Chereads / In Dreams Of Life / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

No matter how much I thought about the boy before going to sleep yesterday, I didn't see him in my dream this time. I wish I could have control over my dreams so I could meet him anytime I want. However that's not how it goes... Yesterday's dream was a classic chase and running from a monster, I often see this kind of dream, where I am being chased by a monster I can't see and no matter how fast I run I can't get far away. The monster is always right behind me. I saw this dream since my childhood so much that it doesn't even affect me anymore. 

Since I woke up early today I can have breakfast with Shin. When I came to the kitchen Shin was already in the middle of making an omelette. He looked surprised to see me so early in the morning;

- Mornin' Nina. You're pretty early today, is everything alright. 

- Good morning to you too. It's fine, I think the reason why I've been feeling so tired is because I sleep too much. 

I took a seat and leaned my crutches to the wall. He turned to continue making the omelette. 

- Hm, maybe... Or could it be that you're excited to see Ken and Ryota? 

The first thought that came to mind was Yumi texting him to say that they're coming today. 

- You sure are close with Yumi, I wonder why? 

He chuckled as he put the mixture he prepared to the pan;

- Maybe it's because she's the bestfriend of my little sister? 

I couldn't see his face so it was hard to tell only from his voice but ever since I came back I couldn't help but to notice how much they were getting along. It wasn't like this before. How much did their relationship changed in the time I was away? It made me feel like I'm the one being left behind, thinking everything would be like before. I would hang out with Yumi and the others and Shin would hang out with Ivan and his other friends. We don't interfere with each other's group much. But it wasn't like that now. Shin and Yumi are closer to each other than I am to both of them. 

After he the omelette is done he put it on the table and brings out the orange juice. He was silently preparing the table and he must have noticed what was going inside my head so he said;

- Hey, are you jealous or something? 

I just stared at him and say;

- Maybe... 

He smiled at me and said;

- Haha, relax. I'm not going to steal your friends from you. Plus, you have so many friends now; the ones from your middle school, the ones you competed in tournaments and you even made friends with the people at the hospital. So do you even need Yumi at this point?

He was trying to lighten my mood by joking, but this made me feel even worse. Because I never managed to make friends with anyone in middle school. I was often away for tournaments and even when I was at school I was too busy with studying. However that wasn't the only reason, the people in my middle school were spreading rumors about me; about how I think that I am better than anyone so I wouldn't want to even talk to them. And they even went as far to say I only play tennis to get the boys' attention. When in reality this is the only sport I actually understand. No matter how good I know the rules of any teamsport I can't manage to play it right. I can't really understand when it's my turn and the different tactics where each player has a different role to play. But when it comes to tennis I know what should I do, there is only me and my opponent. I can play without worrying about my role. I really enjoy playing tennis, so even when they were talking behind my back I didn't stop playing. Luckily I manage to make friends with the players I meet in the tournaments. But we only met during tournaments and we were often too busy to keep in touch. Apart from the texts I recieved right after the accident, I haven't talked to anyone. Except my coach obviously, he was really upset when he learned about my injury. But since I moved to a different country now, he won't be my coach any longer. 

I let out a heavy sigh and finally say;

- I don't have any friends like Yumi. 

I realized that I sounded like a spoiled kid, but Shin wasn't thinking like this;

- ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. Alright I won't talk to Yumi ever again, she's all yours, how about that? 

- No way, I don't want that! Don't mind me, I'm still not used to my new environment yet. 

- Okay, then eat lots so you can get better sooner and get used to your "new" environment quickly. 

We eat while we talk about random things and I move to the living room to read a book. When it's about noon Yumi, Ken and Ryota came. I hear Shin welcoming them into the house and Yumi runs to hug me. 

- Nina, I've missed you lots! You look so much better now! 

I chuckle lightly and hug her back;

- It's only been four days since we last saw each other. 

- Right. And it's been almost three years since we last saw each other. So did you miss us? 

I couldn't recognize the deep voice. Even though I see him speak right in front of me, it was Ken. He didn't sound like before I left, he sounded like a totally different person. Not only his voice but even the way he spoke had changed. His whole appearance too. Though I saw him from the pictures Yumi shared, so it wasn't that much of a shock. He is way taller than he was, he gained weight and put on some muscle. His dark skin and blue eyes looked almost the same as Yumi's. His hair is shorter and less wavy, but the color is the same navy blue. And also while Yumi's face is more round, Ken's facial feature's are sharper. Ryota was right behind Ken, he also changed a lot. His red hair and pale skin were the same as before, but just like Ken, he is also taller and more muscular now. His grey eyes are shining like silver as always, but they weren't as big as they were. He smiled when he saw my puzzled expression and pushed Ken aside;

- It's really been a long time. How are you feeling now, Nina? 

His voice wasn't as deep. It sounded more gentle. 

- I'm alright. I'm glad to see you all. Thanks for coming here. 

They all looked at me like I said something wrong, then both Yumi and Ken started laughing, while Ryota just smiled. Ken;

- Jeez, why are you talking like that? It's just us, y'know. Of course we'd come.

- Seriously Nina, we might not have seen each other in years but we're still your childhood friends. We'll be by your side when you need us. Sorry for not being able to come earlier. 

Both Ken and Ryota's words made me feel more comfortable, maybe we could really go back to how we were before. I asked;

- Oh, that reminds me. How was your trip? Did you have fun? 

They both looked confused for a second but then Ken replied;

- By trip do you mean the training camp? 

Then he glanced at Yumi, who was still clinging onto me;

- You told her we were on a trip, even though we've been through hell? 

Yumi chuckled;

- There you go being dramatic again for no reason. If you get to play with all your friends and go swimming in the beach, then it's a trip isn't it? 

- Then why don't you tag along next time to join the fun? 

- Haha, no thanks. 

Then Ryota explained that they were actually in the basketball camp for two weeks and there was a tournament for another two weeks. They were of a local basketball team's junior team and all the junior teams across the country were joining the camp and the tournament. It was an important tournament since there won't be any tournaments until winter, once highschool starts. Luckily we'll all be attending the same highschool. Yumi;

- Ah, I'm so excited for highschool! Finally we will all be together again. Nina did you know after you went to another country these two idiots decided to attend to an all boys school? 

I smiled, she complained about it all the time so of course I knew;

- Yeah, I know. You must have been lonely. 

Then I started petting her head, she had tears in her eyes and said;

- I was really lonely! I hope we'll be in the same class this year. 

Then Ken;

- Who're you kidding? You made tons of friends right after school started, because of your friends our place was always so noisy. 

 Yumi looked like she was caught lying;

- That's different, okay? It's not the same without Nina. You two can go ahead hang out in a different class.

Ryota sighed;

- The school hasn't even started yet, isn't it too early to argue about it? 

- Oh, but it starts next week. By the way Nina, Jun took care of your registration, right? 

Yumi was still uneasy, checking it again and again. 

- Yeah he did. Anyway since we won't have much time after school starts, why don't we play something? 

- Alright, then I suggest having a video-game tournament. 

Shin already brought his console and we all start playing.