Just by looking at Belius he understood me. Without having to give many explanations to the rest of the players, we took the dwarves to one of the most secluded booths in the Tavern. Belius did not think about it and put the shield on the table, to the surprise of all the dwarves.
"This belongs to your race; we have no intention of keeping it; we just thought that it would take us much longer to meet your race and that it would be by visiting your city and not the other way around... Sorry for hiding it, but understand that it was only a few years ago." Days we know each other..." The conspicuous attitude that our short companions had had since the confrontation with the counselor relaxed...
"That shield belonged to one of our first kings of old. Where did you find it...? Our race has been searching for it for generations..." Slug ran his chubby fingers along the edge of the shield as if not worthy enough to pick it up and examine it more closely...