Chereads / Reborn as vice captain of straw hat pirates / Chapter 72 - Did just Chopper became the new king

Chapter 72 - Did just Chopper became the new king



A bunch of animals gathered around outside a cave, watching how an elephant hit a log against a bell that's sound rung throughout the island. Inside the cave, a young boy and strange bird stood before a lion that had horns producing out of its skull. "Qirin Lion?" the young boy questioned as he noted how the lion's body was still and lifeless.


"Mobambi, the king lived out his life, it was his time to die" the bird told the child. "You can't stay mourning forever."


"I know that Karasuke" Mobambi muttered, head drooping downwards. "When the island bears a crown,the gates of destiny shall open, God of Wild shall return and bestow his subjects with an new king" he recited as both he and Karasuke left the cave. Opting to take a walk around the island. "But, is that true? That so-called legend, will performing the ceremony really summon a god of wild or new king?" he curiously asked.


"Yeah, probably" Karasuke nodded. "The elders always have faith in it" he pointed out right as Chopper body crashed into the ground, tumbling down a hill with the crew's flag wrapped tightly around his neck. Fluttering behind him in a similar manner that a cape would.


"A new Animal King from the Heavens, no matter how you look at it, it's hard to believe" Mobambi breathed out right as the reindeer tumbled off a cliff, falling straight down towards the middle of the crowd of strange animals. His bottom unexpectedly landing straight on a pointed rock.


" Kiiiiii" Chopper cried out in pain, his body growing big.


"Kii? Did he say king?!" Mobambi gasped.


"He fell from the Heavens! Could it be?" Karasuke curiously asked.


"Ooohhh!" Chopper continued to cry out in pain before his body finally fell forward and off the rock, returning to his normal size in the process. Pushing himself to stand, he stumbled around for a bit before falling once again, wincing from the pain that shot up his now aching bottom.


"It's the Animal King!" one of the animals suddenly cried out, causing the rest to cheer. "A new Animal King has appeared!"


"Animal King?" Chopper questioned, looking around in confusion. "A king? Where?"


"This is great! Human speech!" Mobambi excitedly noted as he rushed towards the reindeer. "He can speak human!"


"Who are you? What is this Animal King?" Chopper asked.


"Don't be silly! You are the new king!" the boy responded.


"So, the legend was true" Karasuke mumbled before walking over to the reindeer himself. "You're our new Animal King" he revealed.


"King?" Chopper questioned, eyes widening and jaw becoming slack the minute he processed this new information. "I'm the Animal King?!"


With Straw Hats,


"Ah! I'm hungry!" Luffy whined the minute the crew took a break from their search for Chopper. Their bodies plopping down on a nearby rock.


"There's nothing but grassland and jungles everywhere we turn" Usopp noted. "Finding Chopper in all of this isn't going to be easy."


"Still, we have to try, poor guy is probably scared and all alone" Vivi worriedly said.


"But, really, why are you guys following us?" Sanji asked, peering back at the parrot, hippo, and goat.


"Silence, human! I don't know the intentions of you outsiders, I'm honestly keeping my eye on you" the parrot told them.


"We're no one you need to worry about, we're not going to eat you" Zoro responded.

"Well, most of us don't want to eat you and after taking our companion we will leave." Zack piped up, eyeing the expression on his captain's face.


"Meat!" Luffy suddenly shouted, flailing his limbs around. "Meat! I want to sink my teeth into some meat! I'm so hungry! I want to eat some meat right now!" he cried out. "Gimme some!"


"Honestly, suspicious" that parrot whispered as he sweat dropped.


"Meat! Meat! Meat! Meat!" Luffy chanted just as a pig was making its way over to where the group was stationed. "I want some meat!" the rubber man loudly demanded.


"You're so demanding when you're hungry, Captain. Let's use our observation haki to find Chopper as fast as possible and return to the ship so you can have your meat." Zack sweat dropped.


"What's that weird pig doing?" Nami questioned, the group now directing their attention towards the pig as it released a weird noise.


"A weird pig?!" Luffy shot up, eyes wide and tongue sticking out of his mouth as a large amount of drool started to leak down his chin.


"It's the Trumpet Pig! It seems that a new Animal King has appeared!" the parrot gasped just as the pig took off running once more.


"Animal King? What's that?" Luffy curiously asked just as a large group of animals came running by.


"Whoa! It's an animal stamped" Sanji said.


