Chapter 76 - Find Gasparde

The crew went back to the ship later that night and rested up for the big race the next day. As the sun came up, everyone was making the ship ready as they prepare for the Dead End Race.

While everyone was working on the ship, Nami kept staring at the Eternal Pose. She sighed. "Zack? It's still pointing at that mountain."

"What's the matter, Nami?" Luffy asked, springing down off the mast and landing next to the navigator.

"The Eternal Pose is pointing over the mountain."

"So the starting point is over there?" Sanji asked, climbing down the mast's rope.

Nami shook her head. "No. The bookkeeper explicitly said that this town was the starting point. "

"I don't see any other ships." Zoro pointed out on the upper deck. "Did they leave without us?"

"We are indeed at the starting point." Zack assured them. "This island has several rivers that branch in from the sea, and they meet at the main stream in front of us."

Nami blinked. "In front if us? You mean... There?!"

"The other ships should be on standby at the other branches." Robin continued "The starting point is at the top of that mountain."

"E-eh really! You mean we're going up the mountain?!"

"So Just like you've experienced on Reverse Mountain, right?"

"Yes, but there was a huge current at the time..."

"There is one here too."Robin smiled. "Once every few years, a strong back current accompanied by a fierce gale arrives here. That's what we'll be using."

Sanji sneaked up next to her with hearts as eyes. "Ah~ you know everything, Robin-chan~!"

"I guess that's an understandable theory..." Nami agreed...

"So it's a mystery start!" Luffy said.

Usopp hit him in the chest. "Yeah right."

Vivi looked at Nami. "Nami... are you sure about this? The ship was nearly wrecked the last time by jet steam, remember?"

"Dont worry~!" Luffy grinned. "We'll make it somehow, isn't it Zack!"

"Yes, captain " replied Zack still doing his daily routine training.

Nami suddenly sensed something in the air and spun around to the others. "The gale's coming! Luffy, hurry and reinforce the yards! Usopp, take the helm! Chopper, watch the mast! Sanji , Zoro, Zack watch the shrouds on both sides of the mast!"

Everyone sprinted into action, following the skilled navigator's orders. As soon as everyone got into position, the water began to slowly pick up pace. Only moments later, but the speed dramatically change along with a sudden powerful gust of wind taking the Going Merry along for the ride. Everyone hung on for dear life as the powerful current dragged the ship towards the mountain, first going through a cave.

"N-not another tunnel!" Usopp exclaimed.

"YOSH~! Let's go~!" Luffy shouted as they approached a light at the end of the tunnel.

As they came out of the tunnel, the Straw-Hat pirates was carried up through villages where pirates, ex-pirates, and supporters cheered for them and against them as they traveled through.

Nami smiled. "We made it . This is what they meant by 'parade start'."

"Oi oi oi oi~!" Usopp smiled. "You wouldn't have guessed, but it looks like a lot of people bet on us, ne?"

Luffy and Usopp threw the crowd a confident smile and held their fists in the air. "Yosh~! Leave it to us~!"

"You punks better not mess anything up!" A few members of the crowd shouted at them angrily. "I've bet on the favorite! If you get in the way, I'll kill you!" Usopp and Luffy sweat dropped and fell over.

Zack leaned against the railing, staring at the crowd. "Well, that kind of attitude is to be expected."

Zoro walked down to the deck, resting his arm on his swords. "So who's this Gasparde guy?" He asked, looking at Zack.

"Hm. Now this is rare." Zack smiled at the swordsman. "Are you interested in him?"

"You and Robin mentioned his name the other night. Plus you were researching about him until late last night, weren't you?" He asked her, already knowing the answer. "You as well." He glanced at Nami.

"Sugei..." Chopper stared over the railing in awe. "We're climbing the mountain."

"Hm?" From the mast, Sanji noticed the other pirate ships trailing up the mountain from different rivers. "I can see the other ships over there." All of a sudden, the people turned their attention to another ship, a very large ship trailing up one of the rivers next to the Going Merry. The ship looked to be like an old naval ship with the Marine's logo "x" ed out in red paint. "Whoa... that's a big one. A steam-powered ship, never seen that before."

