An ominous shiver ran through Nate's body, jolting him awake. His mind was still hazy as he bolted upright, emerald eyes scanning his surroundings. The small underground storage room where they had taken shelter looked unchanged - Laura and Rob were still soundly asleep on the cold stone floor, while Selene sat nearby, methodically cleaning her sword. The silvery blade gleamed in the dim light cast by a single flickering lantern.
'It's probably nothing,' Nate thought, trying to shake off the lingering unease and grogginess. He stretched, wincing as his muscles protested the movement, his back stiff from lying on the hard ground.
"Good, you're awake," Selene said, her steely gaze appraising the half-fae. Nate still looked worn out, as if the weight of the stone walls might crush him at any moment. Selene had mixed feelings about this member of their group. His growth potential was undeniable, but only if he managed to gain some control over his mercurial abilities.