"Where were they all hiding?" Luffy asked.


"They look so strange, I've never seen animals like these before" Robin said, eyes curiously examining each animal that ran by.


"This is honestly worth celebrating, the birth of a new Animal King!" the parrot exclaimed right as the rocks the Straw Hats were seated on stood up, revealing that they themselves were animals as well.


"What are these?" Nami asked. "I thought they were just rocks!"


"They're Square Rhinos!" Usopp gaped.


"Cool!" Luffy laughed.


With Chopper at king's grave,


"Why am I the Animal King?" Chopper asked, examining the poofy prince like outfit he wore, the crew's flag still tightly wrapped around his neck as a crown now rested upon his head. In front of him was a table that was cluttered with all kinds of food on it.


"Because you fell from the Heavens, just like the legend said" Mobambi explained.


"And where the heck did these clothes come from?" the reindeer asked.


"Well, a long time ago, I-that's not important" Mobambi shook his head. "H-hey! Where are you going?" he asked the minute he spotted Chopper walking away.


"Home! My nakama's ship" the reindeer responded.


"What are you saying? If our king leaves, who'll protect the island?" Mobambi frowned as he snatched up the back of the reindeer's shirt.


"I'm no freakin' king! I'm Tony Tony Chopper!" Chopper snapped.


"So, you're Chopper? That's a nice name" Mobambi complimented. "I'm Mobambi."


"Really? I have a nice name? You really think so?" Chopper questioned. "The man that taught me medicine, the greatest doctor in the world, gave me that name."


"Eh? You're a doctor?" Mobambi questioned before a wide smile stretched across his lips. "That's great! Actually, quite a few of our nakama are injured right now" he explained. "You really are amazing."


"Am I...that great?" Chopper shyly asked.


"Of course! If the going gets tough, you'll be great help!" Mobambi smiled.


"Well, it's nothing that great" Chopper responded.


"You're probably brave and really strong too!" Mobambi continued to compliment the reindeer.


"M-moron!" Chopper embarrassingly exclaimed, growing big and destroying a rock out of embarrassment.


"W-wow! Cool!" Mobambi awed as the reindeer returned to normal size.


"No matter how much you praise me, it won't make me happy" Chopper happily clapped his hoofs together, a wide smile on his face that didn't falter once. "Asshole."


"You look pretty happy" Mobambi sweat dropped.


"Asshole" Chopper insulted the boy once more, still clapping his hoofs together as his smile grew.


"Alright, everyone! As part of our crowned Animal King celebration, let's hear his coronation speech" Karasuke spoke up while the rest of the animals gathered around the reindeer.


"Hold on, I never agreed to be your king" Chopper quickly reminded them all.


"You can't?" Mobambi tilted his head.


"Sorry, I'm - kiiiii!" Chopper cried out, accidentally stepping back onto a pointed rock. His body tumbled backward as he clutched his foot in pain while the crown on top of his head fell off.


"He announced, kii !" Mobambi smiled. "You'll really be our king, won't you?"


"What a marvelous coronation speech" Karasuke complimented as the animals around them cheered while Chopper laid sprawled out on the ground. Tears rushing down his cheeks.


Back with Straw Hats,


"Ow! That was a rough landing" Vivi winced, rubbing her lower back as the Straw Hats were finally tossed off the Square Rhinos backs.


"What is this place?" Luffy asked as they all looked around. "It's so cool!" he exclaimed, it wasn't long before the rubbery man and Usopp were both having fun in being thrown around after the crew had finished disguising themselves as animals in an attempt to fit in with their surroundings.


"He takes his playtime way too seriously" Nami commented.


"Yeah" Sanji and Zack nodded, the brunette heaving a sigh as he looked at the makeshift costumes they all wore. Sanji was a panda, Nami a monkey, Luffy a deer, Usopp a lion, Zoro a penguin,Robin a hawk, Vivi a raccoon and then he looked down at herself who was dressed to look like a panther. A loud yelp emitted from the back of Vivi's throat causing the others to curiously look towards them as Nami snickered upon seeing the girl's flushed faced and the smirking swordsman beside her.


"Oi, what's wrong?" Usopp asked when he noticed that the seven haven't moved from their spot at all. "After all the trouble I went through to make these camouflage costumes, you're not gonna join us?"


"Nah, we'll pass" Sanji shook his head as Zack smiled upon watching his excited captain run around, already having the animals chasing after him.


" Captain,sure know how to enjoy."