Nami's eyes widened. "It's him!"

"That's the top favorite, Gasparde's ship The Salamander," Zack mentioned, eye narrowing.

"What's with the mark on the sails?" Usopp asked. "It's the mark of the Marines, but it's been crossed out."

"That's because that guy's a former Marine vice admiral at Marine Fort." Zack explained. "He became a pirate after seizing control of the ship he was assigned to. Right now, the bounty on his head is $630,000,000 berries. Not only that he owns logia type, candy candy fruit, and has pretty much mastered Marine six styles. In secret, he is also in contact with the hosts of this race. I am not sure if he had haki or not still."

Usopp's eyes bulged. "$630,000,000 berries?! That guy's a real big shot!"

Nami nodded. "Pretty much. We have to watch out for an ability he has. He's eaten one of the Devil's Fruits as Zack stated. He's been dubbed 'General' as a nickname, but there aren't any pleasant rumors about him."

"Pleasant rumors? Well... he is a pirate, so I guess there wouldn't be–"

"He can be considered a monster if we don't put us in the equation"

Zoro looked at Zack after his last comment. "What if we do put ourselves into the equation?"

"Do you know Gasparde personally?" Robin asked.

Zack nodded, folding his arms. "Not personally but he's a typical twisted ex-marine vice admiral who's a power-hungry savage pretty much as we encountered some in our journey. One of the weaknesses of his devil fruit will be flour."

"Then how do you know him?" Nami asked.

He sighed. "Well in my work, I have to investigate about his news of abandoning Marine or concluding with pirates was suppressed by the HQ. He knows how to play dirty and is in the category as same as Akainu though one or two steps lower. In this race, he is bound to throw mud."

"So what if he does?" Luffy interrupted annoyingly, turning his shoulder the other way.

Zack blinked. "We take care of him and use him for training. At least he can be of some use."

"I hate him."

He sighed. "That makes two of us..."

"Gasparde being an ex-marine is one reason to hate him, but I have a feeling there's another reason too, right Zack?" Nami asked.

He nodded. "Mostly it's because he's blinded by power, but what pissed me off is that even knowing his nature none of the Marines from HQ acted instead suppressed it more ."


Some of the rivers are interconnected, bringing more ships up against each other. One large ship rode next to the Going Merry, with a strange man laughing on board.

"Yahahahaha! What a shabby little ship!" The Captain said. "You really think you can make it over the Grand Fall in that?"

"That's Vigaro. The hanged man." Robin explained. Just then, an even bigger ship - nearly 3 times the size of Vigaro's - pulled up on the other side of the Going Merry with a large spinning drill on the front of it. "Eh?! It's Willy's ship!" Then next to them an even bigger ship. "The Giant's ship!"

"You seem to know a lot about who's who here," Vivi mentioned.

She nodded with a small sad smile. "Of course. Growing up in piracy forces one to learn about the other pirates that exist in this world. Especially the strong ones with high bounties."

"AAAAAAAH!" Chopper screamed. "We're inclining rapidly!"

The ship began to tilt almost vertically as the ships drew closer to the summit. Nami smiled nervously. "Don't worry it's no problem."

They all held onto anything to keep them from falling back. When they finally reached the summit, the ship seemed to be traveling in slow motion as the beautiful sunrise shone in front of them, lighting up the Earth. Luffy screamed joyfully into the air while everyone stared in fear at the perfectly vertical drop on the other side. The Going Merry fell straight down, forcing the crew to grab onto something quickly before falling over.

"Hold on!" Zack extended his arms in front of him and controlled the ship and water beneath them. Using his luck points, he brought the ship back into the water gently, then straightened out a bit as it completely fell back onto the rapid water.

"We are safe ~!" Luffy thanked Zack for the save.

Nami's face was blue from fear. "T-THAT WAS THE GRAND FALL?!"

"Miss Navigator," Robin called. "This isn't a time to be overwhelmed!"

