For President Gump, it was a busy day: a press conference, denying some harmful news, tweeting something crazy to keep his followers happy, and finally, after meeting with a group of bureaucrats and lobbyists, meeting with the senior officials of the government and the army. , to decide what to do next.
The wars in the Middle East were ready to end; without that flow of military spending and weapons, the next objective had to be chosen so that the wheel that had transformed the United States into the first world power did not stop, war.
For his voters, it was important that the United States not only be the leading power in name but, in fact, impose its power on the rest of the world.
He knew as well as any scholar in the world that his country had long ago lost economic hegemony, but it was one thing to lose that in data, and another in the face of public opinion, and in the end, it would believe what the big media showed them...