Chereads / Pokemon: Celestial inclanation I / Chapter 30 - unbrazil

Chapter 30 - unbrazil

------{Torana's perspective}------

I could clearly see that Qota no longer concious over herself, but still steady in place not moving at all. I consider something as i stand up high and glance at Absol, who stare at us for this while time. I tell it to protect Qota, of course it would be agree it was an honour for a guarding pokemon to serve someone or protect something important. It don't always look like it protect something, but surely it does.

I felt kinda wierd, this is already the middle of night. "How come do Michelle won't came back?" This is odd due to how fast she is to retreat and leave for another round of hard time.

"Something just odd, right now." I start to search for Michelle. She is quite hard to find due to her primape gave the same exact frequency of my detection, nullify my detection.

Just as i take A guess, there was a darkrays swarming over. This isn't right in the first place, because they usually wandering alone. But this time they have invaded Michelle, with her knocked out primeape. It have little to no injury over the course of these investasion. 

All of the darkrays notice that i have sported them in place, so they start to get me. I can't do this alone, so i let all of them get me to sleep. 

Some of them are waiting for the other's to finish get me down to sleep. As my sight turn black, i soon just casually walking in my dream. 

------|Torana's dream|------ 

I got up in an eerily familiar mansion, i know this is the place where i once we're. But i know this is just a flash of my memory, so i break my mind out and proceeds to get into lucid dream state. 

All of Things came invading my mind we're in my reach of dream domain, thus i am the absolute ruler of my mind. I do connect my mind with other's, just need to link in telepathy. But now i am in a verge of war between me and swarm of Darkrays. Even tho they are a dream pokemon, they can be outclassed by some strong mind similar to my mind.

I constantly Slam their Souls all over the place, it was fun until they wake me up in real life.

"Thank- you for Walking me up-" I politely say while Michelle also awake with her bloody eyes and tears.

"Do you really have any idea how many are we?" Michelle stated while glaring deep and empty in eyes, giving chill over Darkrays.

"Chill, just keep it calm why can you ended up being hypnotized by these Darkrays?" I try to comply from what we have accidentally stumble to.

Michelle just came out of response and said "I don't know, i just hunt some Bugs to bring here. Oh crap, where is all the Bugs?!" She really have hunt some, considering she have some bruises in her body.

"Maybe i really should do what Baka tolds us to. So where we're we? Oh yeah the Darkrays, it will be fun if i do that." The Darkrays seems terrified from what i just said, of course i had plan in mind. "WATCH OUT!" I screamt then shoot a blinding energy beam into the sky. Of course i have spent quite a lot of energy considering i am originally on my sleep estate right now, but it was Worth it as the Darkrays vanishes from our sight and gone to shadow realm real fast.

"Well, that is quite of work. Oh yea, your hun- oh." I Suddenly realized that Michelle already gather all she got in the wild, "Give it to me, i can store this for later." She stare at me like, how? So i open out my Frozen dimension and she is just "Alright then, just get them quickly. Don't let them rot."


----[4th wall explanation]----


For you that don't know, bug type in this universe isn't that poisonous. Exept for them that posses poison in their body. Not gonna lie their flesh is kind of a jelly, but not that thin or easy to tear trough. Their muscle is tight ad hell, as you can see a dead spider has their legs bend whenever they have died. It means they are always live in a literal pressure all of their lives. Following this logic, every bug type pokemon have a similar atributes possibly stronger than a lion if really implemented. It also Support theory that long time ago, Bugs do have hundreds Times their size nowadays considering the amount of oxygen there was milion years ago.

Nonetheless this is less disgusting than eating a grasshopper, for instance this also have some nutrients on it making it a really good food. Still tho prefer more harder but easier to munch than this one.


------[Real world]------


We came back at our temporary camp, find out well that the Absol really do it's promise. Quite odd considering it is a wild pokemon don't usually help human unless a really bad thing would happen.

I try to communicate with it, of course using body language. It says that it don't know where do it came from, neither do everything that happen. But i know it barely the truth because in it's mind i have read that it still have all of it's memory, you know i am not a type of person that have interrupted someone's life unless i really need to do it. 

I told the absol to get lost, so it went away in shadow. Somehow, i feel a slight connection between us maybe we are somehow related. Now for my daily Routine, keep my cycle terrible as it was. Make sure the camp we're silent with a simple poundroof barrier, sure i still let Air in but there would be no noise came trough.


------|Sole Training Session|------


While i keep on track of my barrier, i beat up a tree log. I land my palm on, hit with elbows, side hammer strike. I keep beat it up hard, the log break and as you can see that my skin seems to have peeled off. I even turn off my fake skin Illusion cover, this isn't that painful anymore. Because the tensity of this is high enough, even my nervous system in this spesific place we're off.

"Well, maybe i just need to cover my arm with some kind of bandages." Too bad, the kit was inside the barrier. "Well, i gues i need to figure this out someway." I remember about some bug skin that i have store on my frozen dimension, so i pull out some from frozen dimension then tied them up to my arm. 

i guess.

------{Rita's perspective}------


Dancing with myself, tempting with Faith and left it all stained with glass.

