Chereads / Slayer Fūjin / Chapter 67 - Luis vs Daniel

Chapter 67 - Luis vs Daniel

Daniel's body then begins to shake and convulse uncontrollably, causing me to take an apprehensive leap backwards and tighten my grip on my katana. "I didn't want to use this power, because it's the power I was granted by my father's blood, but you leave me no choice," Daniel cries. Black and dark gray Cursed Power began to ooze out of Daniel's body before Daniel limply slouched over, no longer moving, like a rag-doll, Cursed Power still leaking from his body.

"Um…are you okay?!" I ask.

Daniel's body then tenses up, as he regains control of it. Daniel's normally depressed, and apathetic demeanor has changed. Daniel begins cackling wildly, and cackling and cackling and cackling, like a laughing hyena, like a psycho. Daniel then picks his body up again, his ominous deemenor returning, and when I lock eyes with Daniel again…all I can see are the eyes of a wild beast, all reason is completely lost. And then Daniel says, his voice far more ominous than before:

"Black Demon."

When Daniel utters that line, each and every last vein on Daniel's body begins to glow an eerie black. The whites of Daniel's left eye turn black, and his pupils gray. Red outlines appear around Daniel's left eye as well. I can't see Daniel's other eye since it was blocked by his hair, but I'm sure that it looked the same. Twelve Shadow Sickles then sprout out of Daniel's body. Four sets of three Shadow Sickles wrap around together, forming four "legs" with barbed blades at the end, and pushing Daniel into the air. Three more Shadow Sickles sprout out of Daniel's tailbone, forming a scorpion stinger-like tail. Two more Shadow Sickles grow out of Daniel's arm, coiling around Daniel's arm and forming two blades at the end of Daniel's arm. One blade positioned at the top of Daniel's wrist, and the other blade at the bottom. Daniel fixes his black and red left on right on me.

"And this here...this is my Black Demon form. What you are seeing now is the supreme power of a perfect being, a half demon! Daniel roars.

"What the Hell is up with that grotesque form?!" I cry. "This…this is ridiculous!" The sheer amount of Cursed Power bursting from Daniel's body is nearly enough to send me flying backwards. The amount of bloodlust in Daniel's Cursed Power is only matched by the sheer amount of hatred King held towards me during our fight. But this hatred…it feels different. Agsitn Daniel, I'm able to remain standing. Against King -even while using my own Cursed Power Burst- I was paralyzed by fear. Daniel's hatred isn't aimed at me, it's aimed at its father, Death.

All I am is a small part of a larger scheme at hand.

Daniel lets out a roar, and his demonic Cursed Power shoots forward, blasting me through one of one of the windows of the abandoned house. I activate my Cursed Power Barrier around my entire body, so when my back slams into the grass below, my entire body isn't instantly shattered.

Daniel scales out of the window that he blasted me through, and down the walls of the building, using his four chained Shadow Sickle legs and tail, like a scorpion, before landing on the grass below.

"If you're not going to kneel to me and offer up your soul, then I'll Just have to kill you here, and take your soul right before you die!" Daniel roars.

Five Shadow Sickles sprouted out of Daniel's shadow, and the five sickles began to merge into each other, spinning and wrapping around each other, until the five sickles wrapped into one single point. The sickle chain begins to spin and glow various rainbow colors. The chain spins faster and faster, and grows brighter and brighter in multiple colors. "Shadow Sickles: Primal Chain Coil!" Daniel shouts. Daniel's chain then shoots towards me, like an incredibly fast spinning drill. The drill is fast enough that I know that I don't have enough time to dodge. The best I can is put up a measly defense as I activate my Tornado Shield and hope for the best. Daniel's Primal Chain Coil tears through my Tornado Shield with ease, blasting me away and sending me flying deeper into the forest.

Daniel crawls up to me with his four scorpion legs and continues the assault. Daniel's scorpion stinger tail shoots forward, attempting to stab me in the gut, who is currently writhing on the ground in pain

I don't have enough time to get back on my feet and dodge, and even less time to activate my Air Control. All I can do is wiggle across the forest floor, like a fish, doing whatever I can do not to get stabbed.

