Chereads / Pokemon: Celestial inclanation I / Chapter 12 - Other's daily

Chapter 12 - Other's daily

------{Alcha's perspective}------

Anyone know little about me but, everyday i follow Rita for her jogging session, i think she din't noticing me.

(Inner)Qota: *say loudly* Hey you think i don't notice you, and if i don't why did i can Dodge bullet?!

Argh, isn't you suposed to be in Castelia? And why did you be this transparent?

(Inner)Qota: Ugh, i almost died you know, this is me in my spiritual form that i project to you.

Alcha: There is no way you could use a high-energy psychic power yourself?!

(Inner)Qota: Hey, don't underestimate me, i used to be this way because of my training. Like what do you mean by use psychic can't be by yourself you know. *angrily laugh*

Alcha: Can you butt out a little bit? I will finish my line.

(Inner)Qota: Okay-okay. Fine, i'll be *zippung mouth and spoke grumblingly* i'll silont.

Alcha: Bizarre, anyway.

This is an ordinary life, or should i say My Ordinary Life, wether choosing my pokemon nor no activities at all. All i feel just a same. Almost all empty and can you hear the silence? Yes i can, can you see the dark? Ofcourse i can. Can you fix the broken? ...

Alcha: Wait, this lyrics is my hope for fixing my life to get better. So, i need to fix the broken. Oh-oh this is a new challenge to me.

FYI: Alcha is a talented person with almost perfect rival to Qota, but she rather silent nor be honest and fun with Qota not should i say Rita cause she(Alcha) often say her(Ritalia) name.

A/N: So that will be an interesting if i...

------[one day before pokemon choosing]------

Alcha: Okay, let's begin. *start to make a literal consept of the clothes and focus*

------[20 minutes of drawing consept]------

Alcha: Maybe this is what i need to make. But that line... "Can you fix the broken?" That triggered me and the last one.

Drawing consept: The clothes is looks like a normal closed dress but a slight different is the acessories that was make a...

A/N: Local pride, hehe, if you don't mind, just ignore me.

Drawing consept: Ugh, again the acessories that make a massive different in the whole thing. That really hit everyone else's mind that she make a Bun hair and a thicc makeup.

(Inner)Qota: Hold on, it seems like i Saw this somewhere before, ha! This is ja-

A/N: Uh, huh Nuh-uh you can't say it here.

Alcha: Hey, you say, you'd silent?! Sugh, don't repeat that again.

(Inner)Qota: I swear that Alcha is more terrifying than Rita.

A/N: Yeah, she really more terrifying than Rita not gonna lie, anyway Za Hando! *teleport away*

Alcha: they are very annoying as usual, so this is my plan, i will make the shirt part first because it just black blank with a slight soft and hard texture on the cloth, and a detailed miedival-like shirt button, and a long skirt that have a geometry formula that was 3:7:11 with the root-like decoration, hmm... It seems look like this dress was match for Rita.

(Inner)Qota: Yeah she definitely is.

A/N: Agree. Oh, shi-

(Inner)Qota&A/N: "Nigerundayo!"

Alcha: *in rage but calm quickly* annoying tacky piece of shi- anyway i should do this later but my arm refused to stop, so i guess i need to continue this.

------[6 hours later]------

Alcha: *groan* aughnn... Oh yeah this is morning, so i guess i'll continue this yesterday so yeah, i hope i have enough energy to get my pokemon.

------(she simply fall asleep while unconciously choose Oshawott)------

Yep, just not expect that she will choose Oshawott she named Bintaro unconciously and she was taking that okay. So... can we move into another person?

(Inner)Qota: Yeah sure, so we can spying on other's too.

A/N: Anyway this is maybe can be call a spoiler but yeah, this is my story so i can do whatever i want to. Heheheha!

------{Misterious man's perspective and in plasma's team hospital}------

???: Ugh, that Brat is very dangerous, even i with my weapon and all of my pokemon can only knock her out, not her pokemon. Now i have a surgery with my broken tandon, tch this is not what i expected. But yeah whatever at least she got a shot on her heart, but how did she won't die? Is there another explanation about this?! *swiping face* If leader know what happen to me, she will finished, but this is my personal because of her, my Houndoom have a permanent fractured Skull. I can't believe she manage to make my Houndoom almost die!

Chokoleeta/Choko (Experienced Doctor): *in exhausted* Sir, you should not be too rash, or the wound will not recover quickly. And you are talking about Plasma team as you are one of the famous admin from them, Mr. Yudi.

Yudi: Yeah, indeed i am but are you sure to make yourself comfortable with us, i don't really agree with Ghetsis's plan to only him that use thoose pokemon one day, because he is too egoist. I only join him because he can help thoose people, but i can't blame him to take other's pokemon.

Choko: *groan* Yeah, for that i should do the surgery without my pokemon, and i should do better and better to make my patient can do their normal life. Anyway, i heard that you have already kill someone don't you?

Yudi: No, she is still alive, i can make you sure that she is in the hospital now around here. Because her Gardevoir make my pokemon in much worse condition and i have no cap in that time, cause it can solo all of my pokemon with it's devil-like eye and i have no idea how did she got that demon.

Choko: Yep, oh yeah this is interesting. *suddenly make a spirited body and voice* Yeah, i wil reach my goal to get the potition of greatest doctor to be in Unova and will treat all of them with all of my life i have sacrified to my passion! Josh, Let's go!

(Inner)Qota&A/N: I hope he (Choko) will not ended just like Jack Hanma. And live in his dream life.

A/N: After this will be an almost a month of timeskip but if you can understand. Be patience.

[To be continued]