Chereads / Slayer Fūjin / Chapter 211 - Luis Tramontana, Your Father Is...

Chapter 211 - Luis Tramontana, Your Father Is...

"Iron Gauntlet!" Jamie shouts as she slams her iron fist into Lucifer, piercing his gut with a rush of blood.

"S-shit…" Lucifer grunts.

Jamie then yanks her arm free from Lucifer grunts, before launching another Iron Gauntlet towards the demon. But before Jamie's Iron Gauntlet can connect with Lucifer, Grover teleports beside her, causing Jamie to flinch.

"We need to get out of here!" Grover cries.

"What, why?!" Jamie asks as she turns to face Grover. "I was about to kill Lucifer!"

"The Chairman will take care of him, we just need to get out of here!" Grover exclaims.

"Why?" Austin asks.

"This place…is about to blow!" Grover explains, causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"What…what do you mean?" Ivy asks.

"THE CHAIRMAN IS ABOUT TO DIE TO SAVE US, DAMMIT, SO LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" Grover shouts, causing everyone to flinch.

Everyone is silent.

"W-what?!" Lucifer stammers, interrupting the brief moment of peace. "Save me too!"

"Screw you!" Jamie snaps as she flips Lucifer the middle finger.

"Alright, let's get out of here…" Ralph sadly replies as Grover opens up a wormhole besides the group, and everyone hops inside.


The Chairman sighs.

"Though I was fully aware that I would have to die for this Organization some day, I was hoping that I wouldn't need to use this Cursed Ability…" he softly says to himself.


Everything went silent.

And then….there was the explosion.

Cursed Power radiates out of every pore of the Chairman's body, exploding with the force of a nuclear bomb, blasting the entire Slayer Organization Headquarters to bits in merely a few seconds, evaporating the entire building as well as anything in it. Luckily, the Chairman was able to control the explosion radius of the Suciud Bomb. If he hadn't, all of New York city would have been gone in seconds. Luckily, everyone had evacuated out of the Slayer Organization Headquarters thanks to Grover.

"…" the Chairman softly says, as his body is evaporated by the force of his Sucide Bomb.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" Limbo, Lust, and Gluttony scream as their petrified bodies evaporate as well.


Over the horizon, from the point where Grover teleported everyone previously within the Sayer Organization Headquarters to, the group sees the Slayer Organization headquarters go up in a giant flash of golden Cursed Power, then evaporate into nothingness.

"Mr. Chairman…" Grover softly says to himself. "Thank you…"

Nothing remains of the Slayer Organization Headquarters.

Not even the body of the late Owen Solomon, Slayer Atama…former Chairman of the International Professional Slayer Organization.


"Captive Decapitation!" Death shouts as he swings his bone-scythe downwards, bringing it down upon Treachery's head and decapitating the demon, killing him instantly.

"You were a fool to challenge me," Death scythe as his bone-scythe reverts back to its usual cane form.

"Yo, am I late?" A voice asks and, Death turns around to a bloodied War strutting over to him.

"No, War, you're right on time," Death smirks.

"Hello, everyone, enjoying the war?" Famine asks as she struts over to Death and War as well.

"Well I am called "war," afterall!" War laughs as she folds her hands behind her head.

"Very much so, Famine," Death answers as he motions to the headless corpse behind him. "I've already…dealt with Treachery, as you may see."

"And I already killed my ex girlfriend, Fraud!" War chimes in.

"How are you enjoying the war, Famine?" Death then asks.

"Not too well, June -my new child- died," Famine sighs.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Death frowns,

"What about the other two?" War asks.

"August and Winter? Meh, I don't care much for them anymore," Famine answers as she waves her hand at War. "I sent 'em to kill some Pro Slayers on their own.

"You're a cold one, Famine!" Death replies as he lets out a hardy laugh.

"I prefer the term "cunning"," Famine smirks.

"Yo, so why did you call us here?" Another voice asks, and Death turns to see Mikey approaching him as well.

"Ah, Michael, so you've made it!" Death booms as he spreads his arms out.

"Did you really think that I'd die so easily?" Mikey sneers as he stops before Death. "I was making friends with your boy, Heresy."

"Oh, I'm sure you were," Death smirks.

"So why did you call us here, anyway?" Mikey asks.

Death, War, and Famien exchange cunning grins. "You'll see why in a moment," Death answers with a smirk, causing Mikey to raise an eyebrow at the demon.