They turned their attention to the ships. They were attacking each other; whether it be coming aboard the ships, crashing into them, or blowing them away, the pirates began attacking each other without mercy.


Zoro smiled. "The race has started."

"From this point on, anything goes," Robin added.

Vivi threw her fists nervously into the air. "Let's get this party started then~!"

Luffy laughed. "They're surely going at it. They're enjoying themselves~!"

Nami shouted orders again, preparing the crew for all angle attacks from enemy ships. Sure enough, as soon as everyone was at their stations, oncoming ships began to slowly surround the Going Merry. But as expected of the Straw-Hat pirates, they defended perfectly. More and more ships kept sinking and crashing into the shore and they weren't even out of the gale yet. But the more they traveled down the river, the more ships kept piling up on shore, especially when there was a turn up ahead.

"Chopper! Turn the helm!" Nami shouted.

"I'm trying, but it won't move!"

"At this rate, we'll crash!

"We're steering off course!" Usopp added.

Zoro stood there calmly, not feeling threatened at all. "If I kicked the ship from below, would it help cushion it?"

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Vivi shouted at him. Suddenly something clicked. "Ah! A cushion!" She turned to her captain and smiled slyly. "Luffy~."

Knowing already what she was asking, Luffy jumped overboard, inflating himself into his Gum Gum Balloon. He landed on one of the crashed ships with the Going Merry crashing into his other side safely. Luffy began to roll over, rolling the ship with him and launching it over and out of danger. Usopp grabbed Luffy's hand as he extended it out to catch the flying Going Merry.

Chopper screamed. "WHAT DO WE DO NOW?!" He asked, noticing they were flying over land.

Zack extended his arms once more. "I'm on it–ACK!" Usopp knocked her off to the side, causing him to lose his concentration. "ZACK! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

He was sweating nervously. "Sorry! I lost my balance from the movement! Zoro, Luffy connect your armament haki to going merry. Someone handle the mast"

Robin giggled. "Allow me to help instead." She crossed her arms. "Gran Fleur!"

Millions of her arms and hands extended out from one side of the ship, forming one giant hand to grab a hold of a building, slinging the ship back onto the water. They finally reached open water, releasing the remaining ships into the ocean.

"Man, it's almost unreal how often stuff like this happens," Sanji commented. "I'm surprised we've lasted this long."

"Thanks, Robin!" Nami remembered to thank her.

She nodded. "Let's enjoy the rest of the ride."

"I'm pumped~!" Luffy laughed. "We'll trail the lot. This is only the beginning~! This is exactly why it's great to be a pirate~! Yosha~! Let's go, guys!"

Everyone threw their fists into the air. "Hmm!"

"Oi Captain, Zoro don't disconnect your haki to the ship." shouted Zack feeling disturbance again.

Several hours had passed by, making it nearly noon. The Going Merry seemed to be the only ship in sight since the others went their own way; either to avoid battles or a faster route thanks to the constant layer of armament haki supplied to keep in one piece.

Sanji leaned against the railing, staring out at the empty ocean. "This is so boring... I thought this race would be more exciting. Seems all the action was only in the beginning."

"The other ships are out of sight." Chopper pointed out.

"I bet they're all taking a course they think is best," Vivi replied.

"Maybe I should use this chance to make some food," Sanji suggested.

Luffy cheered. "FOOD~!"

"Go check the damage of the ship, Zoro," Nami ordered.

"By myself?!" He complained. "Damn bitch, ordering me around..." He sighed and walked around the ship, checking for holes and cracks or any other kinds of damage to the ship. He walked into the storage room and scratched his head while searching for damages. "Any loose planks or cracks? ...Looks like the place is intact." Something suddenly caught his senses. He glanced behind him at the bathroom and opened it. "If you planned on stowing away, you're on the wrong boat." He said, talking straight to the bathtub. "This is a pirate ship."

He waited for a moment for a reaction until seconds later, a boy popped up from inside the tub, screaming and shouting at Zoro. He dodged at incredible speed, grabbing the kid by his jaw and nailing him against the wall a bit of his blade showing. "A kid?!" As soon as he realized it was a child, the boy had already passed out from the hit to his head.

