Chereads / Vax :Enter The Demifice / Chapter 4 - Catch Those Wheels!

Chapter 4 - Catch Those Wheels!

Hours had gone by as the lights began to shine on Seran's eyelids. Seran felt lots of continuous movement and chatter occurring in his sleep. Fluttering his eyelids until they opened completely he, grumbled. Struggling to make out what was happening, Seran threw a huge tantrum kicking and shouting in his father's arms.

"Woah there, buddy," Ivor said. "Calm down. It's time to go to school." 

Seran's little popping hands that had smacked his father on the face have stopped moving. 

"Phew, you laid one on your old man this morning," Ivor gasped, relieved.

Seran had dark circles under his eyes, frizzy hair, and some slobber running down the left side of his cheek. Andrea wiped the slobber away from Seran's face with a wet towel in a constant rush.

"Seran, did you stay up late last night sweetie?" Andrea questioned, checking her son's face for any more blemishes. Ivor patted Seran's back to further comfort him while holding him over his shoulder.

"I'll get him dressed, Andrea. Is Thiolana ready?" Ivor asked, holding Seran over his shoulder. 

Andrea grabbed her gray coat, red umbrella, and the lunch bags she prepared for the children as she simultaneously answered. "Ready as ever. Just be quick, we've got maybe twenty minutes to get to the bus stop."

Ivor rushed upstairs to the kid's bedroom, holding Seran. He tosses a bundle of clothes over his shoulders in search of Seran's school clothes. Seran sluggishly pointed to the edge of the bed while rubbing his eyelids. A white short-sleeved shirt with black shorts lay at the very edge of the bed. Ivor's mouth opened up wide cheerfully.

"Bingo! Now that's what we're looking for! Alright, now put these on," Ivor chimed happily, snapping his fingers. 

Snatching off Seran's little white tank top and baby blue shorts, Ivor quickly put the shirt over his son's head and tugged down the shirt before Seran's little head popped out. He held onto his father's shoulder blades to keep balance as he stepped into his school pants.

"Alright, we've gotta go. Looks like we're running a bit behind," Ivor informed, scooping his son into his arms again.

Ivor darted to the bathroom and brushed his son's teeth. He wasted little to no time and rushed to the stairs. Ivor jogged a few steps down the stairs before jumping down the rest of the staircase, hugging Seran.

"Alley, Oop!" Ivor exclaimed. 

Thiolana shouted, in amazement. "Do it again! Do it again, Pappa! That was cool!"

Ivor shut his eyes with a big cheese of a smile on his face, holding his head high in a heroic manner. Andrea tapped her foot on the floor repeatedly, glaring at him. Ivor chuckled nervously at the discomforting look he was getting. Andrea scrunched her eyes a little annoyed, she then sighed in relief. While holding out Seran's black school shoes and yellow bubble coat, Andrea's tapping foot stopped.

"You forgot these," Andrea said, smugly as Ivor took them politely slipping on Seran's shoes. He gave Andrea a thumbs up of appraisal. Andrea smiled in approval, grasping onto Thiolana's hand, she opened the front door. Rain droplets drizzled, hitting the ground outside. Ivor tossed on his black bomber jacket, switching between arms to hold Seran. Andrea expanded her umbrella outward as the raindrops bounced off of it, and she took a deep breath.


Bundled up under a single umbrella, the family stepped out into the rain together. To the left, the bus was already at a halt at the end of the stop sign. Both parents looked at each other with widened eyes then turned their focus quickly back towards the bus.

"Everyone run, we can make it!" Ivor exclaimed as he ran with Seran in his arms.

Thiolana and Andrea tailed right behind them through the rain. Just as the bus's doors were about to close, it halted midway. Surprisingly, Ivor had blocked the bus doors from closing with his bare hands. 


"Hold the bus! I've got a family to bring to school today," he said, proudly.

He grinned at the bus motorist as he opened the doors once more.

"You made it in just a nick of time. Why don't I help get that family to school? First things first, let's get them aboard, shall we?" The old bus driver insisted, winking with a chuckle right behind it. 

Ivor, Andrea, and their two children boarded the bus, taking the open seats toward the middle of the bus. Panting for air, Andreas's eyes wandered towards Ivor's face for a brief moment.

"Hu-hu-hu- not bad," Ivor said, patting Seran on the back out of breath.

"Hu-hu-shut up -huh-huh. I haven't run like that in years," Andrea said, giggling uncontrollably as she retracted the umbrella, placing it on her lap before resting her head against the side view window.

Thiolana swung her feet up and down, sitting on the seat that was too far for her short legs to touch the floor.

"We should do this all the time!" Thiolana said, lunging her legs up and down.

Andrea had a nervous look on her face that was a little uncomfortable by the sound of that idea.

"All the time you say Oh sweetie, I don't know if Mommy's legs can keep up," Andrea said nervously. 

Thiolana reached past her mother to poke Seran to get his attention. Jabbing him in the side with her pointer finger continuously Seran, grumbled.

"Rrrr...stop, Lan Lan!" Seran outburst. 

"It's not my fault you didn't go to sleep last night, grumpy pants," Thiolana said, sticking her tongue out at him. 

Andrea took notice of how she was making things uncomfortable for Seran. In a stern tone of voice, Andrea scolded Thiolana. "Sit back and leave your brother be. He's tired, sugar, give him a little break." 

Thiolana scooted backward in her seat to sit upright. In disappointment, Thiolana said, in a low tone of voice, "Yes, ma'am."

"That's more like it. If you wanted your brother's attention sweetie why not try using your words? Or do  something nice that'll get his attention without making him feel uncomfortable." Andrea expressed in a caring manner.

The bus came to a stop a few moments after at Thiolana's grade school. Thiolana reached into her lunch bag for an item. Out of the bag, she retrieved a juice box with a little apple logo on the face of the box. She held it outward to Seran in high hopes she could get his attention. 

"Here baby brother, take this. It's apple juice. I know you love apple juice so you can have it." Thiolana said giggling.

Seran's head turned outwards from his father's chest towards the juice box. Slowly he took it into his little hands. Thiolana kisses him on the cheek suddenly as a way of apology to her brother. Andrea smiled, having seen them make up after their incident she took Thiolana by the hand as the bus came to a complete stop. Standing at Thiolana's side Andrea led the way down the aisle saying their goodbyes.

They shouted,"Bye, we'll see you soon!" Andrea ensured.

"Bye, Pappa! Bye, Seran!" Thiolana added.