Chereads / Jetstream: A Transformers Story / Chapter 17 - The Score is Settled

Chapter 17 - The Score is Settled

Sam and Carly ran into a street, cutting through an alley as Starscream kept running after them, eager to put their bodies in the ground once and for all. As they ran, Starscream would virtually be behind them now, catching up rather easily with the two and was just about to swipe at them with his hands when Jet came flying in from the right and spearing him into a building. The two bots would fly out the other side with Jet rolling back to his feet quickly as he prepared to engage Starscream.

"Sam! Carly! Get as far away from here as possible!" Jet yelled.

As Starscream tried to get up, Jetstream would run at him, unsheathing his wrist blades and sinking them into his back causing him to screech. Starscream would slam his back into a building before using his thrusters to fly up, hitting Jet off his back.

"You'll pay for that" Starscream declared before flying at him.

Sam and Carly put some distance between themselves and the fight going on; taking cover behind a building a block down, but Sam still felt like he needed to do something. He had Boomsticks in his possession and wanted to use it to help Jet out in this fight. He took it out of his bag and held it out in his arms staring at it. Carly already knew what he was thinking and didn't like the idea.

"Sam, don't do it"

"I have to"

"No you don't he can handle himself"

"This is Starscream we're talking about. The same Decepticon that has tried to kill me multiple times over the years and shot of Bee's legs when I was in high school and I'm not about to let that go"

"What do you think you're going to do? Those two are locked in a fierce death match and you could get squished" she said with concern.

"There's a chance I might, and there's a chance I won't. That's a chance I'm willing to take"

Sam sprang up from their hiding place and moved cautiously towards where the fight was going on. He was going to try and give Jetstream some sort of advantage. After all, he's fighting to protect them.

Jetstream rolled forward as he avoided Starscream's swinging mace as it was aimed at his head. He would take hold of a car on the street and toss it at the Decepticon obscuring his vision as he ran at him. He would slide on the ground passing by his right leg and use his blades to slice him above the knee to put him off balance. He would but his blade in the ground to turn his body quickly as he jumped at the Seeker again, aiming for his back once more. Starscream reacted quickly using the car he threw at him to whack him into a building like a tennis ball.

The Autobot was then grabbed by the head before getting slammed into another building then tossed on the ground like garbage.

"All this effort, for what? For WHAT?!" Starscream yelled. "You think you're better than me?! You think you can possibly accomplish half of the things I've achieved?!"

Jet would stand to his feet as he ran at the Seeker again, jumping off the side of a building as he moved towards Starscream to try and deliver another blow. Starscream was prepared for this and readied his mace to swing at him but Jet had other ideas. He would use his air vents to shot high pressure air from his sides taking him above the seeker. He was now upside down as he was halfway through his flip and got his cannons out quickly to shoot Starscream's left jet engine. He was right on the mark as he caused it to explode.

The Seeker let out a rageful scream in anger and frustration. He turned around quickly not giving Jet any breathing space and Jetstream by the neck then slammed him into a building over and over and over like a psychopath before throwing him on to the ground again. Jet needed something to tip the scale even if it was just for a second. Starscream didn't give him the chance to make his moves connect.

"You see Deathstrike. This is the difference between me and you. I have no mercy, I have no compassion, I have no remorse. That inner killer instinct you simply do not possess it" Starscream said walking towards him as he prepared his missile launcher.

Jet was still lying on the floor with his back, weakened by the multiple hits from Starscream. Their battles were never this one sided. Was this how far he had fallen down over the years? Or was it because he wasn't in Seeker mode? Whatever the case, he would notice Sam sneaking around with a Boomstick in hand. If he could keep Starscream busy long enough for Sam to attach the stick, he could finally get some hits on the Seeker and finish the battle once and for all.

"I'd say I'm as much of a killer as you but I'm less of Megatron's punching bag"

"Even in death you're still as quick witted with your words as ever. It wouldn't matter, in a couple of moments you wouldn't be able to use that mouth again" he said walking closer towards him.

Sam was moved by courage, careful of where he stepped and how much noise he made as he moved closer to the 35 foot jet. No sane human would even attempt this, but he wasn't like the rest of the humans. He would fight with everything he had for the bots that had saved his life countless times.

"Do you know why you weren't picked as the head of the Seekers? Why Megatron didn't let you head the air division and was kept in my shadow?" Starscream said as Sam got closer and closer to his leg as he armed the Boomstick.

"It was because he sensed weakness within you. A weakness that has seen you depart your cause as a Decepticon and join the Autobots. Megatron was right for sidelining you for me, you just weren't Decepticon enough for the cause" Starscream would say as he aimed his missile launcher at Jet's head.

"I have enjoyed this little reunion of ours it brought back fun memories, for me atleast" He said with a sinister chuckle.

Just as he was about to shoot, Sam would attach the Boomstick to Starscream's leg and start running. Starscream would look down seeing Sam trying to get away and was having none of that.

"You little insect!" he exclaimed as he took aim at him.

Jetstream would lift his arm and shoot Starscream in the back with his plasma cannon sending the bot flying across the street and saving Sam's life. As the bot flew through the air, the Boomstick would go off damaging Starscreams leg and giving Jetstream the opportunity he needed.

Jetstream sprang up to his feet quickly charging at Starscream who was having trouble standing properly. He jumped into the air and rammed his knee into his head dislocating his lower jaw in the process. Jet wouldn't let up, sliding on the ground towards his back as he would slice his hip and left thigh. Starscream swung his mace again trying to hit him but Jetstream reacted quickly, performing a side roll and twirling to his feet as he sliced his left knee and then shot his in the chest with his plasma cannon.

