"What ...what are you doing?" Selena barely spoke as she swallowed the lump in her throat, this was the first time she saw him naked, she couldn't help but feed her eyes, his body indeed was a feast.
"If you really are my wife then I guess this shouldn't scare you" He spoke as he held her waist and pulled her closer to himself. "Right hon?" .
Selena didn't know how her whole world turned into this, all she did was make one mistake and that was enough to have her whole Universe turned upside down.
"Damn you Diana enough with the phone calls" Selena yelled inside the car, she glanced at the called ID one last time before she finally picked up.
"Stop the car Selena, you can't out run them" Diana spoke .
"I can if you would just shut up" Selena yelled again as she made a rough turn into an alley, she looked behind to check if they were still following but she couldn't find any car behind.
"Give them the files Selena, that's all they want, you can't run forever" Diana spoke on the other line.
Selena tried to not pay attention to her voice as she continued to drive at full speed, she didn't know this alley very well, she wasn't even sure if there was an exit.
"You are suppose to be on my side Diana" Selena spoke as she made another turn and now she was back to the busy express . "Shit" Selena cursed as she made a right drift.
She didn't know where she was heading, she just wanted to get away from these people.
"Selena you are making a mistake" Diana advised as she tried to talk some sense into her rogue friend. "Remember rule number forty five" Diana said and then paused. "All rogue agents are to be shot on sight, if they see you, you won't last two seconds" Diana added with panic evident in her tone.
"Shit they caught up" Selena cursed as she looked behind to see the red range over coming full speed at her.
Selena looked ahead and it was just a straight lane, she didn't know where she could hide from these people. This car chase had been going on for hours now, it seemed like they were just going round in circles in the city.
"Selena??" Diana called when she failed to get a reply.
"I'm still here" Selena replied as she took a right turn into a busy street.
"Did you hear what I just said?" Diana asked.
"I didn't hear you,come again" Selena said as she picked up the pace, the range Rover car was coming closer and she had to hurry. Selena drove into shops, luckily it was evening and so most shops were closed for the day, she was lucky to have no casualties involve for now.
"Diana I can't hear you, the network is bad" Selena said as she looked ahead and noticed the crowd in front of her. "Shit" She cursed as she turned the wheels round in circle as she turned to avoid driving into the crowd.
The sound of glass shattering filled the air as the crowds attention was now deviated to the car crash.
Selena could hear Diana calling out to her on the phone but Selena didn't have the time for that. She tried to get up as she squeezed her way to the crowd and then she saw a man lying unconscious on the ground.
She didn't know what to do now, she couldn't start running because of course they would catch up to her. She looked behind and noticed the guys already getting down from the car, she could tell they were searching for her in the crowd.
A thought crossed Selena's mind and she quickly fell to the ground next to the unconscious man and cried out.
"Help!! Help us please" Selena cried out as she tried to lift the man in her arms. "My husband!! Someone help me!! Taxi!!" Selena called as fake tears start rolling down her cheeks. The Crowd couldn't comprehend what happened but still they assisted her, they helped her get her husband inside the car and the Taxi drove them to the hospital.
Selena sighed in relief as she looked out the window, she could see the guys still searching for her in the crowd.
"Take us to the nearest hospital" Selena ordered as she looked at the man lying unconscious in her arms, she didn't know him. But he had saved her tonight, at least now she would be able to breath for a while. Now she could think of a good plan to get her out of here, she had to leave with the files before they catch up with her.
Selena continued to stare at the man's sleeping face, she could tell he was rich judging from his clothing. Just like her he too had a car accident, Selena had spotted the black Lamborghini that had hit one of the shops, she was sure that was his car.
Selena sighed again, she knew she wasn't going to be safe at the hospital either, she had to get out of this country. Her plan now was to drop this man at the hospital and then she would take off from there.