"Sure ,he does Vice captain san." replied Robin.

"But truly to speak of I have seen or heard of the animals present here. Have you ever??"

" Well I have my share of weird animals I have seen back in the day as a member of news agency. But they are quite different from ones I have seen. Some I do recognised similarities but they aren't supposed to native to part of the sea frankly speaking. Through some mystery does surround them." replied Zack.

" What mystery Zack "asked nami who was listening to the whole conversation with others excluding luffy and Ussop who are busy playing.

"Looking at island some the questions just clicking my mind such as Why after presence of not one or two but seventeen undercurrent sea steam jet is this island not a sky island? Why some animal that are supposed to be native to new world are present here? Does this island have its own ecosystem due to steam jet so that evolution of animal are different from other places?Why are presence of some animal who seem to be hybrid of some animals?"

" Or it seem that I am thinking too much*sigh"

The area became silent .

"This island sure is fun" Luffy commented as Usopp joined him in running around. But, in a split second all the animals came to a screeching halt the minute they spotted large black sheep rushing towards them. In the snap of a finger, the animals turned around, scampering away from the sheep in fear. "What are those?" the raven-haired man asked.


"They're Horn Eaters!" the parrot cried out.


"Horn Eaters?" Luffy questioned.


"They blindly attack horned animals, they've caused the deaths of the island's elders" the parrot explained before taking flight.


"Yosh! Then lemme kick their asses!" Luffy exclaimed.


"Oi! Forget it, it's too risky!" Usopp snapped as he picked up the rubber man and ran.


The rest of the crew started to jump their separate ways and away from the Horn Eaters that seemed focused in on chasing after Usopp and Luffy.


"Why the hell are they following me!" the sharpshooter cried.


"Those horns! They prey on animals with horns!" the parrot motioned down towards the fake deer horns that rested on top of Luffy's head.


"Horns?" Usopp questioned, looking at his captain before setting down the raven-haired man. "There" and with that, he took off running at full speed.


"Oi! Wait up!" Luffy called out to the sharpshooter. "Go that way" he removed the horns on his head and threw them in front of him where they only landed a couple feet away. The rest of the crew stood off to the side, watching their captain get trampled.


"Why did you throw them in front of you?!" Nami and Vivi snapped.

"Captain why didn't you use your conqueror haki on them and knock out." questioned Zack.


Along with Chopper,


"Everyone will be fine now" Chopper said as he finished tending to the last of the wounded animals. "You'll all be able to run again soon."


"You're great, Chopper! Everyone's overjoyed!" Mobambi smiled. "We're glad to have you as our king!" he joyfully exclaimed.


"Still, I can only be king while I'm here on this island" Chopper explained to the young boy.


"What do you mean?" Mobambi asked, confused.


"I have to return to my nakama's pirate ship" the reindeer told him.


"Pirate ship? So, your nakama are...pirates?" Mobambi asked.


"Yup, isn't it funny?" Chopper questioned, not taking note how the boy's fist clenched, and his jaw tightened. "You're a human, but you live with animals and I'm a reindeer, but I travel with humans. I wonder how they're all doing? They should've noticed the smoke or with observation haki and come to look for me by now" the reindeer hummed as he sat down in front of the fire he had made. Watching how the smoke wisped up into the air.


"Forget them!" Mobambi frowned, throwing dirt on the fire. "You're our king now!" he proclaimed, stomping out the rest of it.


"What are you doing?" Chopper gaped.


"You've made so many friends here! You have to stay!" Mobambi exclaimed as he grabbed hold of Chopper's shoulders. "From now on we'll be your nakama, quit being a pirate and live with us here!"


" you...hate pirates?" Chopper hesitantly asked the minute he felt the boy's grip tighten on his shoulders.


"My papa...was killed by pirates and a scientist." Mobambi sadly explained, letting go of Chopper and turning on his heel as he walked away. The reindeer quick to follow as he let the child lead him to the opening of a small hut.


"What is this?" Chopper curiously asked.


"Remnants of papa's ship" Mobambi quietly answered as he untied the locket around his arm and opened it to reveal a picture of his father. "Papa was a zoologist on his way to this island" he started to recount his tale to the reindeer beside him. "Then I washed a shore on this island, the former Animal King – the Qirin Lion – took care of me as his nakama and raised me" he explained. "That's why any talk about pirates..."


"But, my nakama are good pirates" Chopper defended.


