Alarobian was waiting on the beach for the arrival of the tall ships, his silver hair floating in the cold winter wind. His original mission had been distorted by events; what would have happened if he had not chosen the Mercenary Ildra to be his escort in Sentria? As ambassador of the great nation Elensil could have chosen a more royal, more official escort, but he only came to confirm rumors about the arrival of another race to Sentria.
Thousands of years ago the Elensil had abandoned their cities in Sentria for the sake of peace among the Elven nations, now only the Silvans remained in this ancient land.
Being discreet was a requirement; reaching the Vertran court without using official channels had been his priority... Using a reputable scout seemed the most practical at that moment, besides she was going in the same direction, she also wanted to reach the Imperial City.