Chereads / Reborn as vice captain of straw hat pirates / Chapter 74 - King chosen by its people

Chapter 74 - King chosen by its people

With Butler,


Butler crouched down low to the ground, greedily shoving the golden horns into his mouth and down his gullet not knowing the horn had been replaced by a ordinary horn painted golden with power drug. A wide smile stretching across his lips the minute he spotted Luffy, Mobambi, Zack and Karasuke rushing towards him. The four stopping and staring in awe as they witness the man's body slowly start to change. Teeth extending as they sharpened, dull nails now becoming claws, fur slowly starting to grow on every inch of his body, and finally two horns producing from his skull. "The Heart Treasure" Mobambi breathed out.


"It's finally mine! The supreme power!" Butler roared with laughter.


With Zoro,


"You're utterly helpless!" Hotdog laughed as he delivered another kick to the swordsman. "You've done well to withstand the world's strongest kick, now to put you to rest!" he started to spin his body around as he flew towards the moss haired man. Smashing his foot into his stomach. Zoro coughed out some saliva, his body splashing back into the water and sinking below its surface. "Hmph! Easy prey" the heavy man smugly stated before being taken aback as he realized the swordsman was behind him.


Quickly turning around, he watched as the moss haired man broke the chains that were wrapped around him. "You bastard! How did you...?" Hotdog gritted his teeth.


"A kick that can even break steel, eh? You were a bit careless with your ability, pal. Previously I was just using you for training my armament haki, but now you are of no use" Zoro said as he tied his bandanna around his head. "Now, why don't you show me what you call the strongest in the world" he said, drawing one of his swords and pointed it towards the heavy man. The swordsman blocked each attack the man sent his way.


"I knew it was strange for you to still be standing after receiving all those lethal kicks" Hotdog smirked the minute he saw Zoro crouch down. "Your nakama should have all perished by now."


"Heh, them? They're not dead" Zoro chuckled as he stripped himself of his shirt.


"What?" Hotdog blinked.


"They're strong" Zoro stated as he stood back up and seating his other two swords and one of them from his mouth. "More then you could ever hope to be!"


"Watch your mouth!" Hotdog snarled.


"Being strong isn't just about having power or moves" Zoro said just as the heavy man shot towards him. "It's about heart" and with that he slashed at the man, knocking him back.


"Shit...I am...the strongest!" Hotdog screamed in frustration as he took aim at Zoro once more. "Die!"


[ No sword style whirlwind]

Zoro spun around, the force of the slashes knocking the heavy man up into the air.


"Why? My kicks are supposed to be the strongest!" Hotdog grounded out as his body smashed back down into the water.


"There's another man in this world whose kicks with more amazing power than you'd ever be able to, he's a pain in the ass though" Zoro said as he walked away from the passed-out man.

With Luffy and company,


"Gum Gum Pistol!" Luffy shot his fist covered with haki towards Butler, only for it to be caught and his body to be pulled towards the man/beast.


"Straw Hat!" Mobambi cried out.


"Asshole!" Luffy sneered as he shot upwards and once again swung his fist downwards towards the furry man/beast who in return jumped into the air after the rubber man. The pirate was quick to move out of the way as Butler fell back down towards him. Standing up, the furry man/beast laughed as he struck the rubber man's side. Light on his feet, the man/beast shot towards Luffy and prepared to strike him once again. Only for the rubbery man to jump out of the way.


"Chopper!" Luffy called out the minute he spotted the reindeer, continuing to dodge the attacks that were sent his way.


"Look out!" Chopper cried the minute he saw Butler charging towards Luffy.

Vivi, Nami, and Usopp came to a skidded halt the minute they arrived on the scene, eyes widening as they watched their captain be struck by one of the man/beast's horns.


"Luffy!" Vivi gasped as the raven-haired man was thrown into the air and went bouncing over the cliffside. Only to luckily catch the edge before he fell any further.


"Is that all?" Butler bored asked. "Not even the least bit entertaining."


"I-I'm not done yet!" Luffy panted out.

 [Here for the readers to know, Butler is only few level higher than years rusty Crocr D Ile after his intake because the horns are fake so it only temporarily increases his strength. While luffy is stronger than canon, he still need gear 2 or 3 to knock opponents like Croco D Ile.]

[ Butler- Mid Yonko crew)] ( temporary buff)

"You intend to continue like that?" Butler raised an eyebrow.