"You're such a cruel man," Nami said to Zoro. "You can't even go easy on a kid!"

"I didn't have a choice! He had a gun! How the hell was I supposed to know?!"

"Zoro's so cruel~" Usopp and Luffy said in a girlish manner.

"Now now don't go hard on him...!" smiled Zack.

The boy slowly opened his eyes and found Chopper sitting next to him making medicine. The boy was young, looked about 10 or so with an oversized boiler hat with straps on his head and brown baggy overalls. The overalls had tacky patches all over the pant legs and he wore a rolled-up long-sleeved blue shirt underneath. He wore gloves and his pants were rolled up a bit to reveal his stubby little shoes.

The reindeer noticed him waking up and smiled. "The kid's awake!"

The boy jumped back suddenly against the wall, screaming at Chopper. "THE DEER TALKED!"




"Stop fighting you two," Nami said calmly. "He's a superb doctor." She noticed the kid searching through his trousers and pulled out a pistol from her lap. "Looking for this? You know, if you brought something like this onto a pirate ship, nobody would be to blame if you ended up dead yourself. What are you after? Who sent you here?" The boy didn't respond and only looked at the floor.

Chopper smiled nervously. "W-well... the kid's still in bad shape. Let's just ask later. And besides-"

"To kill you." The boy muttered. "To kill you all and make some money!"

"Money, huh?" Nami repeated. "Well if you want to be straight about it. But there are hoards of other pirates. Why did you choose this ship?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Usopp asked, smiling. "We're the infamous Straw-Hat pirates."

"Who cares!" The kid snapped at him. "This ship just looked weaker than all the others!" Luffy chuckled. "Don't laugh! I'm serious!"

Zack sighed. "Looks can be deceiving, kid."

"Pirates should be used to being marked by death," Luffy explained to him with a smile and his arms folded across his chest. "If you aren't ready to put your life on the line, you aren't ready to fight me."

The boy's eyes widened with a nervous look on his face. Robin used her hands and grabbed the gun from the table and tossed it into the boys' hands. She smiled as she stood next to Luffy at the doorway. "Show us how serious you are. Or is it just a bluff?"

The boy gripped the gun. "D-don't mock me! BASTARD!" He aimed and fired the gun at Luffy, only to sling the bullet back and shoot into the wall next to the kid. The kid fell to his knees and shook in fear and shock. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"

"You almost hit the kid!" Usopp yelled at him.

"Captain, don't damage the ship anymore, you know we still lack a shipwright " said Zack

The boy shook. "T-the... Devil's Fruit..."

"That's right. Haven't you ever heard of them?" Nami asked.

"I-I've never seen them off our ship..."

"They're very mysterious fruits. The downside is that you become weak in seawater and can't swim. But in return, you obtain a greater ability than any human. Among us, Robin, Chopper, and Zack over there have the abilities too."

The boy stared at her for a moment before sighing. "Kill me." The boy sat crisscrossed on the floor. "Go ahead and just kill me! Here... just do it!"

"Impressive resolve is what I'd say," Vivii commented. "Except aren't you treating your life a little too lightly?"

"I don't need to be lectured by a pirate! Why should I care? There's no reason to keep living without any hope. I'd be better off not existing at all!"

Nami stood up silently, stepping over Zoro on the bench. "Zoro, I'm borrowing your sword."

Zoro let her go, closing his eyes. "Don't step over people."

"Quit that self-pity crap..." She growled. She unsheathed one of Zoro's swords and pointed it angrily at the boy. "If that's really how you feel, then I'll give you what you want!"

"D-don't do it Nami!" Chopper got in front of her.

"Stay out of this! This is what pisses me off the most! No reason to keep living?! If you're alive, you can't talk about dying!"

"Aren't you a little upset that Nami took your sword?" Vivi asked Zoro, who found him entertained by the spectacle.

Instead of Zoro, Zack grinned. "Not if she's going to do something interesting, I'm not."

She sighed. "You're both hopeless..."

