The next day, The city's streets bustled with activity as Jodi led Nate through the throng of people. Unlike the polite citizens who carefully navigated the crowded pathways, Jodi shouldered her way through, uncaring of the curses and indignant shouts that followed in her wake. Nate, trailing close behind, offered apologetic glances to those they jostled.
Soon, they turned into a dark alleyway lined with desolate shops. The stark contrast between the lively main street and this forgotten corridor was jarring. Dusty windows displayed outdated wares, and faded signs creaked in the gentle breeze. It seemed as though these establishments had never seen a single customer.
"Where are we going?" Nate finally asked, his curiosity overcoming his hesitation.
"To get you some decent armor so you don't die," Jodi bit back, her impatience growing with each step. Her brisk pace never faltered as they continued through the winding alleyway.