As Eden woke up ,he asked his friends "isn't this the examiner,hang ju one of his fellow lumberjack said, yes we are the only people that passed the test Eden said what you mean out of 200 people only 7 of us survived , Eden ask the examiner is it true the examiner replied indeed it is, and the examiner said, drop the examiner call me master Eden said yes master but is it true that the seven of us at the only ones that pass the chest their Masters said not yet I must train you for 30 days. Before you are going to go for the real test which you will go to the top of the mountain stedari ,Eden and his friends echoed mount stedari which type of mountain is that. Their master now said that is where the magical creatures leave at night the rush out looking for flesh to eat but I am going to train you to be able to defeat a magical creature said the master.but I must warn you, as you kill more magical creatures the more magicalyou get but magical creatures have ranking the lower the numbers ingraved on their back the more powerful and magical they get .a magical animal can't stand sunlight for long and the number is covered by a light layer of skin one slash and their numbers will be exposed, this is all I can tell you for now have a good night to rest, and prepare for the rigorous training of tomorrow the seven of them filled with fear accepted it they all went ahead and went to bed in the cabin the master tuck the to. and the master started forging some weapons for them in the middle of the night. In the morning by 5:00 the master woke them up with a loud gong they all begin their money by the Masters order which was 1,000 push-ups, all of them were still woozy as they woke up but they had no choice but to do the Masters orders . before 12:00 they had finished doing the 1000 push ups hoping to get some rest but as the master shouted 6 km run with 100 kg of woods on on your back they were speechless four of them wanted to quit, but the master told them if you wanted to quit I will feed you to the magical creature at night, because I thoroughly asked you quit if you want at the beginning but you guys didn't obey it ,now you are stuck with this training for 30 days which after you would have to go up the mountain and bring me a magical creatures head, The master exclaimed tomorrow you'll be choosing your weapons so you have to have physical attributes to wield them as they are forged which tempered steel which is very heavy.they werenow convinced and went for the 6 km run they came back exhausted having a long day with little food to eat they starved, but some of them have noticed be changed in their body and they have started to gain muscles slightly ,filled with exhaustion the seven of them slept like a baby that night after having such tiring training sections .once again the sun look over the tall buildings of Japan and the master who had already woke up right is gong once again in the morning they woke up and were met with gorgeous weapons in front of them. The master seed with the chilling voice step forward and pick the weapon of your choice.