Chereads / My Strange System / Chapter 4 - The blue before the blur.

Chapter 4 - The blue before the blur.

The past few weeks has been hell for Jacq. Even though he felt it's nice being recognized, he still can't leave his low-key lifestyle so readily.

He had been challenged by the best gamer in the neighborhood and had won like it was nothing. They played a 1v1 mode of Call of Duty at first which Jacq won with ease. Followed by racing games like Asphalt Nitro, BMX bike, A multiplayer skaters game... But Jacq made certain he won every single one of them.

The gaming centre went up in shouts. Praises and boos alike. Praises for the winner, boos for the loser.

Now, he can't go down the street for a walk or for a little shopping without receiving shout outs or hands pointed in his direction from the boys.

Of course, the news is all over the street. "A nerd beat Cyrax 100 to nil." That was the talk of the street. Jacq never imagined it to go this viral, but he learned to live with it since there's little he can do about it.

It has became a whole wild event in school. Jacq, the nerd became popular. Girls hushed and gawked at him when he passes by. He even saw that one that made fun of him at the park. She had a slight look of longing and respect for him.

"This one is a bitch. Don't care. Still coming for my revenge." Jacq had thought to himself.

Karl on the other hand, enjoyed this new era more than Jacq.

"What can your friend do? My own friend floored Cyrax, broke him to pieces, picked the pieces and broke him again..." Karl boasted to a group of boys in the classroom.

Jacq had no liking for this little popularity he had gained. He longed for the old days when he was invisible. When he will attend school throughout the week and no one will notice him.

Nobody took a cognisance of him and he liked it that way. He is not looking for anybody's attention also.

Anybody, but Cassie.

Talking about Cassie, Jacq never set his eyes on her since the incident at the lacrosse pitch and in the classroom where she freaked out. He had also freaked out at the sight of her luminous blue eyes at first, which was supposed to be brown according to Karl, and which he confirmed himself was brown.

He didn't tell Karl of what happened in the classroom that day. The event has been a traumatizing one. Everytime he tried to visualize the face of the one girl he has ever liked, he only got the image of two big blue eyes that stared down at him, as response.

It was another weekend after a strenuous school week. There has been many class projects carried out through the week, and Jacq has a need for a proper rest.

He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and wash his face. After he finished, he got a call on his phone...

"Fucking Deja vu. This shit happened before, I'm sure."

He stepped out of the bathroom, hoping to receive his mom's call. But, it was an unknown number.

Jacq just stared down at the strange number displayed on his phone without picking it up.

"I obviously don't know you," he thought to himself. "I'm not picking that." His overly private lifestyle took over.

The phone stopped ringing. Jacq went on with his chores, getting prepared to do a little shopping down the road.

After cleaning up his apartment, he stepped out into the cold morning in his black hood. Few minutes later, he got to the mall and started his shopping.

His shopping bag was loaded, all junks and stuffs, and with three shopping bags full, he struggled his way back home.

But when he got home, he was shocked at the sight that greeted him.

His front door was wide open, and a dark patch of burnt wood was at the door handle.

Whoever did that had forced his way through.

Jacq dropped the shopping bags, and backed into a corner outside the house. He searched his phone in his pocket, but it wasn't there. He had forgot to pick it before going out.

"Holy days! What have I done to myself?"

Jacq's assumption was that his recent taste of recognition from the boys have provoked some other gang, probably Cyrax schemed this attack against him.

Or, maybe The Fire Kindlers deemed it fit to take a little revenge for the shame their friend suffered in Jacq's hand. The Fire Kindlers have been chill with Jacq since the incident, though. They even invited him to the park on a Friday, which he politely declined. They stopped bothering him and some other time, they showed a little trace of respect for him. But, Jacq didn't trust them entirely. They are a gang after all and the one who had suffered the humiliation was their friend. So, they might be up for some revenge.

Jacq stood rooted to the spot he was. Nothing has ever prepared him for a situation like this, and he doesn't know what to do.

He peeped out from his hiding place to check the door again. Nobody is present and the door is still wide open.

Jacq started sweating.

After about ten minutes of scouting to see if anyone is in the house, Jacq took his first bold step from his hiding place. Scared as shit, he treaded his way on tiptoes carefully towards the door.

He felt like he was in a movie.

"It always end badly when this happens in movies. What am I doing?"

Yet unbidden, he got a fair share of courage to take him back to the porch. He stepped into the living room, then rushed to hide behind a sofa facing the direction to his room at the left hand side.

His heart was beating fast and he sweated profusely.

He took a deep breath and crawled beind the next sofa. He was now close to the door of his room.

"Well, fuck it."

Jacq stood up, caring for nothing. He opened the door to his room and stepped in. His room has been turned into a sort of dump.

His wardrobe door has been wedged out and his clothes all lay scattered on the floor. He could find his game console shattered beside a pair of broken game pads.

"No. No..." He started panicking.

"I need to call the police."

"My phone... Where's my phone?"

He searched his pocket for his phone again. It was not there.

"Oh, right. The sitting room..."

With wobbling legs, he found his way to the living room. His phone lay untouched on the table.

Shaky hands dialed the emergency number. He was about to press the "call" button when he noticed something...

The door has been locked.

"Holy shiitt!" He freaked out.

Sweat poured down his body like a waterfall. He jumped over the center table and ran for the door. He squeezed the handle hoping it will budge at once, because he thought it's probably damaged when the intruder forced his way in.

But, it would not open.

He squeezed and kicked the door like his life depended on it. Well, his life seems to now depend on it.

When he realized he can't open or kick the door down, he reached for his phone once again to call the police.

Just then, he heard voices and footsteps from below...

"The basement..."

And another voice right behind his ears.

"This one is a frightened kid." It was a whisper.

He yelled and turned at once but before he could not see the one who whispered, a very sharp and sickening scent caught his nose, and immediately, he collapsed on his back. The world became blurry.

"Seize him..." That soft voice sounded again.

Everything became darker and darker.

He fought to stay awake but his eyes betrayed him. His whole body failed him. He became as weak as a candle flame in a rainstorm. He fought for dear life.

His misty eyes blinked one last time...

There right above him, was two big blue bulbs shining down at him.

"Oh no... Those aren't bulbs. I've seen those before..."

The world went dark.
