Chapter 7 - Chapter V - Rubedo

On a dark cold night a Little Girl, around 15 years old knelt before a headstone, it was her mother's. She wiped a tear before behind her a boy of similar age, reached down and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Come... we must train." He ordered, this wasn't a request.

"Train? All we do is train..." whined the girl.

"You wish to become a hero? Heroes don't whine, they act, Now come along." He clapped back.

The girl sighed and stood up as they walked deeper into the surrounding woods. Until they came upon a nice open clearing, perfect for a spar. That was until the deep growls began, the boy looked behind him to see the glowing red eyes of Grimm glaring at them from the tree line.

The boy turned to the girl in the red hood, "well let's see what that old Crow taught you."

The girl smiled and marched forward with absolute confidence.The boy stepped aside letting her confront the Grimm on her own, after all these are young Beowolves, inexperienced, and rather simple to take down.

Three of the Beowolves charged at the girl, only to have her disappear into rose petals. Confused, the pack looks around to see she's in the air. And her hood was off revealing a very familiar pair of silver eyes.

Ruby's face then hardened as she reached behind her and pulled out her weapon which blasted a Beowolf's head clean off. She landed on the ground as another tried to charge, but she jumped up in time and fired another round into its head, as she was landing, she shot another Beowolf and did a forward roll as she landed. Looking up, Ruby saw another lunge at her, but she blasted one another round into its head. She then started backing up and unraveled her gun to reveal a giant Scythe.

One Beowolf roared and charged at Ruby, but she swung and got it trapped. It roared at her but she just smirked, and pulled the trigger, the recoil cutting the Grimm in half.

The boy smirked at the sound of the Scythe letting out a long metallic dong, that was until he felt a presence behind him, and with a swift turn he met the Beowolf that had lunged at him mid air. Its torso met Storm's Teeth, his personal weapon, and was brutally sawed in half. Pulling out his pistol he nailed one in the head with a clean shot before turning back to Ruby.

The other Grimm growled and started charging, but she was ready. As Ruby stabbed her scythe blade into the ground and started firing her sniper bullets at the various beowolves who were charging at her, each one going down but more were coming towards her. The Boy decided to step in firing his own pistol to thin the hoard.

"Magazine out, magazine in." He whispered to himself as he reloaded. It was a subconscious habit that he has, which Ruby decided to tease him for it as she uttered the same phrase when she would reload.

One tried to swipe at Ruby, but she jumped and shot a bullet into the Beowolf causing it to yelp in pain, and the recoil sent her flying back.

As Ruby was soaring away, she planted her blade into the ground again and stood on her weapon, seeing another pack emerging from the forest, she warned the boy about the incoming wave of new enemies.

Another Beowolf made the same mistake as its brethren by swiping at her, but she avoided it by ducking under her weapon and firing a round into an approaching beowolf, the recoil shooting her back as she drove her foot into the Grimm who tried to attack her. She was now using her blade to attack and the way she did it would bring awe to any that witnessed. It was like a dance of some sorts, the way she was just cutting down the Grimm around her, she was in complete control of her weapon which was impressive for a girl her age.

But her dance was now at an end, as a Beowolf swiped, this time hitting her weapon which caused her to get launched away. Finally, stopping herself she narrowed her eyes and took out a cartridge of ammo before yelling out, loud enough for him to hear.

"Magazine out, magazine in!"

"Ha, very funny..." he was not amused.

A loud screech reverberated through the trees and a large figure emerged.

"Warrior..." it was a Grimm Warrior, a rather powerful species that fought like an actual 'Warrior' rather than the animalistic behavior of other Grimm, hence the name. Smaller, more quieter screeches accompanied the Warrior, "And he has a pack of wretched Hormagaunts...fantastic."

"I'll deal with the wolves. Can you take the Warrior and his gaunts?" Ruby asked.

"Yea, yea I got em'." He muttered.

The Warrior let out another disgusting screech, commanding his underlings forward. The boy picked off as many as he could with his pistol before running out of ammunition. Holstering his pistol, he charged forward Storm's Teeth revving and roaring.

He met the first Gaunt with a strike to its throat, breaking its neck, which he followed with a stomp to the head, killing it. He met the next three with swings of his Chainsaw sword, meeting the sixth with a horrifying butchering strike down the middle, exposing its insides to the outside world. He raised his sword in time to meet another Gaunt that launched at him.

The Warrior let out a shorter screech, it was challenging him. The boy narrowed his eyes before saying, "I accept."

Both the Warrior and him charged full speed at each other, dodging the Warriors first strike, he countered with his own which was blocked the two combatants effectively locked horns, which is what Storm's Teeth was good for, sawing. That was until a shot from Ruby caused the warrior to stagger. Taking full advantage of the moment the boy shoved Storm's Teeth straight into the beast's belly before reaching up and grabbing it by its neck and ripping its head off.

While all that was happening Ruby started to charge into the Beowolves before slicing through one. Then another, then she started going faster and faster until she was slaughtering Grimm left and right, her hands a flurry of motions as claws and bullets flew into the air and assisting the boy with that great shot, until finally she finished with a pose, her scythe behind her as bullets rained down.

The boy finished glaring at his foe before turning back to Ruby as she was in a rather seductive pose, he knew she had a crush on him but she was painfully obvious when attempting to hide it or either rather pathetically flirting, just like her half sister.

The boy sighs before walking to her, "let's get you home, before your father kills me."

"Sooooo watcha' think? Pretty good huh?" She was practically oozing with confidence in her abilities.

The boy scoffed, "your form could use some work."

Ruby turned to him with the most shocked look on her face, before the boy burst out laughing at her expression, "aw I'm just joking Rubes." He chuckled as he patted her head,

"Hmph, you better Jaune." She said, finally revealing the boy's name.

"I always am."

And that's the 'Redness' Trailer as I like to call it, it's meant to be a short little thing I'm gonna do before I start the Rwby Arc. Hope you enjoyed