Chereads / Spectacular World / Chapter 3 - A Dream Of Flying

Chapter 3 - A Dream Of Flying

Humans have always had a strange addiction to telling stories. Poets, playwrights, and authors. They've existed for just as long as humanity. Storytelling is a job that will likely never vanish off the face of the Earth.

There is one piece of storytelling that addicts more than others, however.


They could be found everywhere. Tales of knights saving their kingdom, rebels fighting against tyrannical warlords, or even just simple cowboys fighting for what's right.

When it comes to heroes, people can't seem to get enough of them. So much so that they needed more. The heroes themselves needed to be more.

They needed to be Super...

"She was so cool, Dad! Like, I've seen her on shows. I mean, I have her action figure, but this was different, like seeing her in person was-"

"Hope, you need air." Alexander chuckled and reached up to pinch her cheek.

She slowed down, her face red as she nodded, and took several deep gulps of air. It was a few hours after the bank incident. Due to everything that had happened, her mother never got to speak to anyone about that loan. That was okay, though. Or at least that's what Jane kept saying, but she could spot the worry behind her mother's eyes.

She silently pushed her glasses further up her face and took in the sight of her dad. The hospital room was pretty bland; he used to get a ton of 'get well' stuff, but when weeks turned to months and those turned to years, people stopped asking for him to get better.

He was once a big man, and she remembered that he would carry her on his shoulders. He was frail now, though. His beard was gone, as was most of his hair, and his eyes always looked tired, and there were so many wires—too many—all connected to him, weighing him down.

Still, he had a large, goofy smile on his face as she sat on the bed next to him, and he held her like old times. Her mom and Armin were in the waiting room, so it was just her and her father.

"Mom and I are fine. The Victorian saved us." She finally said.

"I'm glad. I can't believe villains are still robbing banks in this day and age." Her father sighed, shaking his head. "When will people learn?"

"Where do you think it comes from?" The question caused her father to look back up at her. "Their powers, I mean. Do you think they always had them, or did something happen to them? Why are some people heroes, and why do some people decide to be villains?"

Alexander felt his mind race, and for a moment, he considered telling her the truth. The thing about the strange pod they had found and where she had really come from. Like always, though, he squashed that thought. He wasn't ready for it yet. He still wanted her to be his little girl for just a little longer. "Why do you ask? You want superpowers?" He finally asked.

"Well, yeah! What kid wouldn't?" She said, rolling her eyes. 'But it's more than that.' It went unsaid, never leaving her lips.

"If you had powers, which side would you be on?" Her father joked, grasping her hands.

"Obviously, I'd be a good guy." She huffed, causing him to snort.

"Yeah. Obviously. What powers would you have?"

"Something that lets me fly. I'd love to fly around the planet with Victorian, helping her kick evil's butt! Bad Timers would be the first thing we destroy!"

Alexander's grip got tighter around her hand as he chuckled once more. "Well, sorry to say, but you're still a mere mortal like any of us. Besides, I don't think my heart could handle you doing something like that. Let's stick with just being a fan of the Victorian instead of her sidekick, okay? Oh yeah. I have good news."

"Yeah?" She perked up at that.

"Do you know the superhero team called Reservoir?"

"Yeah. They're a group of heroes with water-based powers who work under the Ocean Empress; oh, she's a member of the Enforcers also and-"

"Air, Hope." Her father reached up and flicked her on the nose. She breathed in deeply, and he broke into a fit of laughter. It took him a moment to calm down as he grinned. "Well, Reservoir recently got a new member who has a healing-based ability. She lives in Lillian, but the hospital made a deal. She'll be stopping by in Oleander and trying to heal all the critical patients, and I'm on the waiting list."

"You're going to be able to leave!"

"I didn't say that." That caused her to go silent instantly. "I don't want you to get your hopes up. We don't know if it will work, but she should be able to do something with any luck."

She reached down and gripped her father's hand, smiling as brightly as she could manage. "Then I'll be sure to thank her when you're up and walking again."

She wasn't sure how long they had been there, but soon enough, it had gotten late, with the stars shining through the window. She was forced to say goodbye as a doctor came to give her father medication that would let him sleep despite the vast pain he was constantly in. She said bye to Armin as they dropped him off at his house, and soon enough, they arrived back at the small apartment that her mother called their home.

They had been forced to sell their house early on into the bill issues. The apartment itself wasn't that bad in the grand scheme of things, with two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. It was a cramped space that had caused her nerves to boil more than once, but it was home.

Her mom took the time to tuck her in, and it didn't take long for sleep to claim her. That night, she dreamed of soaring across the stars.

Unknown to all of them, far away, in a storage locker where they had thrown most of their old junk, a small metal orb began to glow with a faint blue light...