Everyone just stared at Nami, not getting in the way since it was her business. Luffy and Usopp drank some tea while they watched with Robin hovering over them with a smile. Sanji ignored the situation and brought food to the table, informing the crew lunch was ready. Zoro and Zack were leaning over the table with a long smirk across his face. Former at the sight of Nami getting angry and expecting a fight. Later already knowing that Nami isn't going to harm the child. Vivi just sighed and did her best to ignore the situation. Chopper grew big and held onto Nami as she swung the sword angrily in his grasp.


It was several more hours later on the ship, and as expected of the Grand Line, the weather was constantly changing. It had been snowing softly for a while now and the boy say outside in a corner of the ship until Sanji came out and wrapped a blanket around him.

"Chopper's worried about you. He doesn't want you to catch a cold." The boy ignored him, not moving an inch since Zack came. He sighed. "You know, 8 years ago Nami-san's mother was killed in front of her by pirates who then enslaved her until we came along. Chopper had a hard past as well, and Vivi, and so did all the others. You need to stay alive. But if you make it through, you'll be able to see tomorrow." Zack smiled softly, blowing a puff of smoke into the air with his warm breath. He got up and began to walk away. "You probably wouldn't understand yet."

The day was nearly gone and the sun was setting, though it was hard to tell through the dark rain clouds slowly hovering over the sky. Just then out of nowhere, a large ship came up close behind the Going Merry. The ship was Vigaro.

He laughed. "Yahahahaha! I'm surprised you brats have made it this far!"

As he continued talking, the crew ignored him. "What?" Zoro raised his eyebrow. "He's damn obnoxious."

"It's him! That guy from the beginning of the race!" Usopp pointed out.

"I think his name was Vigaro," Chopper commented.

"Eh? I thought we were in last place." Robin replied.

"So they're last?" Vivi asked.

"Last you say ?!" Vigaro asked, noticing he was being completely ignored. "I'm going to crush you!"

Just then, Usopp fired a bullet at one of the men, nailing him in the face.

" You are damn annoying," commented Ussop

Vigaro and his men took that as an invitation to battle and began to prepare for battle.

Usopp gave the men a thumbs up. "Yosh! Go get 'em, guys!"

Luffy was getting ready to swing onto their ship when Zoro walked in front of him. "Listen Luffy, The two of us can handle it." He said, referring to the cook.

"Just sit out once in a while," Sanji suggested to his captain.

"You sure you guys don't need any help?" Vivi asked, hoping they'd let her fight.

Zoro turned to face her. "We'll be fine with just the two of us. We do not need your help."

Her brow twitched angrily at his comment. "Can anyone say, 'big ego'?"

" No need to worry Vivi, currently just do your training and learn six styles first. These guys are not much of a deal. So they can be used for training. As for both aren't going to handle them."

" Hey what do you mean" argued Zoro and Sanji.

" Let other have some fun too." replied Zack looking at Ussop from the corner of his eyes.

Speaking of Ussop suddenly felt a chill going through his spine.

"Well, I know, I'll leave it to you Usopp."

Zack grabbed Usopp as he spoke, threw it out vigorously, and landed precisely on the enemy's pirate ship.

"This… will he be okay?"

Robin asked in surprise.

"Don't worry, don't think Usopp is timid, but his strength is very strong. You have first hand seen it, but his timid problem still needs to be exercised."

Zack clearly knew Usopp's strength, and he was quite strong among them all.

Moreover, he has already comprehended most of the shooting skills. Too further progress in training Zack still need to see Ussop skill before introducing gunsmith and advance melee skills.

The current Usopp is still capable of fighting even against Rear Admiral-level combat power.

Of course, if Logia's ability is another matter.

At this time, Usopp was not well.

Surrounded by a group of hideous-looking pirates, the muzzle of the gun and the blade of the blade were all aimed at him.

"Wait! Wait a minute! Don't do it yet!" Usopp shouted quickly.

In his heart, he cursed Zack with blood.

"Do you want to ask for mercy?" the pirate asked.

