Chereads / From my voice, not from anyone else's voice / From my voice, not from anyone else's voice

From my voice, not from anyone else's voice

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From my voice, not from anyone else's voice

For such a long time, I finally felt how I wanted to be felt. As I know that I would do anything for my people, but that's not what I meant… What I meant was to provide people who need support, not control my life or tell me who I should be for you and people.

I have amazing experiences even though it can be really painful, but it is still a good experience for me. It is because it is the life lessons teach you and learn what you want to live in your life. What I truly felt and learned something new from me, however from my thoughts, is that I know someone who used to be my best friend, expected me to do what I've always done for example, be upset, angry, frustrated, and scared to lose. But you pushed yourself away and decided to hold me so hard to make me feel being in control and trapped to not let what i want to do. Now, I'm not doing this again for my sake, not even for your loss.

During this time, you were draining me out to the point where I am going to lose myself. I held your rope to lead your path as I thought I would be lost without you. Probably just because of my deafness? I'm not sure what it is.I just don't have it in me anymore. I've done all I can do, I've cried all the tears I can cry..I don't have anything left. You've hurt me so many times, you've broken my heart so many times, and you've done things that no one who loves me would ever do.

I know I hurt you many times, but that's because you blocked my path to discover my happiness while I tried to do my best to find your happiness even though it's not my job to fix ours and your life. Now I know now that there are so many more types of abuse than just trying to help me to be a person. My heart is heavy as I feel these words, but what I'm doing now is long overdue. This is the reason why I didn't know what was wrong with me until I let you go, it felt gone and free. That moment you didn't expect this would happen, that is my way of letting you go. It will still hurt me and it won't be easy, but it's time for me to walk away from this toxic friendship.

I'm a shell of who I once was, and it's nobody's fault but my own for letting it happen. It stops now, and I'm all out of anger, emotions, words and tears it up about you and us. I'm finally done. You probably won't ever understand why because you can't see your true self and that makes me sad.I hope someday you realize what you did was wrong and you change those ugly parts of you that need to be solved.

I know you'll always have a place in my heart, but never again in my life.I deserve better than the heart breaking treatment you gave me. I deserve to find myself again, learn to love myself and finally get back to the woman I once was. And I'll never do it with you.

Everything happens for a reason, and this was probably my life's biggest lesson. I learned what love isn't and how it shouldn't feel so that I'll never let it happen again. So, for all the ugly things you did to me that I'll find the healing to forgive you for. In the end, you cut me so deeply that you gave me the greatest gift of all. The strength to begin the journey back home to myself.

You made me set myself free.