Jacob's mind is all over the place. He doesn't know whether he should accept this deal when the details are so vague. On one hand, he gets three things from a god that will help him overthrow the king. On the other hand, Zyl will take something valuable from him three times at any point, but Jacob doesn't even know what would be valuable to Zyl.
"Can you stop overthinking so much? Even though I'm a trickster, I am still an honorable god when it comes to making deals," Zyl berated with annoyance shown clearly on his face. "How about this: you can ask me three questions about this deal, but let me tell you three things first. Don't ask a broad question, or else I will give broad answers. Don't ask double-barreled questions; otherwise, that would use up your two free questions and I won't answer it. Lastly, you can't ask questions outside of the deal. Got it?"Jacob accepted Zyl's proposal. "Great, now ask away."
Jacob put his hand under his chin and asked, "Do I risk the wrath of other gods from accepting this deal?" Jacob wanted to know just how dangerous this deal could be for himself and his family. "That is a good question, Jacob. It depends. I am neutral with most of them, so they won't personally do anything, but that doesn't mean they will stop any of their believers from doing something to you or your family. But if they personally get involved, then I will have to step in. Next question," Zyl reassured as he sat on a wooden chair next to a small table, drinking alcohol that gave a soothing aroma in the air. You didn't even notice how those objects appeared, but Zyl's demeanor about him making sure that a god doesn't personally try to cause you harm. "Well, that sounded reassuring… I think," Jacob asked his second question. "Are there disadvantages to the three things you will give me that possibly could result in me dying?" "Yes… Next question," Zyl said strongly and quick. Jacob was surprised by the one-worded answer and thought Zyl seemed unreliable when it comes to the hazards of making deals with him. Jacob thought about his last question. He couldn't really think of anything to ask without knowing more information, and instead of using up his last question, he said to Zyl, "I want to save my last question for another time." Zyl looked at Jacob directly, his hazel eyes seeming to stare into Jacob's soul, feeling exposed like he couldn't hide any thoughts from him. "Fine, that's some pretty smart thinking. Usually, they use up all their questions and regret that they never thought that saving them for later was an option. So, are you gonna shake my hand now and accept my deal?" Zyl said with his hand out. Jacob grabs Zyl's hand. "I accept. So, what are these three things you are going to give me?" Jacob asked, his curiosity growing with each moment of the three things that Zyl would give him. Are they really capable of making it possible to save the kingdom from its tyrant's grasp? "Well, I was thinking since your last name's meaning is to shine that we should actually make you shine metaphorically speaking," Zyl said to Jacob with a smirk. Jacob, in return, gave a look that stifled all his curiosity and made him wonder whether Zyl was reliable or just a pretty face to look at with his bad jokes to go along with it. "You're doubting me, aren't you, of whether or not I'm reliable? No worries, you aren't the first to think that." That did not help Jacob and just made him wonder if he should just wake up and go on with his despondent life instead of dealing with Zyl's banter. Suddenly, the dream world started shaking like the world was about to end, his legs shaking in fear and struggling to stand up as the ground shakes, he noticed that the world was getting darker and the sunshine was getting bleeker. He looked up and saw the sky was shaking and the sun shrinking!? Did he anger Zyl was he about to face the divine wrath of a god or maybe he was about to find out that this wasn't real and just a dream? "Calm down, this is one of the three things I will give you, the power of the Sun that I may or may not have stolen," Zyl reassured, Jacob is shocked, he stole a sun!? And he is going to give it to me?