Sam was able to regroup with Carly and she was glad he came back in one piece. As the two tried to figure out where to go next, Lennox and his team would show up from an alley.

"Sam?" he called.

"Lennox" Sam answered happy to see him in one piece.

"Glad to see you're alive kid" he said as they both shook hands. "Where are the Autobots?"

"I know Prime got hit by that Shockwave guy but Jetstream needs your help. He's fighting Starscream all alone back there and needs backup" Sam blurted.

"Jet, Starscream, alone? That's not good. Let's move guys" he said as the he and his men would start jogging towards the fight.

Jetstream had gotten onto the back of Starscream and was bringing the pain. He stabbed into his right engine multiple times while twisting and turning his blades to ensure that it was really damaged. He then stabbed him in his shoulder blades multiple times before twisting his blades in and pulling them up as Starscream screamed in pain.

The Decepticon managed to get a hold of him on his back and threw him off, eager to get away from all this madness but he was flanked by NEST soldiers as they unleashed heavy fire on him. Starscream shot back at them as he tried to escape, Jetstream had certainly done a number on him but he wasn't done yet. With Starscream facing the humans, Jet pulled out a light pole and climbed up to a building while his opponent was distracted. He jumped off the building holding the pole in his hands as he descended, stabbing the Con through the back and out through his chest.

Starscream cried in agony and tried to get Jet off by slamming his back into a building but it wouldn't work this time as Jet used his blades to grip in to his back. Starscream tried to shoot him off his back with his machine gun but Jet was able to grab onto it and slice it in half with his wrist blade.

"You. Die!" Jet said with a cold voice.

He would stab the Con just below the neck twisting his hand yet again before using his cannon to shot three times as he separated Starscream's head from his body. Jetstream rode Starscream's body to the ground like a surf board as his head rolled towards Lennox and his team, stopping right in front of him with the last expression on his face being one of agony.

Jetstream took two steps away from the body as he nodded at Lennox at his team appreciating them for the help. He was battered and heavily damaged but still in the fight. All the dents, scratches, cuts, and blown piece s were all part of the war. His battle mask would retract and he would go down on one knee as Lennox and Brian came up to him for a little chat.

"Facing Starscream alone; not the wisest of decisions" Brian said.

"Not my choice. He had me and the rest of the Autobots under fire. He pinned us down with a bombardment of missiles. We had to take him out somehow" he explained.

"Where are the rest of the Autobots now?" Lennox asked.

"We were pushing forward towards the last line of defense before making it to Sentinel and the pillars. I don't know of their whereabouts right now but that's where they would be"

"No problem Jet. We'll find our way there somehow" Lennox replied.

"I'd advise you guys to go through another route. That place is going to be one hell of a firefight, easiest place to catch a bullet and meet your ancestors"

"Noted" Lennox said.

"You did good man" Brian said tapping his leg.

Jet would give him a little smile as he went to join up the rest of the soldiers and plan their next move.

"Jetstream" Sam called to him, approaching with Carly by his side. "Thank you for saving our lives"

"It's the least I could do. Bumblebee wouldn't let me live another second if he finds out I let his best friend die" he said with a little smirk.

Sam would smile at his little joke easing the sense of urgency around them a little. Jet would take this time to rest as he would have to join the rest of the bots pretty soon.

While Jet had his little breather, the rest of the bots were in a deadlock with Soundwave and his men. Bullets and missiles flew all over the place as the two groups exchanged heavy fire. Wild explosions and destruction where never too far behind where ever these two groups clashed, and this place was no different.

Ironhide and Ratchet were leading the charge with the other substituting for Jetstream who was unavailable at the moment. This would cause Sideswipe to lay down cover fire for the both of them while the others unleashed short bursts of heavy fire at the Decepticons.

"The Decepticons have us pinned and we have no Jetstream, No prime or the Wreckers to give us some extra guns" Ironhide said as he fired from the corner of a building.

"Shall we order a temporary retreat then?" Ratchet asked firing his machine gun.

"From the looks of it, it seems like our only option. The Decepticons have reinforcements arriving as we speak" Ironhide said.

"It's settled then. Autobots! Fall Back!" Ratchet announced.

The bots would heed his command as it was the sensible thing to do at this time considering their circumstances but like we all know, not everything goes according to plan.

"Decepticons! Do not let them escape!" Soundwave commanded.

The Decepticons heeded his command, increasing their rate of fire at the fleeing Autobots. A separate group of Decepticons escorted by fighters were instructed earlier to circle round and take the Autobots from behind. Fortunately for them, their work was made easier as the Autobots ran right into their trap. They were essentially boxed in, Fighters in front of them and Soundwave and his group behind them, they were really stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"Surrender or die Autobots" the commanding Decepticon announced. "We have you surrounded"

"Ironhide, what do we do?" Sideswipe asked.

Fighting them was futile, they were low on guns and had nowhere else to turn. It was a difficult choice but it was one he had to make. Reluctantly, Ironhide bowed his head and sighed. His arms would come up slowly as a sign of surrender.

"We surrender" he said halfheartedly.

The rest of the Bots were shocked. Ironhide, surrendering?! That's something they never expected to see, but considering the circumstances, it was a smart choice. Following his lead, the rest of the bots would put their hands up in surrender as well.

"Good. Now form a single file. We're turning you over to Soundwave"