"How the hell can there be a good pirate?!" Mobambi snapped.


"Well...once you meet them, you'll understand" Chopper smiled. "I know! I'll ask Luffy if he'll give you a ride on our ship-"


"You've got to be kidding me?! Who'd want to ride with pirates?" Mobambi bitterly asked as he cut the reindeer off.


"Mobambi?" Chopper quietly questioned.


"You can't stay with them! You're an animal, right?" Mobambi frowned as Chopper sadly looked down. "It's obviously better for you to live among your fellow animals!"





The sound of a violin echoed through the air as the Horn Eaters chased after their prey, the pink-haired man playing the violin smirked upon seeing this. Off to the side of him, two more men sat, watching as the Horn Eaters finally caught up to their prey and started to toss the animals into the air that prompted the two men to stand. The heaviest of the two pulled out a mace, swinging it around as his partner drew a strange looking sword. Moving towards the weakened animals, they started to viciously rip their horns from their skulls. Tossing the wounded creatures into the water once they were finished gathering what they needed.


In the distance, a Trumpet Pig fearfully watched the scene before it and how the wounded animals gently floated down the stream and over the waterfall. Turning around, the pig took off running.


With Straw Hats,


"Have you seen Chopper? He looks like this" Luffy held up the rock he had drawn on towards the two otters he was speaking to. The rest of the crew, that was now back in their original clothing, watched their captain.


"No, he doesn't!" Zack snapped. Pulling out a picture of chopper to show them.

" We need to follow the directions,from where the smoke was coming. I guess it was chopper who was giving us this signal."


"Maybe this isn't quite him" Luffy hummed as he started to change the drawing. "Like this! Like this!" he chanted once he was finished.


"That doesn't look anything like him either!" Zack snapped once more, amazed they had let the one person that couldn't draw, draw a picture of their missing friend even if he holding a photo in his hand.


"So, have you seen him?" Luffy asked the two otters.


"C'mon, Zack's right, there's nothing that looks like that" Usopp said before perking up as a sudden strange noise started to sound out throughout the air.


"Huh? What's that sound?" Sanji asked.


"Are there other people here?" Zoro asked


"Let's check it out, we might find some clues" Nami suggested

"Yeah" Usopp nodded as the others quickly followed.

Back to the base of poachers,


"A grand catch indeed!" the pink-haired man laughed as he stared down at the many horns that littered the table. "With these many horns, I'm bound to find it."


"Butler-sama, here's your mayonnaise and ketchup" the heavy man said as he sat down both condiments.


"Fool!" Butler suddenly snapped.


"Huh?" the heavy man grew confused.


"Where's the mustard?!" Butler frowned as he picked up one of the horns.


"Yes, here you are" the raven-haired man said as both he and his companion squirted all three condiments onto the horn that Butler held. Once the pink-haired man was pleased, he bit into the horn, not seeming to have any trouble as he munched away on it.


"How do you feel, Butler-sama?" the raven-haired man asked. "Any unusual reactions to your body?"


"No, nothing at all" Butler sighed in dejection. "Next" he grabbed for another horn just as the Straw Hats came walking toward him and his men.


"Hey, you're eating some strange stuff, is it tasty?" the rubber man asked.


"Are you still carrying that horrible drawing around, Captain?" Zack sweat dropped the minute he spotted the rock still in his captain's hands.


"Food , you say?! Who the hell are you?!" Butler snapped at the group of pirates.


"We're looking for someone who looks like this, seen him?" Luffy asked as he held up the rock, showcasing his awful drawing.


"Stop that!" Nami snapped as she smacked the back of the rubber man's head.


"Foul-mouthed whelp! Do you know who you're addressing using such slander?" Butler sneered.


"You'd better be more careful with your choice of words!" the heavy man exclaimed.


"Else prepare for the consequences!" the raven-haired man proclaimed as he grabbed for the sword on his back. Butler standing from his seat and walked towards the Straw Hats, fist pulled back. He intended to strike Luffy but instead hit the rock that the rubber man was carrying, which caused the man's body to shiver at the amount of pain that blossomed in his fist and up his arm.


"Butler-sama!" the two henchmen worriedly exclaimed as they looked at their boss who clutched his now aching hand.


"Butler-sama, please use this" the raven-haired man said as he started to squirt mustered on the pink-haired man's throbbing hand.


"You moron! What will putting mustard on it do?!" Butler snapped at the man.