"You're damn right! You took my precious treasure!" Luffy snarled.


"The great species of man can take what it wills from the animals!" Butler snapped. "Why are you fighting for these lowly beasts?"


"I...I know someone named Chopper, he's a precious nakama of mine!" Luffy proclaimed right as the rock he was tightly holding onto started to crumble before finally he was sent falling.


Only to be caught by Zack who launched Luffy in the air,

" Captain stop holding back" shouted Zack and returned to Mobambi's side to observe.

"Nakama?" Chopper breathed out.


"I guess there's no cure for stupidity!" Butler laughed, Chopper stared at the man/beast, reaching up into his hat a pulling out a drawing of a skull and crossbones along with cherry blossom petals scattered across it.


"Doctor" Chopper whimpered. "I..."


"You're next!" Butler proclaimed as he turned to face the other Straw Hats. Nami was quick to take a protective stance in front of animals who fearfully backed away from the man/beast while the ussop and vivi got ready to draw their weapons. Luffy was about to go gear third and attack but was stopped.


"Stop!" everyone turned their attention towards the reindeer that had shouted.


"Chopper?!" Mobambi gasped.


"What now? I have no more interest in you" Butler frowned.


"I...I won't forgive you!" Chopper firmly stated.


"Won't forgive me, eh?" Butler laughed. "You're only good at running away, what can you do?"


Looking from the corner of his eyes at Luffy and Zack to receive their permission to fight. Both nodded and Chopper turned around,

"I wasn't running away, I just didn't want the Horn Eaters or the other animals to get hurt" Chopper explained as he grew big and ate a Rumble Ball. "Rumble."


"Why you!" Butler snarled as he swung his arm down towards the reindeer.


"Jumping Point!" Chopper quickly jumped out of the way and dodged each of the attacks the man/beast sent his way as his body puffed up into a fluffy ball and bounced backward. "Not a scratch," he said as he changed his body once more. "Arm Point: Spitting Hoof Sakura!" he struck Butler in the face.


"He did it!" Nami gaped.


"Way to go, Chopper!" Vivi cheered.


"Yeah! You're great, Chopper!" Usopp cheered alongside the others as the reindeer's eyes widened the minute he saw that the man/beast was still standing tall as blood leaked down from his forehead. Butler smirked, grabbed hold of Chopper, and slammed the reindeer down into the ground as the animal returned to normal.


"How dare you damage the head of a great genius!" Butler snarled.


"He may be a beast, but that ego of his still seems to be intact" Vivi scoffed. Chopper weakly watched as Karasuke flew overhead, dropping Mobambi down on top of Butler.


"Take this! And this! And this!" Mobambi cried as he hit the man/beast over to head multiple times.


"Vile whelp!" Butler growled in irritation as he threw the child off him which caused Mobambi to lose his locket in the process. Chopper was quick to take a protective stance in front of the young boy before being knocked out of the way.


"Chopper! Chopper!" Mobambi cried as he rushed to his friend's side, shaking the reindeer. "Chopper, hang on! Chopper!"


"You..." Butler trailed off as he stared down at the picture inside the locket. "I get it! I remember you now, you're his son. I wondered why a human child was on the island, but now it all makes sense."


"You knew Papa?" Mobambi questioned.


"He was an old colleague of mine, your father made an unwise decision to protect the animals here and kept the secret of the Heart Treasure from me or else we could have completed the mission years back" Butler frowned as he picked up his tambourine knife and holding it up for the child to see. "So, I was forced to attack his ship and kill him with this."


"You're the one who killed Papa?! You filthy pirate!" Mobambi cried out.


"Pirate? Who are you calling a pirate?" Butler sneered.


"What do you mean?!" Mobambi asked.


"I wouldn't be caught dead as a lowlife pirate!" Butler exclaimed. "You got it all wrong, you hopeless idiot!"


"So, you're...not a pirate?" Mobambi quietly asked as he spared a glance back towards Chopper.


"Now, rejoice! I'll let you rejoin your father, along with that stupid reindeer!" Butler cruelly smirked.


"I'll protect Chopper!" Mobambi proclaimed.


"What can you do?" Butler raised an eyebrow as the child brought a hand up to his chest. Gently brushing his fingertips over his scar.


