I awoke in to see an unfamiliar ceiling and a lot of confusion, this lasted for about 10 seconds before all the memories came flooding back.聽
'Oh right, i died and asked to be reborn in Marvel. If my memories are correct, i remember that was the only thing i got to choose. The being i met, simply said that i would be imbued with the power of the character from the last piece of literature i read, whether it was a book, comic, or even a manga. The problem was, for some reason i cant seem to remember what the last thing i read was. Alright, i guess i will find out eventually, for now i need to assess my current situation.' i thought to myself.
"Okay so what do i have here?" i asked aloud to no-one in particular.
i looked around and could see I am in a room that is reminiscent of a fancy hotel or a mansion, all the bedding seems to be silk or satin, not sure which, but i know it is expensive. there is gold shining all around, a nice balcony where i am overlooking a golden city, a giant glowing bridge that goes off into the distance where i can see the expanse of space.
"Wait a second..... A... Glowing.... Bridge??"
I looked again and made sure to rub my eyes.
"Is that the fucking Bifrost??!?!"
Sure enough it was the famous rainbow bridge and i am in Asgard. i walked back into the room and tried to find a mirror. i found a full length mirror off to the side and rushed over to it. I noticed two things immediately, one, i am definitely not Thor, and two, I am not an adult anymore. Based on my height and my apparent baby face, i seem to be around 8-10 years old, im not sure the exact age as i don't believe most people can just guess the age of a kid by seeing them. At first I thought i might be Loki, but my startling blue eyes quickly removed that thought from my head. I also seemed to be of Nordic decent which you don't see too often with dark hair, but i can tell that I'll probably be pretty good looking when i grow up. i was wearing what聽can only describe as Asgardian garments.
||AN: Check chapter comment for pic of MC as a kid.||
Well this is certainly strange, i guess i must be a member of one of the royal family as i am living in the castle as far as i could tell based on the balcony view. This must mean that i am an original character that didn't exist in the original timeline of Asgard. I take a deep breath and calm myself to fully organize my thoughts and i have found something interesting in my memories. I am the brother of Thor and Loki. I was born about 2 years before Thor and Loki. They were both younger than me, Loki three years younger than me, and two for Thor. Hela had already been banished to Hel at least that's what I'd have to assume as i was born long after her banishment so i can only try to find out for myself, either see the old tapestry that had been covered up, or look for the underground tomb and see if Fenris was there.
All that was for the future though, i had to focus on gaining strength and figuring out my powers. In regard to figuring out my powers, i suppose that since i am a God, my power will manifest as my divinity, so until i unlock my divinity, i won't know what it is.
Until then i will work on increasing my skills and knowledge so that i can unlock more than one divinity. Many strong gods can unlock multiple divinities. Odin had many divinities such as, War, Battle, Poetry, Victory, and Wisdom. These were all his divinities, everything he was proficient in, although he didn't gain the title as God of Wisdom until he sacrificed his eye to gain transcendent wisdom.
I will try to focus on a small variety of weapons to try to gain a divinity in them, as long as i don't spread myself too thin, i think I'd be fine. As I was deep in my thoughts on the future I was interrupted by a knock on my door. I came and opened the door to see one of the maids.
"Your highness, his majesty requests your presence." She said as she bowed slightly.
"Yes, of course thank you for letting me know. I will dress and go to my father." I replied as I nodded at her.
"Your highness surely you jest, you should be having your maids to dress you like always yes?" She asked.
"Are you saying that I, a Prince of Asgard am incapable of dressing myself?" I replied unconsciously releasing a pressure.
"Of course not your highness, my mistake. I will wait here for you to guide you to your father." She replied
I nodded and then walked back into my room the only time I will have the maids help me dress is when I first put on my armor that I will receive as I get older as I don't know how Asgardian armor works.
I dressed quickly in more fancy clothes for meeting with my father and walked out my room to see the maid to which I gestured to lead the way. I followed the maid and we arrived in the throne room to where my Father and brothers were already there.
"Father, you sent for me?" I asked
"Yes my son, come I am to tell you and the boys a story as we visit the vault." Odin said as he walked toward us.
"Once, mankind accepted a simple truth, that they were not alone in the universe." Odin began as he walked past us and we followed.
"Some worlds man believed to be home to their gods, others they knew to fear. From a realm of cold and darkness came the Frost Giants. Threatening to plunge the mortal world into a new ice age. But humanity would not face this threat alone. Our armies drove the frost giants back into the heart of their homeworld, the cost was great. In the end, their King fell. And the source of their power was taken from them. With the last great war ended, we withdrew from the other worlds and returned home, to the Realm Eternal, Asgard. Here we remain as a beacon of hope shining out across the stars. And though we have fallen into mankind's myths and legends, it was Asgard and it's warriors that brought peace to the universe." Odin explained as we finally arrived in the vault in front of The Casket of Ancient Winters, the source of the Frost Giant's power.
Thor had the look of a child enamored by the story and I could tell this was the culmination of Thor's Hero Worship for Odin which would cause him to try to be exactly as Odin was in the past. Honestly Thor's disobedience and subsequent banishment were all Odin's fault as he didn't do enough to explain to Thor about how terrible war actually is.
Me, I was just excited to hear the story, and now be a God of Asgard.
"But the day will come, when one of you will have to defend that peace." Odin continued.
"Do the Frost Giants still live?" Loki asked.
"When I am King, I will hunt the monsters down and slay them all, just as you did father" Thor said as he slashed at the air with his hand as if simulating attacking with a sword.
"A wise King never seeks out war." Odin started as the excitement in the kid's eyes dimmed.
"But, he must always be ready for it." He continued and walked past them missing as the excitement came back.
Both Thor and Loki looked at each other excitedly and I was matching their energy. We all then ran toward Odin's leaving figure.
"I'm ready father." Thor said.
"So am I." Loki and I said at the same time as I was playing along. And Thor and Loki grabbed Odin's hand and I just followed excited.
I had already known from my memories that I was normally very solemn and didn't show much affection unless it was those I was close to, so Odin thought nothing of it.
"Only one of you can ascend to the throne, but you were all born to be Kings." Odin explained.
Hearing the story actually, being in the presence of Odin, all this just cemented the facts because the situation was just official proof that I am really here. I have been Reborn.