The universe is infinite and everlasting. Some people may think that it started and shall end, but they are just ignorant of the real majesty of it. It is everlasting, eternal, so unique and mysterious that no part of itself is like another.
And right now, it is performing its magic again.
Two different, small, insignificant parts of it, even though extremely far apart, are connecting for a moment. A small soul is being transported through space and implanted in a fertilized egg inside a female's womb.
Zooming in on the planet where the egg is, we see a gigantic gaseous planet. Thousands of times larger than the planet the soul was previously living on. Its yellow atmosphere is almost as dense as water, churning in tornados bigger than small planets.
Zooming in a little more, focusing on the mother of the fertilized egg, we see one of the most unique species this planet has to offer. A huge, armored, half-humanoid, half-animalistic majestic creature. She has horns on her head, keratin armor on her whole body below her neck, four strong legs with hoofed toes, a humanoid upper half of the body, with two arms. From hooves to horns, she stands at ten meters tall, and from tail to front, she measures fifteen meters.
She is inside her forge, doing what she loves the most: forging a piece of equipment ordered by one of her clients. A simple dagger that will be given to a friend as a gift. She has already unified the two metals into an alloy known as tylun, which is strong but flexible, good at keeping an edge always sharp.
The sounds of her hammer shaping the dagger echo through the forge and a small part of the city.
Months later, in her house, she is inside a big pool of purified water, waiting as the contractions get stronger. Her strong grip on the side of the pool is the only apparent way to notice her anxiousness and pain. With sweat coming out of her brow, she does one last push, and her baby comes out.
He is a little lost, but instincts kick in, and his little legs start to kick down, making him go up.
The pain of having gas entering his lungs for the first time makes him start crying.
**Baby's Point of View**
After months inside what I think is a womb, hearing muffled sounds of the outside, I finally feel the walls start to push me out. Taking my first breath is so painful that I almost want to go back to the womb. Looking around, my vision is still blurry, but I can see my mother's face. She looks exhausted but happy. She takes me into her arms and starts bathing me.
Waking up some hours later, I cannot help but wonder how the fuck did I get here. Which god is trying to make a joke out of me? I was pretty happy with my life on Earth: I had a good job, friends, family, a girlfriend, and now they are all gone, or rather, I am gone.
My mother is some kind of cow centaur with scales instead of hair covering her body. Looking at my small body, I see that I am a copy of my mom. My four feet are hoofed, my body has little, still soft, triangular scales covering it, my head has two small bumps on the sides, where the horns will be in the future.
I spent the next awake hours, for some days, trying all the variations of the word system, to see if I am in a game-like world, but to no luck. Giving this idea up, I try the next best thing; Cultivating.
Focusing my mind inside myself, I try to feel for something different. I've never even meditated in my previous life thanks to a lack of belief that magic exists, but now with my mother being a completely different creature, who knows, there might be magic here.
Incredibly, in less than a week I was already able to run around. My body is incredibly strong, and with four legs it's so easy to learn how to stay up.
Running around my mother's forge is the funniest thing to do while she is working.
The heat of the forge, even though it is enough to melt some metals, doesn't bother me that much.
The language that mom speaks is completely different from anything that I've ever seen. It's a mix of guttural noises with rolled syllables. I am trying my best to learn, but it's going to take a longer time. At least I've learned my name, I think, Ragurr.
The R sounds in this language come with a powerful roll, as if you wanted to start an avalanche.
Mom is a blacksmith, and a pretty good one. Every time she starts a new project she looks completely focused and every project is a masterpiece. I love to see her working.
Some days later she wakes me up as normal, giving me a kiss and giving me food. After I finish she takes me to a part of the house that I've never been to.
This whole two to three weeks I've been confined to the interior of a walled courtyard, with the forge and main house in the interior. And now she is taking me and a cart with all of her crafts to the main doors.
Getting excited as we go outside for the first time, I finally see the city. Our house is on the exterior of it. The streets are of what looks like a single, continuous, black rock. The houses are simple, stone boxes, some painted and some not, but well kept.
The people are nothing like I've seen before. To start, none of them look like me or my mom. Some are big furred, bear looking, 7 meters tall humanoids. Others are winged lizard humanoids, and much more. The variety is so much that it's almost like no two families are the same species.
I see some people greeting my mother in a different language than the one we use at home.
Walking through the city for a while, we arrive at what looks like a central part of it. A central plaza with dozens of streets arriving at it, from up above the city must look like a spider web.
The plaza has a big mansion on one side, and every other building here is a different shop.
Mom walks to the big doors of one of those buildings, opens it and pulls the cart inside.
With precise movements she starts to order the items of the cart on shelves and clean the place.
Trying to help, I take a broom and get to work.
It doesn't take long for people to start to arrive. Some take an item and leave some coins. Others just talk to mom as she takes notes on a paper, and leaves some more coins.
As the day ends we go back home with the empty kart. Just stopping at a place that looks like a butchery, and another place that has all kinds of ores.
As the months go by, my life falls into monotony. I usually try to cultivate every morning, but given that my body seems to have infinite energy, I end up spending the whole day running and playing alone as mom works. With the once every twenty days travel to the shop to sell her itens.