"Even I...if I set myself to it...I might be strong!" Mobambi exclaimed as tears pricked the corner of his eyes. Only to scream as Butler quickly snatched him up. It was a scream filled to the brim with fear that echoed throughout the whole island and heard by all. Zack kept quietly watching everything unfolding. He turns to look in a direction.


"What?" Nami asked, looking around as the island started to shake which caused Butler to drop the child.


"The animals!" pointed out as they all saw what appeared to be every animal on the island stampeding towards them.


"Mobambi, are you alright?" the parrot worriedly asked.


"W-what are they planning? You imbeciles, are you all here to die?!" Butler sneered as he looked all around him before growing frustrated and smashing his horns into the ground, breaking it. "You are truly pitiful, what can trash like you do to me?" he laughed as the dust that had been kicked up now started to settle right as Luffy gently sat down one of the wounded animals. Turned to face the man/beast with a look of anger. The minute Butler looked towards the rubber man, he was struck in the face and knocked to the ground. "Why persistent fool!" the man/beast sneered.


"Gum Gum Morning peacock machine gun!" Luffy punched Butler over, his fist moved at such a fast pace that it gave the illusion that there were multiple fists instead of just one.


"Worthless! Worthless! You think you'll win that way?" Butler sneered, his body being pushed backward by the forces of the punches, slowly moving straight toward the valley that was filled with lava. "The Heart Power is absolute!" he proclaimed, the horns on top of his head started to glow causing Luffy to quickly grab hold of them. "Have you realized it? I am now king of this island!"


"You're no king!" Luffy snarled.


"Yes he isn't , captain as the real horn is with us" replied Robin who just came beside Zack and started watching the fight.

"What?" Butler screamed.


" The one you ate was fake one" Cleared Robin looking at Zack getting a nod .

" Damn you imbeciles "

"They're willing their lives for the sake of their nakama! That determination is what brought them here and you dare battle them!" Luffy sneered. "I'm going to kick your ass!" he picked Butler up by his horns and with all his strength, shattered them which in return caused all the fur on the man/beast's body to instantly shed. "Gum Gum Red Hawk!" the rubber man was quick to send the pink-haired man flying through the trees as smiles stretched across his crew's faces.


" Captain please let me complete the fight," said Chopper as he started clashing once again with Butler.

"Hey don't underestimate me "shouts Butler at both Luffy and Chopper.

"Underestimate you, please every important and smart thought you ever had died alone. You such an idiot that if I blow in your face ,your reply will be 'thanks for the refill'." smartly Chopper replys.


Luffy soon joined others in laughing at Butler being roasted by Chopper and observing the fight. Hours passed by, and the fight was getting more intense with passing time.

Chopper got a hang on observation haki and improved it with each passing moment through the fight. The whole island was shaking by the clash of their fists.

"You can't defeat me no matter what I am the strongest. Once I kill you, I will kill them all and attain the true golden horn."

" I will not let you harm my namaka's even if it cost my life."

Both kept attacking each other until Chopper was thrown off to the edge of the cliff.

Just as Butler finishes him off, Ussop wanted to take the opportunity to distract him with chilly powder bomb but was stopped by Zoro stating it was important for Chopper.

Chopper's whole life flashes through as the fist was coming towards him to end his life, Luffy's smile, crews smiles and Zack's word,' Even if the entire world is against you, never give up on your dream because the moment you lose your dream and faith, it's is the time you truly lose.'

Remembering this word, a way of determination flashed remembering luffy's face only a single thought came to his mind,

' Luffy, you want to be king of pirates, so to fulfill it no matter what I will be there with you to make all our dreams come true. I going be someone who can live up to your all expectations. I won't break my promise. I will fulfill my dream of finding cures for all diseases in this world just as Doc once wanted too along side you all.'

A bust of conqueror aura knocked everybody except for the member of Strawhat who already had experiences with it. Chopper instantly went to his monster's point without any rumble balls but this time his aura was highly berserk through controlled. Surprise flashed through everybody's face except Zack who had already guessed it before.

'So you unlocked it Chopper, though you can't control your haki yet, congratulations. It seems that my theory about your fruit is also kinda correct still I need more prove. Oda that damned bastard could have revealed it years ago. Let wait for now need to think of ways to implement training in future.' thought Zack

Others looked at Zack, meeting his nod and a small smile

" He unlocked a way to surpass his previous self, still in the future it will need improve."

