Chereads / Kaiser of the New World / Chapter 144 - Choices, well, not really

Chapter 144 - Choices, well, not really

After letting Esurient go back to resting in his soul, Kai summoned the two Mana Stat Beads that he had purchased.

The Common one was pretty small and a light violet, meanwhile the Rare one was a bit larger and had a darker hue to its violet colour.

Not seeing any reason to delay the inevitable, Kai popped both of them into his mouth and bit down, the taste faintly reminding him of grape.

A moment later, both of the beads had been digested and Kai's Mana had increased by 39.

Since that had taken barely any time, Kai got to having a look at the two suits of armour he had purchased.

But since he would much rather not have to strip down in front of the cat, Kai simply summoned the first of them into his hands.

As the Fortified Bodysuit started to manifest, Kai's eyes couldn't help but widen slightly at the sight of it.

Like the description had said, the bodysuit definitely looked to be created by spider silk, only the silk was of a higher quality than any fabric or silk that Kai had seen back on Earth.

It was a slightly dark white colour, nearly a gray, but not quite their yet.

It had two red lines running up either side of it, perfectly semetrical and resembling the legs of a spider.

Whistling softly as he looked down at it, Kai's grip on the fabric tightened as he attempted to rip it.

He failed completetly, he couldn't even rip a single thread off, the quality of this item was no joke.

Then, he attempted to change the appearance of it, and was extremely pleased with the result.

He turned into a tracksuit, a normal suit, a pair of shorts, a regular outfit with a hat included. He even turned it into a pretty looking dress, just to test the capabilities of the item in case he ever had to go incognito or something.

Pleased with his purchase, Kai dismissed the item back to his soul as he summoned his other purchased armour.

Chrome Skin appeared much quicker in Kai's hands, the lustrous silver armour resembling that of a gallant knight.

But upon closer inspection, Kai saw that it moreso resembled an extra layer of skin rather than a suit of armour, rather befitting of its name. It had some sections where there was little gaps in the armour, like where top connected with the bottom and shoulders connected with the neck and so on that allowed for better flexibility.

Knocking on the armour as if he were knocking on a door, Kai felt his knuckle sting as a clang rang out.

Yet another item that he was pleased with. It was definitely formidable, a item that was much more worthy to be called armour when compared to his tunic.

But Kai still dismissed it back to his soul, he had a plan after all.

The cat would be the only other person to know what he had bought, and they would have probably had to have signed some sort of confidentiality clause to be allowed to sell here, meaning no one would know what Kai had bought.

That was just an easy way to catch any potential enemies off guard. They could assume that Kai's tunic was his only piece of armour, then he could summon both Chrome Skin and his Fortified Bodysuit and catch them off guard. The same with his storage ring and the newly upgraded Esurient, those would be his trump cards.

The last item Kai had to examine was his new storage ring, but it's not like he had anything that he could use to test it.


Kai glanced over at the cat and hid a sly smile. Turns out, he did have something he could use to test the capabilities of his ring, but he would have to wait until the last second to do so.

But now what? There was still a couple of minutes to go, but Kai had nothing to do.

What annoyed him slightly was that he hadn't been given his choice of utility item yet. Were they going to wait until after the bidding or something? That seemed a little stupid.

Curious, Kai turned back to the cat and said:

"Hey, cat, when-"

Before Kai got the chance to finish the question, and even before the cat got a chance to respond, a line of text appeared before Kai's eyes.

Please select one of the following three utility items.

Well, at least they didn't wait until afterwards.

Still, Kai let the delay pass, he was obviously more interested in what he had been offered.

And the first option was definitely... interesting.

The Honey Pot (Legendary)

This item has three different settings - Hunting, Persuading and Lusting. The Hunting setting may be used to set a trap to try and catch your prey, luring them in with any item the user can think of. The thought item may not leave the vicinity of the Honey Pot or be used for any reason other than hunting. The Persuading setting is a passive feature, allows the user to release a calming scent that nullifies the hostile emotions of other beings up to a limit of SS rank, affected entities will also be more likely to agree with you even if they have a prejudice against you. The Lusting setting may be used when searching for any potential partners, coats the user in a scent that attracts any of the type they clarify beforehand, the pheromone works up to the limit of SS rank, those affected are more likely to view the user in a more likable light.

Another... long description

Technically, an item that was basically three items combined was bound to be valuable, but if the uses were like that?

The persuading one sounded pretty useful, but the other two were pretty... eh.

Especially the lust one, Kai was happy that it had said that he had the option to clarify who would be attracted to his 'scent' and that he wouldn't just be mobbed my anyone and everyone, but it still seemed a little weird.

Especially if a bunch of hot-

Kai shook his head and stopped that train of thought there, mentally preparing to look at whatever the second item may be.

And it was... just as interesting as the first.

Magic Marker (Legendary)

Art is one of the many essences of beauty. Anything the user draws with this item has the chance to become reality. The chance of the picture becoming reality depends on the artistic skill of the user and how much effort they put into the drawing.

Well, it was certainly a lot shorter and a lot easier to understand than the previous item, but it was also a little... eh.

It sounded incredible, in theory that is. It's uses were definitely there, if Kai desparately needed something he could just keep redrawing it until it became reality.

But it said it said that it relied on Kai's artistic abilities and how much effort he put into the drawing. To be honest, Kai hated art. He could understand the beauty of it and how some people loved it, but he just found it quite boring.

Plus, it wasn't that Kai hated art for no reason, he was just terrible at it. He couldn't draw, couldn't paint, couldn't sculpt, there was one time he tried to draw a smiley face but it ended up resembling a Demon.

Meaning, that this item was practically useless for Kai. Quite frankly, these didn't really seem like rewards worthy of someone who had gotten first place, it most seemed as if the angel had decided to randomly pick three legendary items and pretend Kai had a choice.

Kai sighed and said a small prayer, the third item would be better.

And it... was?

Skill Generator (Legendary)

This item has the ability to generate a random rarity skill based on the users abilities. The more varied the users abilities are, the less likely the item is to have the wanted effect.

Kai sighed, but it wasn't a dissapointed sigh, just a defeated one.

He had hoped to have some sort of internal debate on what to pick, but it was pretty obvious what item he would end up picking in the end.

It was obviously the Honey Po-

Who was he kidding, the Skill Generator was obviously the only correct choice. Plus, Kai's abilities were mainly focused on souls and fusions, with that small add on about commanding people with his innate ability, but that was only a minor thing when in comparison to the other two.

After selecting the Skill Generator, a piece of parchment, much like that of the Weapon Upgrade appeared in Kai's hand.

Kai looked down at it blankly, not really sure what to do with it. Well, that was a lie, if it had worked with Esurient then it surely had to work with him.

And it did, just as Kai pressed the piece of parchment to his skin, his whole body was enveloped by the same type of multi-coloured glow that happened whenever he let Soul Flame boost all of his stats.

The shine continued to grow brighter and brighter, like an impending supernova, until after about twenty seconds, it started to dull.

Kai sat still throughout the whole process, his heart trembling.

Something felt... off about that whole process.

Even without opening his status, Kai could tell that the new skill he had gained had something to do with his soul. He had felt something change inside him, something shift, but it didn't necessarily feel like a bad thing.

Still, he made sure he was alright before doing anything.

After seeing that he was in fact fine, Kai opened his status and looked to the newest skill he had gained.

And as it turned out, he was no longer jealous of Umbra having a Legendary rarity skill.

[Ignition (Unique)]