The following morning, Michael arose sore but determined, setting about his chores with renewed vigor despite the concerned glances of his mother. Last night's ordeal still echoed vividly in his mind, and the unavoidable confrontation which must now come weighed heavy on his heart. But one thought gave him solace - Jack had risked all to save him, proving beyond doubt his loyalty ran deeper than mere friendship. This bond they shared was worth fighting for, however hopeless the battle seemed.
After finishing his work, Michael made his way toward town through the rolling fields, steeling himself for the reception likely awaiting. Sure enough, hushed tones ceased as he entered the village outskirts, cutting across numerous furtive stares which tracked his every move. Word had clearly spread of the incident by the river. Michael raised his chin defiantly and marched on, ignoring the whispers cropping up in his wake:
"Did you hear what those boys got up to in the woods yesterday?"
"Disgraceful... carrying on like that in plain sight."
"Mark my words, it'll be the ruin of them both if they aren't set straight."
Reaching the general store, Michael swung open the doors with more force than intended, wincing internally at the loud crack against the wall. Maya leapt in surprise from where she helped customers, eyes widening as she took in his disheveled state. "Michael...? What happened? Are you alright? ",Her concern only brought fresh pangs of guilt after all the trouble he and Jack had caused.
"I'm fine, Maya", he sighed wearily, not meeting her probing gaze." Is Jack around by any chance? I need to speak with him". At that moment the shopkeeper emerged from the backroom carrying a crate, doing a visible double-take upon laying eyes on Michael.
"Well well well, if it isn't our wayward youth", he drawled, fixing Michael with a condemning stare." I hear you and that Watts boy were cavorting in the buff by the river like heathens.
Disgraceful display for all God-fearing folk to see! You mark my words, such deviant behavior will only lead to ruin. Now take your business and be gone from here before you corrupt my daughter too. "
Maya turned puce with indignation." Papa, how dare you speak to a customer that way! You know nothing of what truly–"
"I'll take my leave, thanks all the same", Michael cut across tensely, edging for the exit under the heavy scrutiny bearing down. "Maya, if you see Jack...tell him I'm waiting at our spot by sunset". With a final nod to her pleading eyes, he ducked hastily outside into the sweltering afternoon.
The village green swam before Michael's vision, judgmental stares burning into his skin from all sides now. He quickened his steps, desperate to escape this claustrophobic fishbowl where his every weakness and flaw would be dissected and gossiped over endlessly. Breaking into a run, Michael didn't stop until the welcoming shade of the forest enveloped him once more, muffling the cacophony of busybodies behind thickets of foliage. Leaning against a massive oak trunk, he exhaled in relief. Now, if only those cruel words could be as easily outrun and left behind...
After spending the afternoon wandering aimlessly along lazily gurgling creeks to distract himself, Michael made his way as dusk fell toward their usual meeting place overlooking the river. A tiny figure was already perched on the large gnarled roots twisting above the bank when he arrived, silhouetted against fiery streaks of sunset. His heart swelled painfully at the sight. Even now, Jack waited obediently as promised without question or hesitance, a beacon of loyalty in Michael's darkest hours. How he didn't deserve such compassion, after the coward he'd been.
Approaching steadily, Michael cleared his throat. Jack glanced up with a start, expression melting into one of profound relief. You came, he breathed, patting the space next to him in wordless invitation. Michael accepted gratefully, careful to maintain a proper distance still. They sat in companionable quiet for several long moments, drinking in the shimmering reflections dancing across rippling water as the sun dipped lower, before Jack spoke up tentatively:
"I heard the gossip sweeping through town after yesterday.
I'm...I'm sorry you've been made to suffer so on my account as well, Michael. My presence here has only caused you trouble since the start. Perhaps it's for the best if—
"Don't". Michael interrupted fiercely, finally meeting Jack's uncertain eyes. "This—what we have—means more to me than any town rumor or disapproval ever could. You risked your life to save me, Jack, when no one else would dare. I'll not let their small-mindedness steal what little joy remains in this wretched place". He reached out hesitantly to cradle Jack's downcast face in calloused hands, tilting it up until pale blue irises met his own. "Please say you feel the same. I couldn't bear it if—"
"Of course", Jack breathed, eyes swimming. "You must know by now there is nothing more important to me than your happiness, Michael. I would face a thousand harsh tongues daily if it meant keeping you in my life", A tentative smile dawned across his delicate features then, and Michael's heart soared to mirror it, all worries and doubts temporarily cast aside in the bliss of that perfect moment. For now, this was enough.
The following Sunday, Michael sat shoulder to shoulder with Jack in the back pew of the crowded church, trying his utmost to concentrate on Reverend Brown's sermon rather than the prickling sensation of eyes boring judgement into their clasped hands between them. Beside him, Jack stared resolutely ahead, posture stiff and shoulders hunched as if bracing for impact. After what felt like an eternity the service concluded, and they rose together to depart amid the sea of congregants already spilling into side conversations.
Unfortunately, this proved the opportunity certain parties had been awaiting. Michael felt a sudden shove from behind propelling him face-first into Jack's chest, hears jeers erupting all around:
"Get a room, you deviants!"
"This is a house of God, have some shame!"
Struggling to regain his footing, Michael glimpsed Tom and his thuggish friends guffawing amid the shocked murmurs rippling through the dispersing crowd. Anger surged white-hot, drowning out reason. Before he knew what he was doing, Michael had whirled on the perpetrator, fist connecting solidly with Tom's sneering mouth.
He reeled back with a howl, mouth spilling crimson, rage twisting his features monstrously. "You little faggot, I'll kill you for that!" With a roar Tom launched himself at Michael, tackling him to the marble floor with a thunderous crash. Fists flew as the two grappled fiercely, waves of outrage and pain crashing over Michael relentlessly until—
A sharp crack resounded through the nave, followed by dead silence. Michael froze mid-blow, blood pounding in his ears as he slowly craned his neck to find Reverend Brown glaring down at them all, bible gripped tightly in one raised hand still quivering from the strike. His stern voice echoed into the rafters: "That is quite enough! All of you, out of my church at once before I have the law involved. Consider yourselves banned from Sunday service henceforth."
With that he turned on his heel and stalked back to the altar, robes swirling. A collective gasp rose from the assembled crowd at such uncharacteristic harshness from their esteemed pastor. After several loaded beats, murmurs erupted anew as folk began filing toward the great oaken doors once more, shooting wary looks over their shoulders at the offenders still sprawled unmoving upon the gleaming floor.
Michael slowly climbed shakily to his feet, avoiding Jack's imploring gaze and offering hand. His fingernails came away crimson and shaking. Without a backward glance he pushed through the throng and out into the blinding sunlight, desperate to flee this place and everyone in it before the humiliating tide could rise further still. The pealing church bells seemed to mock him as Michael bolted blindly down the dirt lane, no destination in mind but escape.