The bell tolled through the hallway, and students ran around in an effort to get seated.

"Alright, alright. Butts in seats." The voice of Mr. Pluto, her favorite teacher, hollered.

Mr. Pluto was a strict man, yet also kind to an extent. It wasn't that he was ever mean; it was just that he was tired all the time. His hair was always messy, and the black locks seemed filled with more gray every day.

Today, though, Mr. Pluto wasn't alone. Standing up front next to the man was a young sixteen-year-old boy. One with caramel skin and light brown hair.

The teacher cleared his throat and began. "Okay, I'll make this quick since I'm tired. We got your tests back, and... They aren't good. Most of you won't be able to meet the grade average. I understand that things have been harsh these last few years, but I am still very disappointed in all of you."

As the man spoke, many of the kids looked away awkwardly as his eyes roamed the classroom.

"I expect you all to do better next time. In fact, only one of you managed to score above average. Of course, I'm talking about our local hero nut, Ms. Lauren." An awkward silence filled the classroom, and a quiet cough could be heard after a moment. "I said... our very own Ms. Lauren."

"I think she's asleep in the back." One student said awkwardly.

In the back of the classroom, with her arms folded and her head face down, Hope Lauren tried to get in a few extra moments of sleep, going back to the dream world, where she got to fly around and fight crime with the world's greatest superhero.

"Wake up!" The teacher yelled, hitting the desk and causing her to let out a loud squeak as she shot up and tripped over her chair, falling back. She laughed nervously when she saw that everyone was looking down on her.

"Hey, Mr. Pluto. Long time, no see. Am I in trouble?" She asked sheepishly. Her teacher stared blankly at her, causing her to shrink further into the ground.

"Now that sleeping beauty is awake, let's go ahead and start class." The teacher said, moving back to the front of the room. He gestured to the boy, who was still standing awkwardly near the entrance of the room. "Everyone, this is Kyle Brenner. He's your new classmate, so treat him nicely. Mr. Brenner, you can take a seat near the back next to Ms. Lauren. If she bites, we found that hitting her over the head a few times will get her to stop it."

Kyle laughed at that but stopped when he saw the teacher still had a serious look on his face. "That was a joke, right?"


"Oh? So, like, has that happened before or-"


"Yes, sir!"

She frowned as Kyle took a seat next to her. She eyed the new boy up for a moment. She had to admit that he was handsome. The kind that would join a popular clique in no time and likely even get Ashley to chase after him. Not her type, though.

"You aren't about to bite me, are you?" Kyle snorted, causing her to jump and look away.

"I'm just wondering why someone would transfer to this school so late." She shrugged. The year was almost over. Soon, it would be summer. There were only about three months of school left, so it was odd. Most people would likely enroll next year.

"My dad just moved, and he's sort of into staying in school." Kyle explained, giving her a smirk. "He'd rather I stay in public view."

"Public view? What do you-"

"Ms. Lauren, please refrain from talking while I'm teaching." Mr. Pluto barked. "Now, let's begin today's lesson."


Once more, the day soon ended just like any other, as the bell rang. She felt exhausted as she slowly walked down the stone steps and out onto the sidewalk.

Like always, the homeless man was back, already being dragged away by security as he screamed up a storm. "The Emperor lives! He walks among us. Soon, his challenger will return! Very soon!"

"Think that guy will ever be arrested?" Armin asked. She and Armin didn't share any classes, so they only got to see each other either during lunch or when school got out, which wasn't too bad. She liked privacy every now and then.

"He's not hurting anyone. Besides, with a few more lines, I think I can create a bingo game out of the threats that he yells. Anyways, we didn't get to yesterday 'cause of the bank, but are you up for the comic shop?"

"Hey, wait up." A voice called out, causing her to nearly trip mid-step down the stairs. She turned to find Kyle pushing his way through the crowd of students and making his way towards her.

"Hey, isn't that the new guy?" Armin asked.


"And he wants to talk to you?"


"What deal with the devil did you make?" He asked, shooting her a look.

"Cut it out." She jabbed her friend in the ribs. "Uh,'sup, new kid." She said dumbly when the boy finally reached her.

Kyle gave her a slight grin, stuffing his hands in his pocket. "You two walking home together?" He asked, shooting a look at her and Armin. "If you are, I'd love to tag along if you don't mind."

For a moment, Armin looked as if he was about to say something, but a loud buzz pierced the air, and the boy winced, going for his phone and reading a text. "I forgot something in school. Hey, Hope, head out without me. Be cool, okay." He nudged her in the ribs, being met with a blank stare from the girl before he ran off, leaving her helpless in front of the new kid.