"How about this?" the heavy man questioned, squirting ketchup on the throbbing hand.


"Ketchup won't do any good either!" Butler snapped before all three of them remembered that the Straw Hats were still there. "You must realize how fearsome I am now!" the pink-haired man laughed. "I bet you're curious as to how great I really am, right?"


"No, not at all" the Straw Hats shook their heads.


"I am a genius inventor, a genius zoologist, not to mention a genius at treasure hunting" Butler smugly told the group. "I call myself the "World's Ultra Super Genius", Count Butler!"


"The world's greatest genius?!" Luffy gaped, eyes wide as he started to become excited. "Cool!"


"He just said he calls himself that, that doesn't mean he's literally the greatest genius in the world and also by the look of it he seems to be an animal poacher." Zack sweat dropped as he stared at his excited captain. Well he do remember this scene from the one piece movie about chopper. It was supposed to be an non canon movie seriously. The set thought is similar but different from the one ,he remembers.


"And I pride myself as the "World's Strongest Man", General Hotdog!" Hotdog boasted completely ignoring Zack's words.


"World's strongest?" Zoro raised an eyebrow .


"Pirates are humble whenever they hear the name of Mad Dog Hotdog!" Hotdog smugly stated as Vivi held back a laugh at how ridiculous the statement sounded.


"And I'm the "World's Handsomest Man", President Snake!" Snake proclaimed, causing Nami to raise an eyebrow about how delusional they are.


"Huh? World's handsomest man?" Sanji questioned.


"Once I choose my prey, be it foe or woman, it shall not escape" Snake said. "All grovel in fear before Snake ,the Poison Snake!" after his stated this Usopp tossed both a bone and frog in two separate directions, watching how Hotdog chased after the bone and Snake went after the frog.


"Quit tricking us!" the two henchmen snapped.


"Hey, you guys, would you happen to be seeking the Heart Treasure?" Nami curiously asked.


"Why of course, my fair lady" Snake bowed.


"Oh, how wonderful!" Nami smiled. "Could you give me some leads on the treasure?"


"It would be my pleasure" Snake said as he straightened out his posture and took hold of Nami's hand, which infuriated Sanji. "But, under one condition."


"He kind of reminds me of someone" Zack sweat dropped.


"Condition?" Nami tilted her head.


"If you want to hear the secrets of the treasure, you must become one of my henchmen" Butler explained.


"Oh? Is that all?" Nami asked. "I'll be your henchmen or whatever you want me to be."


"No!" Luffy suddenly snapped.


"Huh?" everyone tilted their heads as they looked at the rubber man.


"Hey, what are you doing, Luffy?" Usopp asked. "This is our chance to get closer to the secret of the treasure, y'know?"


"But, this guy's evil!" Luffy exclaimed.


"How dare you make such accusations!" Butler snapped, forgetting that the word "Evil" was spelled out on the back of his jacket. "What makes you think I'm evil?"


"Nothing, just a gut feeling so does Zack" Luffy shrugged.


"What!" Butler snapped just as Nami hit both her captain and the sharpshooter on top of the head.


"W-what are you doing, Nami?" Usopp weakly asked as both he and the rubber man were sprawled out on the ground. Bumps already starting to form on their heads.


"Idiot! What good will pissing them off do?" Nami harshly whispered to the two. "They were just about to tell me the secret of the Heart Treasure!"


"But, why did you hit me?" Usopp cried.


"Oh, zip it! I just felt like it!" Nami snapped.


"You people" Butler frowned.


"Butler-sama, these freaks have a distinct scent of stupidity" Hotdog said.


"And they're low class at that" Snake pointed out causing Vivi to scoff. If only this man knew who her father was, he'd understand that he himself was low class compared to her family's bloodline.


"Oh? A bunch of morons, now that just won't do" Butler said, shaking his head. "I'll not tell you anything about the secret to the treasure."


"Oh, pretty please" Nami begged as she clasped her hand together, giving her best puppy dog expression to the man.


"Tell us, pretty please" Usopp begged, blowing a kiss towards the three men.


"Never!" Butler snapped at the two. "He who obtains the Heart Treasure will receive the power to shake the very universe! Of course, I'll never tell you that."


"You just told us" Robin deadpanned as everyone else's eyes widened.