"You also saw me, I was thrown over by them, I am not with them, I will join you and help you kill them!"

Usopp immediately thought of a solution.


The pirate glanced at Usopp, and when he saw his trembling appearance, he believed it a little.

"Then let's kill them together! Little ones! Shoot!"

The pirate roared, and the dense shells rushed towards Going Merry.

"Bastard! You are not allowed to attack the Merry!"

Usopp roared and took out sling from his body.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets flew out.

But instead of hitting the pirates on the boat, it hit a cannonball.

boom boom boom…

The shell exploded in mid-air.

"Bastard! What have you done!"

The pirate was very angry and put the gun on Usopp's head.

Usopp sneered, "I'm the worst at people pointing a gun at my head!"

"Coward! You are courting death!"

The pirate was ready to pull the trigger.

"I bet you don't have bullets in your gun!"

On going merry,

"Nami, pull the boat over, the gunfire is over, Usopp should have settled." Zack said with a smile.

If Vigaro's pirates did not take the initiative to attack them.

Naturally he will not take the initiative to attack.Since you do it, you will risk your life.This is how pirates live.

"Zack, can you let me go first next time! I'm the captain!"

Luffy looked aggrieved, he wanted to fight too.

"Captain its just a bunch of idiots who don't know anything, and if Usopp's timidity is not exercised properly, it will really cause a big problem."

Zack was also very helpless. He was really heartbroken for these crew members. At the time of speaking, the Merry was already leaning on the pirate ship.

"Zack! Why did you throw me over, do you know how dangerous it was just now!"

Usopp jumped to Zack's side, grabbed Zack's clothes and began to question loudly.

"Aren't you okay?" Zack smiled.

"Bastard! Next time you dare to throw me out, I'll…"

"How about you?"

Zack smiled and looked at Usopp, "Okay, you did a good job this time, and the treasure will be distributed to you. Let focuss on the race"

Then a few people boarded the pirate ship and began to carry supplies in middle of race.

"This pirate group is too poor!"

Nami scraped out a small bag of treasure, very dissatisfied.

"It's good to have it, and hurry up when you're done."

Zack didn't care, it was just a small episode.

"What's this?"

Sanji took out a small box.

"Let me see."

Zack took the box and crushed the lock.

There is a fruit similar to a pad lock inside with glass bottle like structure, but it has a spiral pattern like Tang grass, which is very peculiar.

"Looks like we're lucky."

Zack didn't expect that he could get a Devil Fruit by solving an this pirate group. Suddenly nami came from back.

"What was that?" Nami asked.

The ships shook again, only this time it didn't stop. Vigaro's ship began to rise out of the water, revealing sea monsters known as "Sea Kings" underneath them. The ship fell off the nose of one of the gigantic sea kings and was about to snap at the ship when Zack had an idea after quickly storing the fruit in inventory.

"Zoro! Sanji! Grab on!" He shouted, extending his hand inside of the sea king's nose.

"WHERE ARE YOU AIMING?!" They shouted at him, wondering why he completely missed them.

" Luffy pluck his nose hair " ordered Zack

Soon Luffy plucked a nose hair from the sea king, causing it to sneeze. The power of the sneeze shot both ships across the ocean at great speed, tearing up Vigaro's ship.

"They sank..." Chopper said.

"Oi! What about Zoro and Sanji who went on the ship?!" Vivi exclaimed.

Luffy gaped. "O-OH YEAH! OI!"

The crew laughed at the men's misfortune after rescuing them from the torn ship. Everyone sat at the table inside of the ship while the boy sat in one corner as Sanji cooked.

"Good thing you're alive, Zoro~!" Luffy commented.

"Captain..! Couldn't you have gotten us out sooner?!"

"Damn right!" Sanji added.

"No sweat~!" That was all Luffy could say. Zack smiled

The boy just sat in the corner, staring at the others, not noticing Luffy kneeling in front of him. They began to talk about why Luffy was so reckless and that it was all due to his past and how he'd follow his dream or die trying.

After dinner, the crew noticed a lot of floating wood in the ocean and went out to investigate. But in front of them was nothing but a ship graveyard and a fresh one at that.

