In the Islands of Japan, in the town of Okuma there was a newcomer to town he was mysterious, dark, edgy. He embodied the word mystery, everything was fine in the town of Okuma until the arrival of Kenjuro. He was the mysterious newcomer that came to town, ever since he came there were mysterious occurrence in Okuma like: mysterious disappearances, deaths, and many more. A young upstarting journalist heard about this in the news and decided to travel to Okuma, even though it was a long trip and an expensive one for sure he thought that this was a way to start his journalist career. He packed his bags and used all the money he saved up until now, he left his current home and was now headed to the airport, as he arrived to the airport his flight was mysteriously cancelled. He was furious as he spent alot of money into this trip, many people were furious aswell, journalists, news reporters, and more. It was cancelled like something/someone was stopping them. As the frustrated journalist stood amidst the chaos, he was desperate to make it in the Town of Okuma with any means of transportation as this would jump start his journalist career. He eventually found a fisherman, he bargained a fisherman into sailing him into the cursed island.