"Furthermore, the fact that the Heart Treasure is actually a mysterious power hidden within the horns of a special animal, will never leave my lips and look. After hypnotizing the wild Horn Eaters with this Wild Animal Violin, I invented, I brought them to this very island" Butler continued, as he pulled a violin out from his jacket. "But, that is a secret I will never tell you, even if the universe ceases to exist!"


"How can you call yourself a genius?"Zoro sweat dropped.


"Oh shit! I told 'em! I told 'em everything!" Butler freaked out as he realized what he had done.


"You runts are rather crafty to extract such secret information from Butler-sama!" Hotdog growled.


"No, he straight out told us himself" Sanji shook his head.


"Silence! Butler-sama's personality prevents him from concealing secrets!" Snake snapped, making an excuse for his boss.


"Shit!" Butler cursed as he held up his violin. "Now that you all know the secret, I cannot let you live!"


"Oi! What kind of reasoning is that?!" Usopp snapped as Zoro took a protective stance with his swords in front of the girls.


" Seriously, you truly are bunch of morons." said Zack secretly giving his crew a look .

"Summon Horn Eaters!" Butler started to play his violin. "Trample these fools to death!" he ordered, the Horn Eaters came rushing towards the Straw Hats as each of them readied their weapons before stopping when their captain suddenly stood up straight. An enraged look on his face that scared both Nami and Usopp. Stretching his arms out, Luffy wrapped them tightly around his friends and started to spin around. Before they all went tumbling down into a canyon.


Zack was quick to react, wrapping his arms around a petrified Vivi who stared at the ground with wide eyes. Her heart leaping into her throat as she was quick to grab hold of her vice captain's shirt and bury her face in his chest. The minute Butler noticed that the Straw Hats were no longer standing in front of him, he stopped playing. "Luffy, why the hell where you hypnotized too?!" Usopp snapped as the group continued to fall.


"Dunno" Luffy shrugged, crossing his arms.


"His brain waves must be on the same level as a wild animal" Zoro insulted


"Oh! That must be it!" Luffy nodded in agreement.


"I should tell you, that's not a compliment" Sanji piped up.


"Oh" Luffy said, as they all spared a glance downwards towards the water they were heading towards, noting how it was infested with strange looking crocodiles. Said animals opening their jaws wide the minute they spotted the group.


" By the way nice acting out there" commented Zack.

" Ya you gave us a hint not fight them , so what's the plan" asked nami.

" Miss archaeologist, use your devil fruit power and snap their balls."

"Think its done"

30 sec later, a girly scream can be heard.


All males unconsciously protected there two little brother closest to them from birth.

" Um guys Crocodiles!" Usopp screamed.


"Seems like it" Zoro nodded.


"Just our luck" Vivi mumbled.


"Do something!" Usopp cried as he flailed his arms around. "You're responsible for this, Luffy!"


"Oi wait!" said Zack but it was too late.

"Gum Gum Balloon!" the rubber man's body inflated as he hit the crocodiles' mouths and allowed the others to bounce off his body and straight into the water while he was left to go rolling down the river after them. It wasn't long before the group climbed on top of a broken tree branch that was floating down the river, calmly sailing onwards as they started to pass by a waterfall.

"Captain, why are you in such a hurry. We could just knock them by little release of our conqueror haki."

" Aye , Zack I forgot "scratching his head , luffy said.

"Well, I never imagined the Heart Treasure would be the horns of an animal" Nami said after a moment of silence.


"Come to think of it, I heard that in some country in the West Blue there's an animal's horn which can be used to make a powerful blood stamina-enhancing drug" Sanji explained. "It's supposed to be more valuable than any amount of gold or gems."


"Kinda sounds like a Devil Fruit" Usopp said.


" Devil fruits hmmm" muttered Zack

"Yeah, you could say that" Sanji nodded.


"This must be their doing" Zoro noted, staring at the wounded and passed out animals that laid sprawled out on the shore.


"Those poor things" Vivi sadly said.


"This is horrible" Nami frowned.


"At times like this, we really need Chopper's medical skills" Sanji said.


"Hey, if they're after animals with horns..." Robin trailed off, realization dawning on all of them.


"They're right, Chopper's in danger too!" Usopp gasped.


"He'll be fine" Luffy suddenly said, catching everyone's attention as they looked towards their smiling captain. "He's pretty strong, not to mention brave."


"You think so?" Usopp asked as a gentle smile tugged at Zack's lips upon hearing his Captain's words.


"He wouldn't be our nakama if he was some weakling, now would he?" Luffy asked. "Right, Sanji? Zoro? Zack?"


