For Shiro, Karslan, or even Zen or Darius, the fights against the guardians would have been not only a challenge but a blessing to enjoy, but for me, they were just a formality and an obstacle to reaching my friend and saving her. It was time to accelerate and take drastic measures.
We hadn't tried it yet, but Ronin, Perl and I had been working on reconstructing the support and physical enhancement spells that Ildra used. Logically, I didn't give them the real reason as to how or in what situation the elf had used them, but they would be great to use for everyone if we learned to cast them. The magic of improvement and support was a fundamental part of all video games; a buff was the difference between life and death on many occasions.
"Zion evrin il car folias" Strength
"Zion orkan teler il zulien" Dexterity
"Zion truc il car vensen" Speed
"Zion oulera il car shonsen" Resistance
"Vormen zug dari meg ourlain" Defense