Every night I hear weird noises in my room. I couldn't sleep by all those noise. It all started when I bought an hoary mirror from an antique shop.
Fú xiào was one who loves to collect vintage stuff. Well you can say he is quite old-fashioned in style. It all started when he stumbled upon a strange antique shop so he decided to take a look around. As he was looking around the shop something attracted him, a mirror. A very archaic mirror made out of pure wood with many pretty details flower designs all around the mirror.
An antique dealer approached him as it told him that the mirror was from China's ancient time. Fú xiào took the mirror home placing it at his side table.
Since that night Fú xiào always felt weird and often hears weird noises in his room. As he observed the following nights he discovered that the noises comes from...the mirror...?
As Fu xiào approached the mirror when he unexpectedly got a call from his bestfriend, Zhēn yí . He went back to his bed and answered the call
"Xiōngdì, why did you call me at this hour?"
Àn xī asked in a low tone his face irritated by his friend sudden call.
"Ah...sorry if I disturbed you Xiōngdì. I just thought that we don't hang out more often anymore. Are you free this Saturday?" Zhēn yí fussed. Ah of course the Zhēn yí he always knew. Always full of energy.
Suddenly felt like something is pulling him.it was as if something strong is trying to pull him inside the mirror. Like it wanted to suck him inside
Zhēn yí on the other hand got concerned for his friend. Fú xiào would always respond to Zhēn yí's stupid rants so he got concerned when he didn't respond. "...Xiōngdì?"
Zhēn yí's shrill voice startled Fú xiào but he didn't have time to react as his face went horror as he was slowly sucked inside the mirror.
The last thing Fú xiào remembered was talking to Zhēn yí.
Fú xiào awoke in a strange room with a man who looked concerned beside him. The man seemed to be taking care of him.
"Uh excuse me...who...are you..?" Fú xiào asked that made the man's jaw drop
"Does this shidi don't remember his shixiong?" The man croakyly said
At this point Fú xiào was convinced he was dreaming. As he slapped his face trying to get back to his senses he asked the confused guy beside him "am I dreaming?"
"What made shidi think he is dreaming right now?" The other man smiled gently trying to comfort Fú xiào.
Instead Fú xiào looked around hoping there is some kind of hidden camera recording or if this is some kind of joke or he was kidnapped to act for a movie. No not a single on,he spotted nothing. Is this some kind of joke?! Fú xiào was screaming internally.
"Does shidi feel any better?" The other man asked Fú xiào in a calm voice
Fú xiào decided to play it cool "yes..."
"Good to know that you are feeling better shidi"
"May I know your name?" Fú xiào asked which left the man confused as he cocked an eyebrow
"Did shidi lost his memory from that illness?"
The man said as he checked Fú xiào face for any injuries
Just what the fuck is happening right now
"Yes it seems like I lost my memories a bit Does this kind man care to tell me if where I am and who are you?" Fú xiào cringed at the way he said it. He almost felt like he was being a bit too polite.
The other just smiled softly as it started speaking "yes I think the Illness you experienced just made you lose some memories yet this shixiong will help you gain it back. Iam Bīng hăi your senior martial brother. You are here in your peak shidi. Your Níngjìng peak."
"Ah..ok" was all Fú xiào said as he got even more confused waiittt a damn minute so I'm now a peak lord??? What in the fucking shit is this???
"If shidi need anything else just call me I will be outside" Bīng hăi excused himself as he went out of the room
Fú xiào was now sure he is indeed out of hid mind cuz he just fucking transmigrated helooo???
Fú xiào spaced out a he looked around. No way this is real, right, right,?? Fú xiào thought to himself as he stared into blank space he is no certain he is insane.
Bro what did I do to deserve this
Fú xiào thought as he sat on his bed
All I did was buying a nice mirror for me, I didn't want to get transmigrated and be a fucking peak lord bro. Atleast just bring Zhēn yí here so I won't be bored bro.
Fú xiào thought to himself as he rolled to his bed. Well I guess he will just accept the fact that he will be trapped in this world forever I guess and the fact that no one would save him. But who knows mabe he might just enjoy life here he is a peak lord now after all he can just order around...right....?
Just as what Fú xiào did not expect. After he recovered from his so called illness. He was now back to work his so called shixiong told him all he need to do is teach his disciples. But how the fuck is he supposed to teach his disciples. Ah never just gonna give em' calligraphy lessons sure they will do fine.