Chereads / HP/DxD: Raven / Chapter 70 - Sword of Gryffindor-

Chapter 70 - Sword of Gryffindor-

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Word Count 1915


France. Ministère de la magie

At the arriving point for the International Portkey. The guard was calmly watching over while sipping on his coffee. The next Portkey from England should be arriving at any second if anybody bought the ticket.

Many people come to France for the beauty and the high class magical restaurants. But by far the most visited magical location in the world is Spain. With its markets. The entire district is just one large marketplace. And it boasts the biggest underground market in the world both in size and numbers.

However considering it was a bit late in the day. Nobody should be arriving from England. People are usually going back home at this time.


A loud nose followed as the portkey was activated.

'Someone is coming to France in this hour?' the guard stood up and looked at the person who came out of the portkey. An old man dressed in eye blinding bright purple robes and had a long beard. It took him a second to realize who it was and his face paled.

 'Albus Dumbledore'

Due to his actions. Or rather inactions, since he allowed Grindelwald to rampage across Paris and damage most of the magical zones. Dumbledore wasn't very welcome in France. He was actually blacklisted in the country for a while but then he got into politics, got some important positions and the ban was lifted.

Even though the guard didn't like him he had to be professional "Monsieur Dumbledore. Welcome to France. Are you here on business or pleasure?"

Dumbledore glanced at the guards nametag "Good Evening Mr. Dupont. I am afraid I'm here on urgent business."

The guard was grinning on the inside but let out a calm smile "Are you? Well then lets hurry up with the procedures."

'Eh' Dumbledore was stunned, then he realized what was happening. 'They are still angry about Paris? That was decades ago.' but he quickly composed himself

 "I'm sorry. But I am in a hurry to see my mentor. Nicolas Flamel. I have urgent business with him"

The guard paused. Nicolas Flamel was one of the most powerful men in France. Even though he preferred to stay in the background. But the guard knew a secret. Well an open secret that is talked among the Ministry employees. Flamel and Dumbledore have a shaky relationship. And Nicolas was actually doing some things to get in Dumbledore's way.

So there was no actual problem besides pissing Dumbledore off. 'I am old and tired. I have no children to worry about whatever that man might do to me it will be worth it just for this moment.'

"Oh, well if its for Mr. Flamel then I must give it my best. Come, Come." Mr. Dupont grabbed Dumbledore by the elbow and lead him into the office to get started on the paperwork.


Dumbledore came out of the office 10 minutes latter with a furious expression. 'That insufferable little pig. I had to use Legilimency and a wandless Compulsion to make him hurry up. Otherwise I would have been stuck there for even more time. Sadly as it sounds, it might have been better for me to go the legal route. Many eyes are watching over me at the moment.

And as much as I would like to use force to deal with all of them. That is the way of beasts who can not think. The best fights are those where the enemy is defeated before they even start.'

After walking for some time. Albus reached one of the checkpoints. These checkpoints were known to very few people in the world, and for a good reason. The person in charge of the checkpoint recognized Dumbledore and passed him a small slip of paper.

The only way to get to the Flamel Mansion is through these checkpoints. Perenelle Flamel designed their defences. Besides the frankly terrifying ward scheme that is constantly involving and a giant ward stone that is being charged through a lay line and natural energy over centuries.

Their home is under a Fidelius Charm. But they tweaked the spell allowing for these temporary 'visitor pass'. Once they leave the property they will forget everything about it. They could also forcefully remove the 'visitors pass' meaning they could take away the information they have given away.

After the information about their location appeared in his head. Dumbledore made his way to the Flamel Mansion. He apparated to the nearest possible point and preceded to go on foot. But then stopped. The wards on his office back at Hogwarts were triggered and send him an alert.

He froze in place his mind going as fast as it could. 'It was pre-planned. The stone. Then my office. I was the target. But how far.. from the Wizengamot meeting. They were in the room. Watching me and my reactions. And just when things were getting heated. They chose that exact moment to strike.

First they stole the stone through an unknown method. Causing me to panic and rush back to Nicolas so that he can use his locator spell on the stone. Then while I was away. They struck again. This time my office. I can't feel my connection to Fawkes. That means they have my Phoenix and all of the valuable items there.

They got me. I don't know who it is, but someone powerful is targeting me. Blast it all. I need to get to Nicolas. When he activates the tracking spell on the Stone i can find the location of the thief.

Dumbledore hurried along, walking at a fast pace towards the Mansion in the distance.

~ Harry's Safe House. 

Harry sighs as he sits down on a chair. He had done it.