"What's going on...?" Nami asked. Robin suddenly went off and lights flickered on in front of them, revealing an island with a large fortress on it. Nami's eyes widened. "It's a marine stronghold!"

"Nami-san, what does this mean?" Sanji asked.

"But there's no mistake..." She replied, observing the Eternal Pose. "The needle is pointing straight ahead."

"Ne..." Robin spoke up. "Suppose that Eternal Pose is a fake."

Nami gasped and pulled out a pen from her pocket and pulled the screws loose on the Eternal Pose's name tag. Sure enough, underneath was the word "Navarone" instead of Partia.

Sanji's eye twitched. "Kuso! I knew there was something fishy going on!"

"It was Gasparde." Zack said." Well, it seems you finally noticed. Now don't give me those looks. I knew at the beginning of the competition already."

"Zack?" Usopp said.

"He's the only one who'd do something like this." Luffy agreed with him.

Nami walked over to Zack "What? You could have given us a hint"

" Well I could have," replied Zack

"Listen as a former Marine, he is well aware of the psychology of both marines and pirates. Because of it, he is well aware of our identities. Others may or may not take the time but he did. He has a good relationship with the host, so it isn't hard for him to make a deal with them to make it difficult for others to sabotage it as much as possible. But now we come into play, as for our growth, he had eventually figured out. Hence why all log poses are changed to direct only the directions of Marine bases nearby. Even if someone had reached there, if not attacked by him. They would be hunted by Marines.

"I think he's right."

Everyone turned around to see the boy walking up the steps towards the crew. He continued. "While we were sailing, I saw a large stockpile of Eternal Poses in the cargo hold. That's probably one of them."

"Pirates stabbing pirates in the back, eh?" Zoro growled. "Real great 'general' he turned out to be..."

"That shitty bastard," Sanji growled afterward.

"You're affiliated with him?" Vivi asked. The boy only nodded.

"What do we do now?" Usopp asked. "Go after him?"

"We can't do that without the real Eternal Pose." Nami pointed out.

"That's right! It's too late! It's all too late!" The boy shouted. His body shook with his head hanging low. "Now grandpa is gonna..."

"Your grandpa?" Nami asked softly.

"N-not my real one... but he saved my life. He's sick... and those pirates say he's not their nakama and won't give him any medicine. That's why I..."

"You came onto our ship so you could buy medicine..." Nami finished for him, understanding his feelings finally.

"You're an idiot."

The boy looked at Luffy, who's back was turned to him. "Eh?"

"That old man didn't save your life so you'd go around doing stuff like this."

He bit his lower lip, trying not to cry. "W.....what do you mean?"

"If you get it, then live. If your resolve is really that strong, go rescue him from that ship. If you're not going to do anything about it, you've got no right talking about risking your life.

The boy began to shed angry tears. "Someone like you... doesn't have to tell me that!"

"Well that's good then." Luffy turned around and flashed him a confident smile. "Cause I'm about to go kick his ass. Coming?"

The boy held up his fists. "Umm, I'm coming!"

Nami shrugged. "I guess that's that. We can't just give up on $700,000,000 berries. Though we'll have to get the real Eternal Pose."

"Ano..." Usopp smiled nervously. "It sort of sounds like you're planning to take on Gasparde... Ah! They're firing at us!"

The marines shot their cannons at the Going Merry, though they were still a bit far away. Luffy inflated himself to deflect the oncoming cannon balls!

After finishing the shot, the ship turned around with Luffy still smiling. "Yosh~! Iets go~!"

"Listen Luffy." Zack stopped him. "How are we suppose to find Gasparde?"

"With Chopper's nose."

"Gotcha!" Chopper agreed.

"Oh, I get it." Sanji caught on.

Usopp sweat dropped. "That can't possibly work..."

"Don't worry!" Nami replied. "Leave it to the navigator~!"

"Are things always this lively?" The boy asked.

"Ah." Zoro replied. "Almost every day."

" Long live anime logic " sighed Zack.

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