"That's a given" Zoro nodded.


"That's right" Sanji hummed.


"Oi! Oi, be serious now, are you certain he'll be alright even with training?" Usopp asked. "Won't he be in danger unless we find him soon?" he questioned just as the parrot from before started to fly overhead.


"Let's go met the Animal king" said Zack and start moving towards the parrot.

"But, why should we start-ah! That's it, we'll ask the Animal King!" Nami exclaimed the minute she spotted the parrot and Zack, an idea forming in her head. "He might know where Chopper is."


"Great idea" Luffy smiled as he stood up. "Yosh! Let's go meet the Animal King!"


"Yeah, let's go!" Usopp nodded as the captain stretched his arms upwards, grabbing hold of the parrot and jumping onto his back.


"H-hey you!" the parrot cawed out in surprise as the rest of the crew followed their captain and the bird.


"Sorry about this, but we're looking for an important nakama of ours" Luffy explained. "Could you take us to the Animal King's place?" he asked as the goat and hippo blocked the rest of the crew's path.


"There! There!" Nami tried her best to calm the goat down. "If you take me to meet the Animal King, I'll let you eat this lovely paper" she said, pulling out a piece of paper and holding it up for the animal to see. While the two animals were distracted, Usopp, Sanji, Zack ,Robin,Zoro, and Vivi all hopped on to the hippo while Nami climbed on top of the goat. "Lookie" she tired the piece of paper to a string and then tied the string around a stick. Holding it out, the goat rushed forward to grab the piece of paper, the hippo quick to follow.


"You're terribly heavy! Go easy on my back!" the parrot snapped as it followed the two animals, Luffy still sitting on top of his back. Hidden within the shadows of the trees, Butler, Snake, and Hotdog watched as the group disappeared out of sight the further they got unaware that they had already been spotted by Straw Hats.


"Those fools appear to have survived and that lady was the reason for our condition" Snake fummed.


"But, thanks to them, we've overheard some wonderful information" Hotdog smirked.


"Ah-ha! I never knew there was an Animal King on this island" Butler said. "Following them could lead us to the truth behind the heart Treasure."



With Chopper,


"What did you say?" Mobambi asked after hearing what the Trumpet Pig had to say. "There are evil humans manipulating the Horn Eaters and attacking animals all over the island" he repeated as a ruckus started among the other animals. "It'll be alright, we have a new king to lead us! He'll exterminate them for us in the blink of an eye" he reassured the animals around him, causing them to all calm down.


"Idiot! What are you talking about?!" Chopper snapped as he backed away from the boy and animals. "What if I get hurt fighting them?"


"You won't help us?" Mobambi sadly asked.


"Help you?" Chopper questioned.


"Mobambi" Karasuke called down to the boy as he flew towards the group. "We've got trouble, humans are heading this way!"


"Humans?!" Mobambi gasped as the animals around him became wide-eyed, looking towards the jungle. There they saw a cloud a smoke, indicating that the humans were quickly fast approaching them. "That's them, that must be them!" the boy fearfully cried out. "Chopper! Hey, you're strong, aren't you? Chopper?


"You're the king after all, so are you going to chicken out when we need you the most?" he asked as the nervous expression Chopper worn melted away and was replaced with a look of determination.


"Of course not, I'll...fight bravely when it's called for!" the reindeer proclaimed.



With Straw Hats,


"But, what's the Animal King like?" Luffy curiously asked as the crew made their way forward to meet with the Animal King.


"To be called Animal King, he's gotta be pretty impressive, right?" Usopp questioned. "He must be 10 meters-no make that 50 meters tall!"


"What is he? A giraffe?" Robin raised an eyebrow.


"50 meters! Awesome!" Luffy gaped.


With Chopper,


"Yes, they're wicked villains! They must be coming to slaughter us for pelts!" Karasuke exclaimed as the animals around him shivered in fear.


Once again with Straw Hats,


"Yeah! Yeah! No mistaking it" Usopp nodded. "I bet he has tens-no, hundreds of horns!"


"What! For real?" Luffy gaped.


"That's nearly impossible!" Vivi snapped at the two.


" No he doesn't " replied Zack already knowing who the considered king is.

With Chopper,


"I'm sure of it! They're here to slaughter and devour every one of us!" Karasuke continued, scaring the animals around him further.


"N-no way...that's too cruel!" Mobambi winced, his voice wavering a bit.