Chereads / We Came To Fight / Chapter 2 - CHAPTER FOUR - HARLOW


It's hard to believe this is the woman that will supposedly defeat me in the upcoming war. She looks so helpless and kind, two features that will not aid you in any way during battle. I'd never heard of Lauren Taylor and yet here I was looming over her in her living room that looks more like a battlefield than the actual battlefield. She looks like she might throw up from the kick to the gut I just gave her, and her face looks so scared that you would think she might cry. "Now Lauren… I am unable to give you any details about what is going on right now, but I can make you an offer. How does that sound?" She'd be a fool not to accept and yet she remains silent. "What a pity I'll give you one more chance before I kick you to the ground for the second time, and this time don't be so sure you'll be able to get up after I'm done with you." Still she said nothing.

With a sudden sweep of her legs under mine I fall to the ground and Lauren is up and standing pointing a gun at my head. "Now… What about that offer?" Power is now emanating off of her proving her worth to the new world. 

"Put the gun down Lauren." I say calmly, surprising her with my nonchalance. 

"And why exactly would I do that? I have control over the situation. Why would I give that up? You of all people should understand the hunger for power." she was right and it startled me, I nearly showed the fact that I was taken aback by her sudden confidence. 

"Correction, you have control over the situation at the current moment." I say, She didn't show a waver in her confidence but I could tell she was frightened even if it was miniscule. 

"Well the current moment is all I need for now." She is really playing with fire right now. I take a sharp breath and begin to stand up, she surprisingly doesn't push me down again but the gun is still pointed directly at my head. "I ask again; what about that offer?" she spits out and jabs the gun a little at my head, i don't flinch. I've been trained by the new world too well to flinch at such an empty threat. 

"Ah yes… this is my one and final offer. Join me in defeating the new world–" I don't even get to finish my sentence before she yells;


"You didnt let me finish. Join me in defeating the new world and your son lives to see another day at least." Thats when the horror hits her face. She staggers backwards and fumbles with my gun nearly dropping it which hopefully wouldn't have set it off. 

"You– you wouldn't dare go near Joey… thats not… that–" Her utter shock and fear is hilarious to me, mainly because she should've known that I wouldn't be so easy to defeat. 

"Oh but I would… and I will if you dont do as I say. So what'll it be?" I can tell by her facial expression that her ideas are running out. 

"You stay away from MY JOEY!" I laugh and her brows furough as she steps forward, this time a little stronger than before but still weak. 

"I'm afraid I cant do that." Then I notice that her son; Joey is nowhere to be seen. He is not in the living room where he most likely would be by now if he heard his mother yelling at an intruder. "Where is he?" I demand

"Who? Joey? Why the fuck would I tell you where he is if you just threatned to murder him? You really are delusional if you think I am going to tell you a thing." She certainly had a point but I was never going to admit to a lowly resistance member being right.

"Well that is very unfortunate." I say in a mocking tone. I dip my hand into my pocket and feel around for the ciringe I packed before I set off to find this woman who was clearly unfit to lead anyone.

With that Lauren lunged at me stupidly dropping the pistol she previously held, she propelled forward with her hands outstretched as if ready to strangle me. My face remaining nonchalant the entire time, I grabbed the syringe and jabbed it into her neck pushing down to inject her with the poison. The dose was not nearly enough to kill her but just enough to put her to sleep for a couple hours which was hopefully all the time I needed to get this done.