Chereads / Fifth King / Chapter 190 - Plan for Sunday

Chapter 190 - Plan for Sunday

Protecting others from ourselves is always the hardest.

Plan for Sunday

I made my way to Moses's place, climbing the worn stairs to his old flat. As I reached the door, Moses must have sensed me coming because he opened it before I could even knock. He greeted me with a warm smile, the same fearless curl of his lips I'd known since childhood.

"Hello, Shay," he said, his presence radiating warmth.

"Hi," I replied. "Can I come in?"

"Of course," he said, stepping aside. "Sorry about that, come on in."

I entered and slipped off my shoes. Moses hurried to the kitchen, calling out, "Coffee, tea, lemonade?"

"Lemonade, thanks," I said.

By the time I walked into the room, Moses was already setting out drinks. For a moment, I considered asking him to be my barman, but quickly dismissed the idea—didn't want to go bankrupt before we even opened.

"How's the renovation going?" Moses asked, unable to stand silence for long.

"Pretty well," I said. "Just need a bartender. I can't open without one."

"You know, I heard you have plenty of candidates lining up," he said.

I pulled a thoughtful face. Maybe I was being too picky.

"Anyway, let's not dwell on that," I smiled. "I came to check on you."

Moses blushed slightly, always a bit shy when someone showed concern for him.

"I'm still losing control sometimes," he admitted. "But I'm managing my magic better than I did at first."

He had tried testing his new powers with a fire spell once and nearly set the place ablaze. It took Rolo half a day to fix everything.

I finished my lemonade, and Moses led me to his room, which was immaculately organized. The only change since my last visit was a large stone block in one corner.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Rolo brought it over," Moses explained. "It's an Onix. It's supposed to help me with my magic control. I meditate on it."

"I see," I replied, not particularly enthusiastic.

"I've been reading a lot about Mystbanes," Moses continued. "It seems unlikely that I'll ever master wild magic the way other mages master their magic."

He sounded a bit desperate.

"Don't be too hard on yourself," I encouraged him. "I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work."

He nodded, though still looked uncertain.

"Have you and Rolo patched things up?" I asked.

After Moses's fiery mishap, Rolo had been pretty upset. He'd had to deal with most of the cleanup, and I imagined he'd made a few threats about future accidents.

"Yeah," Moses said, "We've worked things out."

Rolo was gradually accepting the situation. It wasn't easy for him to adjust to having a clumsy mage as a companion. At first, he had a hard time reconciling his feelings for Mose with his expectations. But as Mose grew closer to him, Rolo realized he cared deeply and wanted to be there for him. It took some time, but he came around.

And slowly, Mose began to adapt too. Being a shapeshifter's companion comes with its own set of challenges—learning to communicate without words, and sensing each other's emotions. It's a unique bond where you understand each other instinctively. I smiled, knowing that Mose and Rolo were on the right path.

Moses seemed to sense my approval, his shoulders relaxing as he took a deep breath. I could see the determination in his eyes, despite the lingering doubts.

"By the way," I added casually, "have you ever considered traveling to Livius's court with me?"

Moses looked up, curiosity flickering in his eyes. "The Sorcerer Lord's court? Why?"

"I'm thinking of going there soon," I explained. "The accumulated magic there might help you adjust your wild magic. It could be beneficial."

Moses's face showed a mix of excitement and hesitation. "You really think that would help?"

"I'm almost certain," I said with confidence. "Plus, it'd be a change of scenery. You might find it inspiring."

Moses nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll think about it."

Not that he had another option but to come. But I did not say this to him.

As I turned to leave, Moses walked me to the door. "I'll think about the trip."

"Great," I said with a smile. "I'll check in with you soon. Take care, Moses."

"You too," he replied, closing the door behind me.

As I walked down the street, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Frosty Darklord was near the top of the list.

[Hey, Mazen] I wrote.

As if he was waiting for my message he answered right away.

Frosty Darklord: [What happened?]

[Nothing. Yet. 😅Just wanted to let you know I'm heading to Livius's court soon. Thought it'd be a good idea to give you a heads-up.]

Frosty Darklord: [You heading to where again?]

[To Livius's court. Figured it's time to check in with them.]

Frosty Darklord: [Are you out of your mind? Going there will just make the dark mages attack you as soon as you come back.]

I shrugged. [Eh, they'd attack me eventually anyway. 🙄 Might as well stir the pot a bit while I'm at it.]

Frosty Darklord: [That's not how it works. You're putting yourself in immediate danger. The dark mages will be on you the moment you return.]

[True, but better to face it head-on than wait for it to come to me.] I argued.

I could almost see Mazen rolling his eyes through the screen.

