Again, I was unable to return to my own house. There was no way that I could sit in any type of enclosed space right now. For once my monstrous beast was silent and that just made this all the more f*cked.
What was that? What the f*ck had come over me? How had I let something like that happen?
I had no idea who I was asking those questions to. Zane either wasn't listening to me, had no idea what to say, or flat out refused to acknowledge my feelings? Was I feeling something then?
Sh*t! All I had were questions with no answers. From the moment I walked into that house something had been different. No. That's not it. Everything was different even before walking in.
Dylan was a pet with a purpose. She was an integral part if not the most important part of my plan. Things had been set in motion all those years ago just to make sure that I had her right where I wanted her.