Butler, at whom Conqueror was aimed got knocked out by Chopper's punch and fell of the cliff. Chopper reverts to his brain point no longer able to maintain it. Robin took him in her arms back to the other.

" Captain I did"

"Sugoi Chopper, you were awesome "smiled Luffy cheering Chopper up.


After waking others who got knocked out,

"Straw Hats, Chopper, thank you" Mobambi smiled. "Thanks to you, I feel that I've become a little stronger."


"That so?" Luffy laughed as he gave the boy a wide smile.


"Even if I'm forced to leave the island, I'll be able to survive!" Mobambi exclaimed.


"Leave the island? What are you talking about?" Chopper confusedly asked.


"Cause...I...I lost the island's precious treasure" the child sadly explained.


" Don't worry here it is " said Zack returning it to Mobambi.

"Everyone...I'm sorry" Mobambi holding the horns, bowed his head as he apologized to the animals. "It's all my fault the Heart Treasure was gone, I'm sorry" he apologized once more before being taken aback as a crown was placed upon his head by Chopper. "What's this for?" he curiously asked.


"What are you talking about?" Usopp asked. "They were astonished by all the courage you showed back there."


"Don't you see?" Vivi smiled.


"Everyone wants to protect this island with you," Nami told the boy.


"Then I can on the island?" Mobambi asked.


"Of course, you can!" Karasuke nodded. "Stop talking silly."


"Thank goodness" Mobambi sighed in relief. "Chopper, hey Chopper, why don't you join us here? How about it, we're nakama, aren't we?" he asked as he grabbed hold of the reindeer's shoulders. "This is a great island! I bet you'll love this place!"


"Mobambi" Chopper sadly mumbled.


"Right? Chopper, we're Nakama, right?" Mobambi asked once more. "Right?"


"I'm...a pirate, you hate pirates, don't you?" the reindeer asked.


"No, that was..." Mobambi trailed off as he remembered what Luffy had said during his fight with Butler. "That's right! I hate 'em! Pirates, I detest them!" he suddenly exclaimed. "Go where you please! Stupid!"


"Mobambi" Chopper breathed out reliefed just as the water around the island started to shoot upwards into the sky.


"W-what?" Usopp sputtered out.


"More eruptions!" Nami gasped.


"O-oi! Isn't this bad?" the sharpshooter nervously asked.


"Calm down!" Nami exclaimed as large gushes of wind blew throughout the island, forcing Vivi to keep pushing her hair out of her face as the locks whipped around widely. Once everything had calmed, the sound of a bell tolled.


"It's beautiful" Robin and Nami breathed out as they listened to the ringing of the bell.


"Well, well" Zack smiled.


"When the island bears a crown, the gates of destiny shall open, God of Wild shall return and bestow his subjects with a new king" the parrot explained. "The Heavens have acknowledged Mobambi!"


"Incredible! Mobambi has been chosen as our true Animal King!" Karasuke joyfully squawked as the young boy started to cry.


"Mobambi, even if we go our separate ways, we can still be friends!" Chopper patted the child.


 A day later,


"Man, I'm beat, last night sure tired me out" Usopp yawned as the crew started to sail away from the island.


"Even if it was a festival, it was nothing to have an all-night party for," Sanji said.


"Yeah, well I had fun" Vivi chuckled as she sat on top of one of the railings. Kicking her legs back and forth.


"In the end, we couldn't get ahold of the Heart Treasure ourselves" Nami commented as she read the newspaper.


"Instead we got a hold of a different treasure, isn't that good enough?" Zoro asked causing Robin to hum in agreement.


"What? What other treasure?" Chopper curiously asked. "Did we get some other kind of treasure?"


"Chopper, he's talking about you" Zack and Luffy smiled.


" And some vital information too"

"Huh? Me? And info " Chopper questioned before tumbling backward as the ship started to pick up in speed.


"Oh! The wind's finally picking up" Luffy noted.


"A-are we gonna be okay?" the reindeer nervously asked from the floor.


"Pirates can't be scared just because of this!" Usopp proclaimed. "From now on we'll be encountering Man Eating Goldfish, Human Faced Whales, Killer Crabs, and ferocious Squid Noodles!"


"What is up with that imagination of yours?" Nami raised an eyebrow.


"Okay! I'll stick through it!" Chopper determinedly exclaimed which caused the whole crew to smile.


"Yosh! Full speed ahead!" Luffy ordered. "Let's go!"


"Aye!" the crew cheered.

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