'Man that was a bit nerve racking. Can't believe I pulled it off. But I got everything I need. The stone is in the Chamber of Secrets. And I have the Sorting Hat along with Dumbledore's valuables. And I think I have an idea on how to get the sword out of the Hat'

While he was still disguised, Harry pulls out the Hat from the box.

"Release me yo-"

A wandless silencing spell for some peace and quiet. Harry just stared at the hat while he cast diagnostic spells on it.

Now the Hat had been enchanted to give the sword to anyone who 'needs' it to protect Hogwarts from a 'Great Danger'. Like the Original Harry Potter did. That's the condition for the enchantment to activate. Now obviously Harry isn't stupid enough to risk his own life to protect the school. And setting loose the Basilisk in the Hallways to kill innocent children is just wrong.

'I mean, I am going to kill the Basilisk for its parts. But it isn't a 'Great Danger' until it actually posses a threat to the children. So what do i do? Scam it.'

Harry proceeds to splits his mind into two. Parallel thoughts. A very useful MageCraft and Occlumency spell that Harry heavily abuses. His greatest strength is his mind, high processing power due to Occlumency, mind rituals and MageCraft spells along with Parallel thoughts. And his innate nature as well.

Harry put his hand inside the hat. His Occlumency defending his mind except for the two 'selves or minds' he had created

One of the 'minds' will think heavily about destroying Hogwarts, massacring everybody and causing Chaos.

The other one would think all about Saving Hogwarts at all costs. But he needs 'help'. Effectively one had become a 'Great Danger' while the other a desperate 'Hero' who needs 'help'.

The mad genius used Emotional Occlumency to boost the feelings of those thoughts. An insane idea since it could backfire on him, messing with Parallel thoughts and giving them emotions could lead to a dangerous situation. But it didn't, and suddenly, he felt a weight on his hand. A handle.

The Hat started to struggle and move around. But it was useless.

Harry grinned as he grabbed the handle and pulled.


A silvery sword was pulled out and it produced a lovely sound. The sword is made from pure Goblin Silver. It had a big ruby on the pommel and two on the sides of the guard. Along the blade there was an inscribing. GODRIC GRYFFINDOR.

Harry poured some magic into the blade and it flowed smoothly. Very Smoothly. This caused him to raise an eyebrow 'Hmm. Interesting. Although it doesn't channel magic better than my wand its still as good as an average wizarding wand. I can easily cast spells with this and this is most likely what Godric used it for. Wand in one hand and sword in the other. He could cast spells from both. Not bad old man'

Harry put away the sword. Now he just needs to add each poison he creates to the sword. And a new One Cut-One Death Sword like Murasame will be born. Harry put away the Hat inside the box. If he was feeling kind he might just drop it off on some tropical island. The little guy deserves it after being trapped inside a cold dark castle for a thousand years.

Now all I need to do is go back to Hogwarts. I need to synthesise the Elixir for Melinda and Bella. Maybe even use the overwhelming vitality in the Elixir in combination with Blood Magic to make Tori feel better.

It doesn't really matter. The stone is in his hands and the only problem was that it couldn't leave Hogwarts. For now. Eventually he will crack the code of the stone and get rid off all the safety measures on it.

Harry left in a teleportation circle to pick up some things, and in less than an hour he was at Hogsmeade and was making his way to Hogwarts. As he passed through the gates and hallways. He made sure students saw him as much as possible. Going purposefully to the crowded parts of Hogwarts.

He had heard rumours and such. About how the castle was attacked. Crazy ideas about who this attacker might be. Conspiracy theories started to pop up. The Hogwarts Rumour Mill was going wild.

Surprisingly or actually not. Just as he arrived. The professors that were left in Hogwarts quickly called the perfects and ordered each student to return to their rooms. Something that they really should have done before he had arrived. They waited for him specifically. Why did they make such a stupid decision, Harry had no idea.

He entered the Lord's Quarters and was about to relax and have a drink. Only to find Hope standing near the entrance with her arms crossed and a frown on her face.

"Harry while you were away doing your Lord things, someone infiltrated and blew up Dumbledore's office. It was a very big explosion but surprisingly a lot of things were missing. Like the Phoenix, The Sorting Hat and a lot of books... You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you"

It was then that Harry remembered the nagging feeling at the back of his head. The one that stuck to him since he was in the ministry. The feeling that he had forgotten something.

'I forgot to tell Hope about the Office Heist.'

Even with his brilliant mind. Some small things slip away unless he focuses on it to remember it. Something that he didn't do this time.

'Well... crap. There goes my relaxing afternoon'