Chereads / What Not To Expect! / what not to accept!

What Not To Expect!

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what not to accept!

"I'm here, I'm still stuck here."


"Why can't I change things? I've lived in regret for so long, I lost everyone!"

Words muzzling off a man wrapped up in an asylum jacket, locked and stored in a white room isolated from exterior walls and flooring, by insurmountable distance.

This is the Poultry Asylum, it might look gloomy on the outside, heck, it might even look like an educational institution, which is it's front to the world. But it's actually a Dimensional Tower, owned by a Sect called the Nocturnal Guard Sect.

It houses over a 3rd of the world's population, the Transcendent Tier Players(TTP). Within it are avatars of deities, demon warlords and in rare cases Gods themselves, all of them are held captive. But one cell is peculiar, within it a woman that glows red with a womb that is about to conceive lays heavily, panting whilst chained to the walls, screaming for help! But nobody attends her requirem, she huffs, puffs and talks to herself, the pain is driving her closer to insanity at every second, for she's in labor.

"You'll have to push! Just push! Keep pushing! Or you'll both die. The child must live at least."

A black out, cries and wails of the child storm the Asylum, a guard approaches the cell and loses his composure!

He looks up to Observer's Orb (a purple darkened aura spirit that transmits live footage from the Asylum's passages).

"Open the goddamn cell! There's blood everywhere! The child is drowning on it!"

The cell is opened the child is exumed from what could've been it's coffin.

The mother mutters her four last words: "Shaw, it's a boy." And passes on, died chained, her soul refuses to let go, and uses the environment it's in for its advantages, a red aura dims the cells of the entire Asylum. Sirens go off!

"Sir, come in sir! The prison's spirit limiters aren't working! She's haunting the entire Tower! She might even kill the new TTPs!"

-A guard screams on her earpiece.

Everything goes blank.

A white flash comes from the solitary confines,

A man, no, a beast is let loose, and the dead woman's gift to it was in exchange for him to feed upon every living being in the Tower but leave the child to live. He runs amock the tower, and becomes a nightmare within a nightmare. His main aim, reaching the sub basement, where the General resides! He slashed his way through the Dream Chasers[low level guards] and the Night Watch[high special guards and avatars of the Nocturnal Deity].

He reaches the Subbasement, to find no one but a hand with an eye floating at the center of the room [a 'wai' 外 rune]: the comms between a Zone and the gods.

It wreaks havoc on the place and transforms into a hound with tentacles for a tail, fire for breath, and blades for fangs.

"You dare come below! Foolish mortal!"

The beast telepathically commutes!

On the receiving end, the man recently unchained, loses his balance and gets hazy just from hearing the beast's thoughts.

"Uggh, I must've gotten weaker, how long has it been, Noir, Hound of Helios!"

The man says as he glares straight into the beast's eyes with an unsettling grin on his face.

"T-those eyes!" Thinks the beast, " N-no you were meant to die back then! How are you still here! Adam! You were in this prison before it even got to the physical realm?"

Chuckles the beast, "Does your god know no mercy?"

The beast continues to mock the man.

"I'll ask you this once, and only once! Where's Drako? Your information and interdimensial tracking is the only reason you're still spared right now, so I suggest you- -"

"I what?" The beast interrupts. "See in the past infinity, things have changed around here."

The beast gnarls as he begins to grow bigger and bigger, destroying the entire foundation of the tower.

To be continued.