"Well, that was odd." Kyle raised an chuckled. "I guess it's just me and you."

"You want to walk with me?"

"I'd like to talk with you, actually, but I guess we'll be walking too." Kyle grinned.


Kyle pointed at her chest. "I like your shirt. I guess that was enough."

She looked down and felt her face turn red. She was wearing her Enforcers shirt; all ten heroes frozen in battle with masked goons.

Kyle pointed at one hero in particular. "My favorite is Ocean Empress. She's badass." He grinned.

"Yeah, she is a total badass! Have you got any of her merch?"

Kyle's grin deepened. "Hell, yeah, I do. I've got the entire Team Reservoir photo shoot collection from last year's convention in Daisy City. Most of them are signed, too. Just need to get Water-Gal's."

She blinked a few times, thoroughly impressed. "You know what? You're cool. What did you want with me anyway, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I just wanted to talk." He shrugged as they began to walk. "I recently moved here, so I'm just looking to get to know people. I'm trying to find a new group, I guess. I live a few blocks away. Mind walking with me?"

"I'm fine with that."

"Thanks." Kyle smiled. "So, I take it you're a fan of heroes."

"Isn't everyone?"

"Well, I doubt the bad guys are." They shared a laugh at that.

He broke out into a light trot, and she kept her pace even with the boy as they hit the end of the street. "So, you said you moved here recently. Where were you from before?" She asked.

"I used to live in Lillian," Kyle explained. "It was... let's say, different. That's a good word."

"Well, welcome to Oleander City." She joked, waving her arms around.

Oleander wasn't the biggest city in the world, but it was still massive compared to some places, with glittering skyscrapers, run-down neighborhoods, and a great view of the beach. It was a pretty nice place, if a little too much like a cliché action movie city.

"So, I noticed school wasn't as exciting as it had been yesterday." Kyle asked, raising an eyebrow.


"The hallway."

"You were there?"

"Well, I saw the end of it when the principal was showing me around. It's pretty badass how you threw hands with that guy. Seeing that is one of the reasons I convinced my dad I wanted to join today instead of next week like we had planned."

Throwing hands wasn't really the word she would have used. Kyle seemed oddly excited about it, though.

The boy gave her a sly smile. "So, I don't suppose you're-" Kyle never got to finish, as he was suddenly cut off by a loud cry. It came from up ahead, making them both come to a sudden stop.

It didn't sound like what you would hear when a crime was being committed. This wasn't a person in trouble. It was an animal.

She took off running, moving as fast as she could. Kyle did his best to keep up with her, but she was surprisingly fast. The two of them rounded the corner, ending up at the entrance to a small park. That was when she saw it.

At the end of the park, three boys stood staring down at something in front of them. They were all swarmed around a wounded dog, which they were kicking and poking at with sticks.

The poor thing let out several loud cries of anguish but seemed to be hurt too badly to move; its legs were twisted at an odd angle. A car had likely run it over.

"What the hell are you doing? You're hurting it!" Her yelling caused the three boys to pause. She barely registered the fact that the trio were members of the football team and were some of the boys that usually followed and obeyed Kevin, though the star himself wasn't present.

"Well, well, well." One of the boys, the biggest one in fact, turned when she yelled. "That's the girl that Kev was telling us about, right?"

"Pretty sure." Another shrugged.

"No, it is. I saw her nail Kev in the back of the head with her bag!" The last one stated.

"I said, what are you doing?!" She repeated it louder this time, and if looks could kill, the football player would have already been six feet under.

"Oh, relax," one of the boys said, letting out a dark chuckle. "We aren't the ones who did this. We found it like this. It was hit by a car or something. It's going to die anyway."

"So! Why does that matter? You're still hurting it!" She cried out, her glare growing larger.

"Geez, just calm down. It's not like we're going to kill it ourselves. Besides, it's too far gone. Its back side is crushed, and its legs are all twisted. I doubt it'll live much longer anyway, and it can't be saved."

"That doesn't matter!" She hissed. She shook her head and clenched her fists as her mind raced. "If it has no chance to survive, then either leave it alone or put it out of its misery. You're just making it worse!"

"So now you want us to kill it?" Another of the boys asked, giving her a frown. "You don't make a lot of sense."

Kyle's lips were pressed into a thin line. He placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to pull her back. "Hey. I'll handle this; you step back-"

"No," She said, shaking her head. "I'm not walking away from these jerks." She pulled herself out of Kyle's grip.

The biggest of the players gave another sneer for a moment. "Fine, you want the damn dog to be put down." He raised his foot up and pressed it down into the animal's back, causing it to let out a horrible screeching sound as it howled in pain.