Frosty Darklord: [Great. Just don't say I didn't warn you. If you get into trouble, make sure you have a plan to get out of it.]

[Got it.]

Maybe he thought that I ended his torment with that. Haha, bet. I just started.

[Yeah, I almost forgot. I was on a date with Lil the other day.]

Frosty Darklord: [Are you out of your mind? Are you insane?]

[We had a rather pleasant morning. 🥰]

I could almost see his visceral reaction to the emoji and his utterly disgusted face through the screen.

Frosty Darklord: [Pleasant? More like "what were you thinking?" You know how much trouble this is going to cause!]

[Well, she's a lot more than just trouble. Besides, she's got a way of making things interesting.]

Frosty Darklord: [Interesting? This is insane. You're poking a dragon with a stick and expecting it to be a pet!]

[Oh, come on. It's not like I'm planning to start a war. Just a date, Mazen. 😅]

Frosty Darklord: [She's been my mentor since before you were born!]

[I'm well aware of her... extensive experience.]

Frosty Darklord: [Extensive? She's basically a walking history lesson with a side of "don't mess with me"! Why on earth would you go on a date with her?]

[Well, she has a way of making travel interesting. And, you know, I couldn't resist the opportunity for some... unique company.]

Frosty Darklord: [Unique company? Do you have any idea what this is going to do to my blood pressure?]

Frosty Darklord: [I'm seriously considering locking you in a vault until this all blows over. You're making my life way too complicated.]

I couldn't help but chuckle.


The evening settled into its usual rhythm. I flopped onto the couch in the living room, remote in hand, and flipped through the channels aimlessly. The soft hum of the TV provided a comforting backdrop, though I was only half paying attention.

From the kitchen came the clatter of pots and pans. Alex was busy preparing something, probably another one of his experimental dishes. He seemed to take a peculiar joy in testing out new recipes, and though they didn't always turn out perfect, they were usually edible. I could hear him humming a tune under his breath, his voice blending with the sizzle of whatever he was cooking.

Rolo, on the other hand, was sprawled out on the armchair with his phone, his eyes glued to the screen. He occasionally made a sound of frustration or amusement, but he was otherwise engrossed in whatever game or social media he was scrolling through. The gentle glow of the phone illuminated his face, casting a soft light in the dimly lit room.

I glanced over at Rolo, noticing his furrowed brow. "Anything interesting, Rolo, or just trying to beat your high score again?"

He glanced up, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Trying to avoid your endless chatter, mostly. But if you're really interested, I've just unlocked a new level. Maybe I'll show you later if you're nice."

"Don't bother," I said, leaning back and stretching out my legs. "I'm not that interested anyway."

Alex appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, carrying a plate of something that looked suspiciously like a science experiment gone wrong. He placed it on the coffee table with a flourish. "Dinner's served! I promise it tastes better than it looks."

I eyed the dish warily but grabbed my fork. "Well, it smells interesting. Let's see if it's edible."

Alex gave a mock bow and retreated back to the kitchen, leaving me and Rolo to sample his latest culinary creation. I took a tentative bite and raised an eyebrow.

"Not bad," I said, though I was being generous. "It's got character."

Rolo chuckled. "Character? Is that what they're calling it these days?"

We shared a laugh, the sound of Alex's voice drifting back to us from the kitchen as he continued his cooking adventures. The evening was pleasantly mundane, a rare and welcome change from the chaos of the day. It was nice to have a moment of normalcy amidst the turmoil.

As the night wore on, I sank further into the couch, feeling the weight of the day lift off my shoulders. With Rolo occasionally chiming in with his gaming updates and Alex's culinary experiments providing a steady stream of amusement, the evening felt both relaxed and oddly satisfying.

The TV played on in the background, the familiar voices from the screen merging with the sounds of our easy conversation. For now, the world outside could wait. Inside, we were simply three friends enjoying a quiet night in.

I opened my messaging app and found Livius's contact. I smirked.

I started typing out the message, making sure to include all the necessary details.

[Hey Livius] I began, hitting send before continuing.

Sorcerer Lord Not-So-Mighty: [Hello, Shay. How are you all doing? How is Rolo? He doesn't really reply to me recently....]

My eyes found Rolo's face for a moment, before typing my answer.

[Just wanted to go over the details for our visit.] I typed, [We'll be arriving at your court on Sunday. Please let us know if there's anything specific we should prepare for.]

Sorcerer Lord Not-So-Mighty: [Noted. Sunday it is. I assume you're only bringing Rolo?]

[Nope, Rolo and Mose will be with me.]

[What's the best way to get there? Should I ask for a mage for a ride or arrange something else?]

Sorcerer Lord Not-So-Mighty: [The portal is the most efficient option. I'll have it prepared for your arrival.]

