path to ascension, the Asgard and the Tau'ri would help them, to grow in their understanding of technology and science , the five great races would guide and watch over, all the populated worlds of the Pegasus Galaxy.