Before he could even register what was happening, she had already reached him and swung her bag right into his face. It was a heavy backpack filled with as many books as she could carry, just in case she needed to use it as a weapon, like she was now doing. As he stumbled back, his shock faded to rage as he stepped forward roughly, slamming his fist into her face, easily busting her lip and nose as she tripped and fell back, hitting the ground, her glasses going flying off of her face.

The football player paused when he saw her eyes. She was on the ground from his attack, her face bloody, but there was still a fire in her eyes. The same determination she had used against Kevin and that villain. Her foot flew out, and she kicked him right between the legs, causing him to yell and fall on his butt. When she had been a kid, Armin had gone through a phase where he wanted to do martial arts. She had never been good at it herself; she usually didn't get into fights like this, but she knew enough about the basics to know that if you wanted to fight someone bigger than you, then you needed to down them first.

She was on him before he hit the ground. He was bigger than her and a lot stronger as well. He was basically a mini-Kevin. Brute force would never work, so instead, she got her backpack behind him as best she could, getting the straps tangled around his arms and neck as he thrashed around wildly, trying to get up.

She began to punch, kick, and even bite him. Nothing was off the table. She hit him with everything she had, forcing him further into the dirt. She might have even won this fight, if you could call it that, but she was forced to let go of him when one of the other boys smacked her upside the head with a stick, knocking her over. She hit the dirt again but didn't have time to form any plans. There were three of them after all, so taking down one really didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things.

She felt them starting to wail on her, but she refused to scream out in pain. Thankfully, she didn't have to put up with it for long. "That's enough," Kyle yelled, causing the kicking to stop.

She felt one of the boys be tackled off of her, and she could hear the sounds of fighting. She was too injured to turn, but she didn't have to wait long, as seconds later, Kyle crashed into the ground next to her with a groan, having been jumped by the three boys. They totally lost.

"You two are insane." One of them hissed out, wiping the blood from his busted lip that she had given him. "I'm going to make sure Kevin puts you in the ground-"

"What's going on here?" Unlike when Kyle had yelled it, this voice had a solid edge to it. She heard someone walking towards them, and the bullies turned. "Picking on a nerd and a girl, you three are jokes."

She could hear the ringleader growl, and for the third time, the park was filled with the sounds of fighting. It was over quickly. She heard screaming, but not from the new person. It was the players. One of them crashed into the ground, gripping a broken wrist. The other had his face nearly caved in, and the last, the leader, was smashed into the ground face first.

She managed to push herself up and watched as the three boys began to crawl away, followed by quickly running, scared of whoever had just given them the beating of a lifetime. "You okay?"

She felt a pair of arms wrap around her, and she was pulled into a standing position. She looked up at her savior. He was a tall, athletic boy in his late teens with very pale-looking skin and hair that had obviously been dyed blonde.

"Rowan?" Kyle stood up, wobbling slightly.

"Sup, K. Your dad sent me to look for you. It's a good thing, too. Those guys were giving you the beating of a lifetime." Rowan gave the boy a large grin, while Kyle sighed and shook his head.

"Do you two know each other?" She asked. The boy wasn't someone from her school, so either he was new or he was at a different school.

"Sadly, we do." Kyle nodded. "Hope, this is my... Well, I guess you can call him my friend."

"Your words hurt, K." Rowan snorted. He held a hand out to her. "I'm his best friend."

"That isn't how I would put it, but sure." Kyle nodded. "Best friend."

The pale boy just shrugged and moved past them. He removed his jacket and wrapped it around the dog's body. She was ashamed to admit that in everything that had happened, she had forgotten about it. "What are you doing?" She demanded. The puppy was yelping and moaning as Rowan lifted it.

"There's a vet clinic nearby. A buddy of mine works there," the boy explained. "I know it's a long shot, but I'm going to try to get this little guy over there. I have to try, at least."

"I'll go with you." Kyle didn't sound happy when he said it, but he still stepped forward.

"Me too-"

"No." She nearly jumped when both boys spoke at the same time. "You should head to a hospital or at least a doctor's office," Rowan explained.

"He's right." Kyle groaned a little, rubbing at his eyes, which had become swollen. Still, he was in far better condition than Hope. She had taken quite the beating. "I'll make sure the dog is okay. You worry about yourself."

She wanted to argue, but honestly, she was in way too much pain. "Sure." She finally said.

Kyle was just about to leave with Rowan but stopped when he spotted something. "Oh, if you want to get home, you might need these." He picked something off the ground and handed it to her, smiling.

She stared down at her crooked glasses, which had come off during the fight. "Oh. Thanks." She decided to keep quiet when she realized her eyesight hadn't changed after they flew off her face.