Chereads / Slayer Fūjin / Chapter 203 - Luis and Ella

Chapter 203 - Luis and Ella

"LUIS!" A voice cries, causing me to jump.

"WHAT THE FU-" I cry back as I spin around, seeing Grover teleport behind me. Ella and my dad then step out of the wormhole behind Grover. "Oh, it's just you… Grover," I say, breathing out a sigh of relief. "You scared me, I just keep running into roadblocks today."

"JUST ME?!" Grover snaps as he throws his hands into the air in frustration. "WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP SAYING THAT?!"

"Did I…miss something?" I ask as I turn to face Ella and my dad.

"The Four Horsemen and your friend are on their way to meeting up," my dad explains, causing my eyes to widen. "You, Ella, and I were sent by the Chairman to go stop them."

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go!" I cry. "Oh wait…but what about Daniel?!"

"Don't worry," Grover pipes up. "Daniel defeated Greed, he's fine now. You just go focus on your mission."

"Thanks, Grover," I reply, breathing out a sigh of relief. "Can you just do me a favor and fetch Daniel and bring him to the Medical Squadron for me?"

"No problem, bud!" Grover replies, then teleports away.

"Alright, let's get a move on!" I say as I turn to face Ella and my dad, I'm interrupted when I notice Ella staring at me with her eyes wide. "Are you…okay, Ella?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow at the girl.

"You're hurt, Luis," Ella replies.

"Nah, I'm fine," I reply as I turn around to begin chasing after my new destination, towards Mikey and the Four Horsemen, but Ella reaches out and grabs my wrist, prohibiting me from taking any more steps forwards. "Ella, I'm fine, really," I say.

"I'M THE MEDIC HERE, AND YOU'RE FINE WHEN I SAY YOU'RE FINE!" Ella snaps, shutting me right up and causing my eyes to widen.

"Save your strength!" I snap back. "If I can move…I can fight! Save your healing for those who can't. We're crunched for time here, and I don't have enough time to take a break for you to sit down and heal me!"

Without another word, Ella slaps me across the face, causing my head to snap to the side. My eyes widen even further and I rub my stinging cheek as I turn back to face Ella.

"Don't worry, I'll heal that too," Ella says, completely overlooking the fact that that's not where my concerns lie. "Why won't…you accept my healing…?" Ella sadly asks, causing me to sigh.

"I promised you long ago that I'll become strong, strong enough that no one will need to worry about me, and you won't have to heal me anymore," I explain. "I can't go back on my promise now…"

"IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT YOU AND YOUR DAMN PROMISES!" Ella snaps, shutting me right up yet again. "Everyone where you go, it's always "what did Luis promise?" and never what anyone else thinks or wants?! When we lost against the Cards of the King, you promised to become strong. When Nick died, you promised to control your demon powers. When Mikey betrayed us, you promised to stop him. I want to become strong! I want to learn to control my new Cursed Ability! I want to stop Mikey, too! It's not just you, Luis, it's me, too! It's us, it's everyone! Grover, and Jamie, and Austin, and Nick, and me…you never relied on us or told us anything, even when we felt the same emotions you felt!"

"I…I'M NOT JUST DOING THIS FOR YOU GUYS, ALRIGHT?!" I snap, causing Ella to jump. "Robby…Nick…Mr. Kittles…I've seen too many people die before my eyes because of my fault! All I ever wanted was to become a little stronger, so my mom and sister won't get eaten by demons, but then I sound more people to protect! And then…all I wanted to do was become strong enough so that they don't die in front of me! And now…I'm finally strong enough to do that! I don't care if I die in this battle. Robby, Nick, and Mr. Kittles, they all died because of me, same with your eye, too! So I'll keep fighting, so that no one else does. I'd never be able to forgive yourself if I lost you too, Ella…so please stay out of my way…"

