They were gossiping without knowing there was person standing staring Elsa darkly and he listened everything.
And yes he was Aiden. He didn't like a bit a thought of someone approaching Elsa, or wooing her. This new information just blown his mind . He was furious but now he have to deal with Mr mathew.
Mark go and find information about Sam guy he said darkly
Mark got shivered by listening his dark voice he replied ok master. He went out and stare at Elsa for last time.
Why I am soo worried about her? Shit I am just loosing my mind right now .
Miss shila was telling all students to gather around that they were going to Germany famously restaurant for breakfast which is Luxembourg. I don't know much about that place. Soo please cooperate with me.
When all students arrived, the buses were already there Andy was going to sit with elsa but her friend James sit there and wink at Andy to go and find another place.
How are you?
I am fine James but just little tired she explained with a little pout which surely increased the heart beat of James.
Before he can say something he saw that Elsa kept his head on his shoulder and just slept. By this act he was surely near to get heart attack.
His breathing became unstable. He was dreaming to become Elsa boyfriend.
He watched as she was sleeping sooo peacefully.