"Look, up ahead!" Ella cries as she points ahead of us, where we see Mikey conversing with Death, War, and Famine. My dad's body tenses up when he spots his opponents. I suppose that it is nerve racking knowing that we're about to throw down with the strongest enemies in this war.

"Alright, let's go!" I reply as I draw my katana and wrap my wind around my ankles, surrounding a tailwind behind me, which I use to dash towards Death.

"Oh?" Death smirks as he turns and raises an eyebrow at me. "So great of you to join us, Luis Tramontana."

"Sorry, Daniel…" I softly say to myself. "But I can't afford to wait for you! I'll kill Death here and now, and I'll win this war for us!"


Quickly, I prepare my Wind Blade, and once I'm before Death, I slash it towards him, as both of my arms enter their half-demon form in order to increase my powers. Death smirks back at me as the bones of his ribcage all shoot out at one, piercing through his flesh and blocking my Wind Blade. Looks painful.

I then retract my katana away from Death, before slashing it towards him yet again. "Wind Control: Hurricane Slash!" I shout as I send a powerful gust of slashing winds flying towards Death, who limbos under my attack to dodge.

With a roar, I grab my katana tightly between both of my hands and swing it downwards, attempting to slash Death. But just in the nick of time, War leaps in front of Death and summons an Invincisphere bubble around her fists, bringing it up and using it to block my slash, as my blade uselessly clangs against War's bubble.

Dozens of skeletal arms then shoot out of the ground and latch onto me, keeping me bound in place.

"Necromancy: Parts Bullets!" Death shouts as the bones of his fingertips fire out of his fingers, tearing through his skin and flying towards me as fast as a bullet.


With a roar, I enter my Blue Demon form and use the burst of Cursed Power that comes with it to knock Death's skeleton arms away, then swing my katana towards Death, slicing clean through Death's fingerbone bullets then swiftly extending the blade of my katana almost faster than Death can react. Quickly, Death attempts to limbo under my extended blade to dodge my attack, but it's too late. Because my katana…manages to nick Death. A small, shallow cut, one so small that it shouldn't even hurt, but that's not what matters. What matters…

Is that I just landed an attack on the world's strongest creature.

Mikey's eyes widen, my allies' eyes widen, the Four Horsemen's eyes widen, Hell, even my eyes widen.

"I…really did it…" I softly say to myself as I retract my extended katana blade back to its usual length.

As for Death, he slowly stands back up then wipes the shallow line of blood from his cheek, before fixing his suit and letting out a small cough.

"Well then-" Death continues, as if nothing had just happened. "-Now that all four of the Horsemen are here, let's get started."

My dad's eyes widen.

"Luis Tramontana-" Death continues as he turns to face me. "What is your goal for this war?"

"To…kill the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?" I answer, as if it's a trick question.

Death smirks at me.

"Even if that means killing your own father?"



And then…it dawned on me.

And when it does…my entire body begins to tremble. Sweat stains my vision, and my heart pounds so fast it feels like my heart is about to burst out of my chest.

"You said…"now that all Four of the Horsemen are here…" what do you mean by that?" I nervously ask, my voice trembling.

"I beg your pardon?" Death asks as he tilts his head at me with a small smirk.

Bastard is toying with me…


"I mean what I said," Death replies. "Would you kill your father if, secretly, he was your number one enemy this entire time?"

"But, why would that matter? Quit asking rhetorical questions, they're stupid!" I shout.

Death doesn't reply, he only smirks at me.

"This is a rhetorical question," I weakly ask as I turn to face my dad, tears beginning to form at the corners of my eyes.

But my dad turns away from me in shame, not saying anything, just looking glum.




When my dad turns to face me again…his eyes have turned a lime green color with purple pupils.

A toxic green color.

Like my dad's toxic green colored Cursed Power.

God, how have I been so blind…

"LUIS TRAMONTANA!" Death booms again, causing me to flinch as I turn to face him, tears streaming out of the corners of my eyes.

"No…" I whimper. "Please…don't…"

War cackles.

Famine snickers.

Mikey's eyes widen.

And Ella covers her mouth with her hands in shock.

For the next words that I hear, are words that I never in my wildest dream would have thought of.

Words that I loathe, from the bottom of my heart.

And words that will change the trajectory of my life forever.

"Luis Tramontana-" Death continues, one last time.

I let out a small sob.

But deep down…I know that Death's words are true.

Words that I knew the truth of for a long, long time…


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