"The person is a boy but he sits alone"

"Okay!" I said as I sat down and dropped my bag next to my desk on the ground, as the bag rests by the edge of the desk

"You didn't even ask why he sits alone?" Morayo asked looking at me as if expecting an expression

"Is he non human?" I asked confused by the question asked by Morayo

Morayo laughed at what I asked and I shrugged

"No, he just quiet and very lonely. He doesn't associate with people at all" Victoria answered

"And the coolest thing about him is that he is a dark beauty" Morayo whispered as if scared that someone will hear her

"He is lonely and handsome. Okay" I noted

Morayo and Victoria looked at each other before looking at me

"Are you telling me that no one talks to him, even the girls that admires him?" I asked not wanting to see their annoying face when it comes to me asking the question

"He talks to people and they talk to him. He is just mostly alone" Victoria said

"... And speaking of the boy, here he comes" I turned to look at the boy coming towards the seat I am on

"Don't look at him" Victoria warned as she and Morayo face their front

I also faced my front wandering why she will say I shouldn't look at him

The boy dropped his bag at the edge of the desk on the ground and sat down as he dropped a notebook on the table and opened it.

He isn't even bothered by the person sitting beside him, is not like I am a burglar or something

"Hey" I said to him as I faced him this time as I looked at his angelic face

He is indeed handsome with that ocean eyeballs of his, he has the fresh well formed face and a birthmark underneath his eyes. Cute!

His hair looks as if it was gelled but it seems he has natural baby hair with a well cut shaped hair

He turned to look at me and waited for me to talk

It seems that his quietness is killing me and damn, I hate boring Seat partners

"I am Floral, your new seat partner as you can see" I said to him smiling

"John" he answered straight forward before opening the notebook and continued his unfinished sketch

"You draw beautifully, I admire artist art" I complimented him

He smiled instead of talking

Cute of him, it seems I just made him smile

"Mr. Kolawole is coming" a student said as he peeped to see who is coming before running back to his seat

Everyone sat down on their seat immediately as if a person with gun is coming, there isn't a single person standing and John returned his notebook into his bag almost immediately. Weird!

A male teacher called Mr. Kolawole entered the classroom

"Good morning sir, we are happy to see you sir, God bless you sir" the whole students stood up as they greeted him

I joined them since that is how we do in my elementary school

"Good morning. You can have your seat" he said and everyone sat down

He stood in front of the board as he dropped his textbook on the table nearest to him and brought out his cane

"Bring out your notebooks and turn your pages to the assignment given to you by me. If you have not done my assignment, come outside except from the students from second batch" he said walking round to see whoever have not done theirs

"Which subject does he teaches?" I asked John looking at him as he brought his note from his bag

"Mathematics" he answered me

I brought my book and wrote mathematics as the subject before looking at the students that came outside, they were up to ten

How many students are in this class for crying out loud?

I looked at the big class I am in and still saw many seated

"So out of fifty seven students in the class, only thirteen didn't do their assignment except from the new students from second batch" he said as he went to meet the students that came outside

They were mostly female that didn't do their assignment. Maybe females don't like math's in this class because only two boys are outside

"Should I beat them or punish them?" Mr. Kolawole asked as he faced the class

Some shouted beat them while some said punish them

"If you are in favour for me to punish them, raise your hand" he said and some raised their hands and he counted "Okay, twenty two" he said as he smiled "if you are in favour for me to beat them, raise your hand" he said and some raised their hands "twenty five, seems I should beat you all for not doing your assignment" he said as he faces the standing students

"queue, so I will beat you five strokes each on your hand" he said and some of the students seated laughed

One after the other the students collected their cane even if there were trouble before collecting their strokes

It reached a girl about my height turn and John shouted "She is not feeling fine, she is on drip"

Wow, I didn't know he can talk more than four words in a sentence

"Okay, I will pardon her but she will sweep the class for two days every morning" Mr. Kolawole said and John sighed in relief.

I looked at the girl and wondered who she is to John

She is not even that fine to be sincere so why?

Gosh, what am I thinking of? I barely know John so why am I thinking like this?

"Sir, that is unfair" the class went into uproar

I turned to look at John and thought I should ask, "who is she to you?"

He looked at me as if wondering why I asked