Quite long time pass by, since we get out of sewer. I still remember his face, "This might be it, Will He accept me tho?" As i float by and carelessly act on my own.

This is my domain, my mind and soul. An imperfect imitation of paradise that used to be a place where i thought about life in it's finest.

An endless plain of grasses, between a forever Twilight. Deemed to wonder about what is the matter of being alone in forever land for more than a month. 

"Ritalia Forgares, aren't you?" Someone said my name and i took a peek, i thought it was Qota. But it was someone else. 

A girl levitating in the air, wearing a blue and magenta robe. Her face is somewhat lumiscent, hard to describe and seemingly change upon i see it more. So i shorten my distance from her, she seem to have indefinite scale. 

"What are you doing Rita? Aren't you know who i am?" She explicitly said, then she got a little shock. 

"How did you know my name? I don't remember seeing you anywhere." I said as i inspect more. 

The girl realized something and said "Damn, i jumped to the wrong time. But maybe i'll spend my time with you here." 

I also do confused as she was, I want to have her name. "Won't you mind to give me your name?" 

"Well, this is suprising. Aren't you freak out when someone breach into your mind?" She said what could be the absolute sense in General, but i just basically Deny. "This isn't the first time, you are the second one."

She seems devious by thinking on herself, she began to control the Terrain on my dream and form a massive naked whole pale woman with floating head and six wings and empty eyesocket. "Don't worry, this isn't going to affect your mind. Just my unreal action and be not afraid."

I respond with a little afraid "How do i suposed to be calm in this Situation?!" As the massive woman stand tall, her size is also indefinite. Definitely more than half of earth diameter, this size is gynormous.

As the girl with lumiscent face began to levitate higher into the sky and state herself as "Eelie, Prime Goddess Of Fantasy. Worth mentioned that i, have rapidly jumped to past and future in this world. Tho i am not a real God, there is still the biggest fish. There would be more that i would want to tell, but seems like my regular time jumping schedule had met. So May i took my leave, see you as other line of me." Eelie Warp away and the massive woman behind her began to crumble and the head Fall in front of me while disintegrating to ashes.

"What's a wierd experience, and a pure shenanigans."

Short time after, Qota appearing to crack open my dream fabric. Stating "Have you Met someone that have a Aquamarine and magenta robe, manipulating your dream and have a lumiscent face?" Which is who i Met before Qota spawn out of nowhere. "Yea, i Met her. Her name is Eelie isn't she?" I state wondering If Qota know something.

"Dammit, i know she have been here!" Knowing somehing is odd, i decided to ask Qota "What did you know about her?" Qota bluntly reply that They have known each other for more than a millenia, this would stated that this two have more experience than they should be.

Qota turn around and said "A furless feather fall, taking the place all of blue. It shudn't lasted at all, till the total end of tylue. I hope she could hear it, nonetheless. Okay, this is already morning. See you in night time.

Qota popped out of my dream, that pun is odd. How do feather have a fur? Taking whole blue? What the hell is tylue?



------|Camp area|----{Torana's perspective}----[05.30]------


My knuckle hasn't healed naturally just yet, it is a whole bloody mess. I also cook some breakfast with the Bugs Michelle hunt last night, these bugs is Frozen solid. I must defroze this, otherwise the bug would crumble to Ices. 

Then i heard someone moaning, of course it was Michelle. "You do stand all night, better well rested big man." As i see Qota follow up out of tend, reaching for water. They both pray to the almighty at the dawn, but i still cook for a breakfast. I can't really cook that fast due to my knuckle was inflamed. 

I pull some item from my pocket dimension, i have an idea to sneak to my own dimension. But i can't sustain a living thing inside this pocket dimension, i only store some tools here. 

Reusable ultra hard wooden rod, useful in many occasion. Such as this, i peeled some of the bug shell off and make some into a satay. Burn it on the campfire i built last midnight, maybe don't make it too well done. Add a little bit of sugar and some salt, make sure all of the sugar melt and covering the satay. 

I got this recipe from Qota. I do cook every time, sometimes Qota or Michelle went cooking. Their cooking is somewhat real delicious, i mean they fry some dried shell. It is delicious nonetheless, but Qota's face went malicius all the time i eat some of what she cook. 

To be honest, this one is quite decent for my first time making these satay. I'd prefer not to use oyster sauce, sometimes i got allergic of eating fisch. 

Qota and Michelle done praying in about less than 5 minutes, i much likely know who they prayed to. Because it was the creator of our creator isn't suprising, even prophesized by all prophets spread across human history troughout the 30000 years ago. 

The creator told these prophets to spread these religious because due to this world exist in his head. Possibly coexist with other world as well, so this religion didn't make us to pray to our creator. But rather praying to the true god which is the creator of our creator, this lead to confusing line of religious. Let's get outta here, i can no longer breathe there. 


We're getting ready to continue our way to get into the finish lane, pack all things up and went right on to the ride. Antonio seems a little uncomfortable by this mean. 

Now it's my time to jump back into my pokeballs to rest. 

------{3rd perspective}------ 

The checkpoint can be spot ahead, some of the racers appearing near all sides. There also some reunion happening on between these racers. 

[To be continued]