[Perfect.] I replied, [And how long do you expect us to stay? We're aiming for a short visit but let us know if there's an expected timeframe.]

Sorcerer Lord Not-So-Mighty: [A day or two should be sufficient. The court schedule is fairly flexible at the moment.]

[Got it.] I typed.

Sorcerer Lord Not-So-Mighty: [See you soon.]

With that, I put my phone down and sighed. The plans were set, and all that was left was to prepare for the visit. I glanced over at Rolo, who was still engrossed in his game, and then at Alex, who had reappeared with a fresh batch of something experimental.

"Just wrapping up some details for our trip," I said, taking a sip of my now-cool lemonade. "Looks like we're all set for Sunday."

Alex nodded. "Anything interesting going on at Livius's court?"

"Just the usual courtly intrigue," I replied with a grin. "But it should be an interesting visit. Maybe we'll pick up some useful information."

Rolo finally looked up from his phone, raising an eyebrow. "As long as it doesn't involve getting caught in some grand scheme or dealing with too much drama, I'm all for it."

After finishing up with Livius, I turned my attention to another important task: making sure Mose was fully briefed on the upcoming trip. 

[Hey Mose] I wrote.

Fortuna's Favourite: [Hi Shay. What's up?😊]

[Just wanted to check in with you.] I began. [We're heading to Livius's court soon. I wanted to see if you've decided about coming along.]

Fortuna's Favourite: [I've been thinking about it. I'm not sure yet.]

[Why the hesitation?] I asked, [The trip could really help with your magic control. It might be just what you need.]

Fortuna's Favourite: [I'm worried about the whole thing.]

[It's a big step, but sometimes we must take big steps] I typed, [If you decide to come, we can tackle it together. I'll make sure you're well-prepared.]

Fortuna's Favourite: [Alright, I'll come along. I appreciate the push. Let's see how it goes.]

[We're set to arrive on Sunday.]

A moment later, I received an immediate and frantic response:

Fortuna's Favourite: [Wait, what? 😱 It's Friday evening! That means we only have a day and a half to prepare!]

I could almost picture Mose's panic from his text. I decided to reassure him:

[Just focus on getting what you need for the trip. We'll manage the rest.]

Fortuna's Favourite: [What do I need, Shay? What do I need? I don't even know that!!😱😱😱]

I could almost hear Mose's desperate whining through the text. I couldn't help but smirk as I typed out my reply:

[Relax, Mose😅 Just pack the essentials: clothes for different weathers—warm stuff, cool stuff, and maybe something nice for a fancy occasion. You know, the basics.]

Fortuna's Favourite: [And magical supplies?]

[Well, you're the mage, not me! 😅 Just pack the usual stuff you'd take on a trip.]

Fortuna's Favourite: [But you must know something!]

[Nope. Really don't.]

Fortuna's Favourite: [You're really not helping much, you know.]

[Hey, I'm doing my best! Pack a survival kit then.]

Fortuna's Favourite: [Survival kit? Now you're scaring me! 💀💀💀]

[Just a bit of over-dramatizing. 😜 You'll be fine. If you're unsure about something, shoot Rolo a text.]

With a final chuckle, I put my phone away. The TV continued its soft murmur and the occasional clink of dishes from the kitchen added to the relaxed ambience of the night. Despite the looming trip and the potential challenges, for now, it was good to simply enjoy the calm.

The only annoying thing was the constant beeping of Rolo's phone. He was sprawled on the couch, trying to ignore the persistent notifications, but his grumbling was growing louder with each ping.

"Ugh, seriously, do people not have a concept of quiet hours?" Rolo muttered, swiping at his screen with a frustrated scowl.

Alex peeked out from the kitchen, a bemused look on his face. "Is it that bad?"

"Worse," Rolo replied, trying to focus on his game but clearly distracted by the interruptions. "It's like Mose decided now's the perfect time to bombard me with messages."

"Maybe he's just excited about the trip," Alex suggested with a shrug, returning to his cooking.

"Excited or not, he could at least be more considerate," Rolo grumbled, shaking his head. "I swear, if one more message comes through, I might just throw this thing out the window."

"Or you could just put him on mute," I suggested, leaning back and enjoying the quiet for a moment.

"Now there's an idea," Rolo said, with a hint of sarcasm. He finally turned the volume down, and the room fell into a more peaceful silence.

"Much better," I said, smiling as I turned my attention back to the TV.

Rolo grumbled something under his breath but looked slightly more at ease as he focused on his game, the beeping finally coming to a halt.

My phone buzzed, and I glanced at it.

Fortuna's Favourite: [He doesn't answer me.😭😭😭]

I snorted softly. Unlucky, indeed.