"Just give it up! Forfeit your soul to me, and then I can slay my father, saving the world and putting my mom to rest! Give yourself up so that I can save the world! It's for the better, you selfish piece of garbage!" Daniel roars.

I Daniel up and down, looking at his warped demon state. "You're the selfish one!" I spit, finally finding the strength at last to push myself back up to my feet. "Attempting to steal my soul and steal my power since you're too weak to become strong on your own. Pathetic. A man I know told me that I'll become a great Slayer one day, and another strong guy called me his rival! A few more strong people I know called me their friend, and my mom and sister said that they love me! What I'm trying to say here is that...there are too many people that I would let down if I were to die by your hands! Unlike you, I'm not trying to become strong for myself. I will become strong so that the people I care about never have to worry! I'll protect them all!"

"You're the one who's not becoming strong for your own selfish reasons?! I watched my own mother die right in front of me at the age of seven at the hands of the man I call my father. Do you know what that's like?! Don't kill my father for my own sake, I'll kill him for the sake of my mother's!" Daniel roars.

"And what about my mom? Is yours so much more important that I'm worth killing, breaking my mom's heart so you can avenge yours despite the fact that she's already died? Besides…you didn't shed a single tear when you talked about the food of your mother, you soulless bastard! YOU'RE A DEMON JUST LIKE YOUR DAD!" I roar back.

"You've gone too far, Luis Tramontana," Daniel growls. YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR!"

With a roar, Daniel creates a second Primal Chain Coil attack, and fires it towards me. This time, I use my wind to propel me into the air, dodging his attack. The Primal Chain Coil tears into the trees behind me, wrecking the forest behind us. An army of Shadow Sickles then launched out of Daniel's shadow, all headed towards me. I activate my Tornado Shield to defend, but due to Daniel's Black Demon power, the sickles tear straight through my Tornado Shield, piercing my body. I grunt in pain as I spit out a glob of blood.

"IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT, LUIS TRAMONTANA?!" Daniel roars. "I thought that you were strong, but now, maybe I don't need your soul anymore!" Daniel then rips his Shadow Sickles out of my body, as I fall to the ground, defeat, blood leaking out of the holes in my flesh and soaking the grass below. Just like the death of Daniel's mom.

"I hope you realize that now, I'm going to reap your soul. You will die. Say your final prayers, because you will never see those friends or family you spoke so fondly of yet again," Daniel says. "And all those "strong people" that you mentioned? Maybe I'll reap their souls too. They'll become fine pieces to my collection."

"Don't…you dare touch them…" I growl, as the grip on my katana tightens. But from my place on the ground, it's hard to take my threats seriously.

"And what are you going to do about it when you're dead?!" Daniel cackles as he kicks me in the ribs, sending my flying backwards, my back slamming into the tree behind me. "You're weak, you're going to die!" Daniel shouts. "And everyone you love will die too!"

"You know…" I begin to weakly say, as my grip on my katana comes together even further, so much so that blood begins to seep through the cracks in my fingers. Now, I may be delusional from pain and exhaustion, but for a split second, I can swear that my blood is blue. "Up until now, I've never really hated the guys I've fought against who've tried to kill me. Cell was for freedom. King was for his goals. And Mikey was just some depressed kid," I continue. "But you," I growl, as slowly, I push myself to my feet.

"I'm impressed, you can still stand. I'll be taking your legs now," Daniel says, as he sends his barbed sickle blade flying towards me. I crouch down low, as my dark blue Cursed Power explodes out of my body, stronger than it's ever been before. It feels different than when I caught my second wind. My power…it's surging. It feels scary.

"But no one has threatened my friend that way you have. No one took our battle outside of them and I," I continue as I leap into the air, effortlessly dodging Daniel's attack. "You…I fucking hate your guts."

Daniel then sends another swarm of sickle blades towards me, so many that I'm unable to counter.

Usually, at least.

The veins of my hands and arms begin to glow blue, just like with King, as I grasp my katana tightly between both hands. And then, I slash my katana outwards, slicing right through Cursed Power itself, also like with King and his Black Prism.

"The demon who slices through everything, even Cursed Power itself…" Daniel marvels.

And then…everything goes black.