Additional chapter for the magical castle.
Purity of the pill. It mainly determined how well the pill was prepared and purified.
The purity is evaluated in percentages, and if 50% and below was no more than poison for the body, then 60% and above were already used in everyday life. 100% purity was the rarest and belonged to the legendary.
If the pill was not pure enough, the cultivator could harm himself, and his strength would weaken, he would become a cripple. Therefore, it was important to purify the pill in such a way that there were no harmful impurities left.
Xie Qing took the book with basic recipes and studied it. There were more than a hundred pill recipes there, which would be useful only to mortals, cultivators would get no benefit from them.
The pills included Healing Pill, Strength Pill, Endurance Pill, and the like.