Upon hearing her words, he felt the urge to question why she was still lingering in the Watermen realm instead of swiftly advancing with the money she mentioned.
However, he refrained from asking such a direct question.
He reasoned that she must have valid reasons or lacked the necessary skills to progress even with sufficient funds.
Sensing his confusion, she elaborated, "I'm not just spouting nonsense, young one. I speak from personal experience."
"I was just 15 years old when I lost my husband at sea. It was a tough time for me and my child, as none of my relatives, friends, or acquaintances stepped up to offer any help. However, I managed to get by with the money I had saved up. I used that money to rent this shop, and by selling the fish I caught, I was able to provide a wonderful life for my son. Even when my son left me to live in the town, the money I earned still helped me to take care of myself. So, never underestimate the power of money..."
Chao Xiang was taken aback as he listened to her story for the first time.
In the past, whenever he inquired about her family, she would always dodge the topic.
It saddened him to hear her speak about it now.
"*Hic* Money holds all the power!... My son abandoned me here to chase after wealth in the town... He believed money was more valuable than me... *Hic* Haha... HAHAHA..."
"So don't lose hope in yourself. You are still young, and there is plenty of time for improvement. Do not confine yourself to just one pursuit. If you are feeling lonely, focus on earning more money... If you are feeling worthless, focus on earning more money... Do not despise yourself, because if you give up, everything will end... Keep going even if you do not feel like it, because one day things will change... Earn more money, and things will change... Who knows, one day you will come across someone just like you, abandoned by everyone... Just like how I met you a year ago... You might be the one to change that person's life... If only you had enough money... BECAUSE MONEY IS EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD..."
She was fully immersed in the alcohol, her head dropping heavily onto the table.
Chao Xiang looked at her with a sad smile, feeling down despite her attempts to lift his spirits.
He now realized why she had taken him in without hesitation a year ago - he reminded her of her past self, abandoned by those she trusted.
He was moved by her resilience and admired her strong will to keep pushing forward.
She is strong... strong...
"Grandma Mu, I don't think money is that important..."
She raised her eyes, with a menacing look as if saying say that again.
"What's important was not money but people..."
Even though he admired her, it did not mean he would accept everything she was saying.
Like she had her circumstances and her logic that helped to perceive the world, he also has his logic.
"*Hic* What the hell are you talking about? Do you want to get knocked by my punch? Money is more important than these ungrateful people, fool..."
"Not for me though, by your logic, if I had money when I was abandoned, it would have been stolen very easily. Even if it were not stolen by anyone it would have ended in a biggest loss for me..."
"How so?"
"I wouldn't have met you, Grandma Mu... who will be saddened if anything happens to me... who will give me these costly foods to encourage me to keep living... "
She widened her eyes in surprise, staring at him in a daze.
For a moment, she could not find her voice before scoffing, "Hmph, when did you become such a smooth talker? Even if you try to impress me now, I will not buy these things for you again. It is the last time... If you will not save money to fix your dantian-"
"My dantian is already healed, grandma..."
She spewed out the wine she was drinking upon hearing his words.
Her eyes widened in shock, and it seemed like she was quickly recovering from her previous state of sobriety.
"Yeah, just today morning, it's completely recovered..."
"For real?!"
"For real..."
The whole surroundings fell silent as she looked at him with a dazed expression.
Then she suddenly broke into a crazy laugh.
"Haha... hahaha...HAHAHAHA... so that's how it is... no wonder, no wonder... you seemed to be different, and confident... so you recovered huh? I see where your guts came from... It will not take long for the revival of genius... Haha..."
Chao Xiang looked at her worriedly, is she okay?
Why did she just laugh like that?
He asked with a concerned voice, "Grandma Mu, I think you have drunk more than enough. I could not understand what you were trying to say, revival of the genius? are you talking about me?"
"...*Hic* who the hell do you think I was talking about if it's not about you? you are the genius here, who could be able to evade the all-out attack of higher realm cultivator..."
He could not help but roll his eyes as he listened to her babbling,
'Are you exaggerating everything? Is avoiding the attack of a small kid such a huge accomplishment? Why do you all talk about it like it is some kind of achievement?'
Grandma Mu tried to get up with a relieved expression but stumbled due to her sobriety.
Luckily, Chao Xiang caught her and carefully took her back to her house after closing the shop.
She kept mumbling on the way until he placed her on the bed. He could not help but release a big sigh.
'I hope she forgets everything she is talking about right now. Otherwise, she will feel so embarrassed to see me tomorrow...'
Before he could leave, she suddenly held his hand and in a serious tone, questioned, "So, what are your plans from now on?"
He had not thought about it much.
His main goal was to work at the shop, gather fish, and improve his strength gradually.
There was not any urgent need for him to become stronger right away.
Apart from that... "Hmm... I want to go to the sea..."