The place the mc is in is called earth prime and it is the center of everything it also has infinite phases and this phase is the most infinitely weakest one and so is everybody there the mc Gil comes from an unknown place that is outside of everything and the earth prime consist of the land which is the infinite space-time continuum and heaven and hell which both are infinite and are completely transcendent to the land and there are an infinite paralell versions of each of these and and there are other realms infinitely bigger and or smaller. And all of this is transcended by a universe which contains all of this and the heaven land and hell and the universe are expanding infinite by an infinite amount each infinitesimally moment and there are infinite lands hells and heavens in a universe which is contained in the greater land heaven and hell and this is all contained in a universe as each universe has infinite paralell versions and there are infinite universes in a multiverse and each is has infinite paralell versions and is expanding infinitely and is infinitely big and is expanding infinitely each infinitesimally moment and universes get created infinitely like this to in a multiverse and there are infinite multiverses and the multiverses do the same thing as the land/hell/heaven and the universes and the multiverses are contained in the great cosmos a greater infinity which it can't fill.
Gil profile
Race, True transcendent supreme overlord
Weight really light(73lb)
Height(cute adorable studdy shota sized)
Appearance, wears a tight full black bodysuit that stops at its chest and has bands around the arm where it ends and wears a black collar and has a collar mark has dark midnight hair and 2 short long braids on the sides of his head(he has venti hair from genshin impact) and dark midnight eyes and with enough sexual energy can turn into a bussy boy mode, and in his combat mode his black body suit forms goldish decorations and goldish and obsidian black armaments, and in his awakened mode he has a one piece black swimsuit like piece on with golden decorations with Femboy stockings with golden cuffs at his ankles and golden decorations, and has Femboy gloves on that go to his upper arm and has golden cuffs around his wrists as well and has a white cape/cloak around him as well and wears a golden collar with a pitch black obsidian divine like earring with a golden snake around it to.
Body, has a perfect body with a big butt that claps every time he walks and his butt has perfect shape and has big boy breast with cute nipples and perfect shape and has cute little shots boy feet and has a puffy cute little boy butthole, and has a big ginormous animal cock that is dark brown and his sheath is an even darker brown with a big purple head and big low hanging balls which are big sized caocao pods and produces heavy and really thick boy cum and is very hairy on his cock and balls and has a flare patch of armpit hair and is hairless and smoother than clouds(literally) everywhere else.
Has a Superman physiology like power but better and way versatile
Has an infinite transcendental imaginary nothingness void treasury which contains all and everythingFiction non fiction and IRL infinitely in each way across every possibility impossibility inf infinitely and every paralell version infinitely across past present and future.
His passives are
Immortality, types 123456789101112
True godly regen
Reactive evolution adaption and accelerated development
Logic/math/quantam/physics/science/vectors/imaginary/forces manip/information/data/hacking/texhnoligy manip on meta conceptual any and all levels.
Acasauality 1234 greater type 4 and can achieve type 5 at will
See through all timelines possibilities impossibilities other places dimensions or universes or parallel places and past present future
And analyze anything and everything and can find out weaknesses and has fate/casuality/possibillity/impossibillity/miracles/infinity/void/nothingness/existence /chaos/nonexistence/negative/concept/law/negations/nullification/refelction/transfer power/manipulations
Can travel anywhere via portals teleporting dimensional travel time travel and can change the locations of anything BFR
Self sustenance type 123
Stats amplify
Stats reduction
Status effects
Reality/subjective reality/fantasy/plot/text/story/narrative/immersion/toon force/illusion/dream/imagination manipulations
And infinitely more and a force field and barrier manipulations.
Can create new powers and can do anything on instincts or unconscious as well and can create weapons.
Embodiment of 4 horsemen's,war,death,pestilence,famine and so he has all of this power on a meta conceptual level.
And can exterminate and annihilate anything.
Life-death/spirit/soul/ghost/nonphysical/physical/nexromancy manip on a meta conceptual platonic level.
Mystical/embodiment/summonig powers
Light/heat/holy/blessing/gift manip
Darkness/shadow/curse/evil/pain/mind/unholy/pain/madness manip on a meta conceptual level in any and all levels.
Basara toujou
Race,transcendent spirit heroic god
Body, has a average boy body and has some muscles and has a good thick and big juicy fuzzy jock cock and big juicy balls which are low hanging and has hair on his armpits butt and a lot of hair like a jungle on his cock and balls and he's very uncircumcised has foreskin overgrowth and a gray cock with a very deep purple head and has brownish black hair with greenish blue eyes.
Appearance, has on a regular black school uniform but his school coat is open revealing his white shirt underneath. And also has a supreme silver spirit god armor.
Stats, superhuman physical characteristics existence erasure adaption reactive evolution accelerated development sixth sense and fate miracle and energy manip concepts laws and rules manip and power manip and many more.