Tears begin streaming down Ella's cheeks as she takes a step towards me, wrapping me in her arms and burying her face in her chest. "So please…rely on me too…you don't have to shoulder everything alone…" Ella sobs, and I feel her warm, comforting Cursed Power flow into my body. "You're just some weak kid, like me. So why did you have to get wrapped up in all this…the Cards of the King…the Four Horsemen…Daniel…the Chairman…Mikey…everyone is always after you…" Ella sobs as her arms limply flop down to her sides, once she's done healing me

"It's just not fair…"

I place my hand on the top of Ella's head and pat it gently as I take a step away from Ella. Slowly, Ella tilts her head up as her tear-streaked eyes meet mine. "You do so much for me, Ella, so much that you don't know," I say. "It just wouldn't be fair to ask you to do more for me. Because when I see you, when you cheer for me, when you call my name…it gives me…strength. The strength to keep going, the strength to grab my katana again no matter how many times I get knocked down, and keep swinging. I'll go through all of this shit just to see you again…"

Ella's whimpering frown then curls up into a sad smile. "Then at least allow me to do this for you," Ella replies as she reaches down and rips off two shreds of fabric from her skirt. Ella then reaches out and takes my hands, rubbing her fingers up and down the blood calluses caused by my intense grip in my katana. Ella then wraps the white cloth around the knuckles of my two hands, before clenching them into fists. Ella brings my right hand up to her mouth, kisses the cloth wrapped around my knuckles, before bringing my hand to her heart.

"Just don't push yourself too hard, okay?" Ella asks with a small, sad smile. "I speak for all of us when I say that I'd rather have a healthy Luis and alive enemies, over a dead Luis and slain enemies."

My face flushes red. "R-right," I stammer, before peering over Ella's shoulder towards my dad. Crap, I forgot he's here. My dad simply smirks and flashes me a small thumbs up, causing me to let out an embarrassed grin.

"I'm rooting for you, Luis!" Ella continues as I turn make and meet her gaze again. Because you're not just some half demon, a random kid I met at the Slayer Exams, or even Slayer Fūjin. To me…you're my hero!"

"My Blue Hero!"

"It feels…good to not be a demon in someone's eyes…" I reply as I sheepishly turn away from Ella and rub the back of my neck. "Hey, Ella," I then say as I turn back to face the girl.

"Yeah, Luis?" Ella replies with a warm smile.

"When this war is over, will you go on a date with me?" I ask, causing Ella's face to flush bright red.

"Um-ah-er-uh-off-" Ella stammers, but I cut her off.

"It's alright, you don't have to give me your answer now," I say, causing Ella to let out a sigh of relief. "I underst-"

"Only if you go on a date with me," Ella says, cutting me off.

This time, I blush. "Alrighty then!" I exclaim as I spin around again, facing the direction where our enemies wait. "Let's get a move on, you two! I've got a date and I can't keep her waiting!"

"Right!" Ella and my dad reply.


"Woah…what happened here?" Grover asks as he teleports into the field where the first Attacker Squadron is stationed. Looking around, Grover sees that the field is covered in blood and littered with dead bodies strewn about. Some Pro Slayers remain standing, but not many. Some of the injured Slayers -like Ivy and Lycan- were already brought back to the Slayer Organization Headquarters to be healed.

"Grover!" Grover hears a voice shout, and Grover turns and sees Jamie jogging over to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Luis sent me to grab Daniel and bring him back to the Slayer Headquarters so he can be healed," Grover answers as he scans his eyes around the field, searching for Daniel. "Ah…gotcha!" Grover exclaims as he spots Dnaiel and teleports over to him. Jamie follows after him. Grover then kneels down, scooping Daniel's bloodied body up, and slinging Daniel over his shoulder. "Wanna come?" Grover then asks as he turns back to face Jamie.

"Please!" Jamie eagerly exclaims. "I need to see if Austin is alright, my squad is stationed right after his, and look how we're doing! Austin has got to be fairing much worse!"

"Alright, then let's go!" Grover exclaims as he opens another wormhole, and he and Jamie hop inside.