Once I made the first copy in English of the introduction to the book of magic, making 20 copies between Ronin and me was not difficult. In the end we had our list of potential scholars, and getting the community to release them from other responsibilities to come was not difficult given how relevant magical advancements were to all players.
The group was very diverse, beyond the heroes, and friends, among which were Ronin, Perl, Shiro, Elsine, Arabastra, Yun Yun and me. The rest of the group had been selected and specially invited by Ronin, who was the only one among them who had dedicated his time to teaching, preparing and speaking with the magician-type players, choosing among them those who he believed were most capable or willing. However, for me, beyond blowing my nose or having seen them in some of the battles between the groups of magicians, I did not have much contact with them.