( Next morning )
{{ Pov: Draco Thorns }}
I woke up like any normal day after my body rested but was still sore from the training I hopped off my bed and sped to my closet and grabbed my Training Clothes which were a few raggs with some holes But I did have Fine clothes but I Rather not get them destroyed and on the side was my Leather armor that has Heavy metal on them and a large empty leather bag with Iron bars next to it.
Up put on the slightly heavy leather armor while I left the bag and got ready for Mother's lessons for today if I am right Mother will teach me about War today and the different types of weapons and their uses and how to counter them.
I had breakfast with my mother and father and my father went early to get to work my mother and I went to one of the high Gardens Towers which had a classroom inside it.
We entered the room with a few chairs in it a lot of bookshelves filled with all types of books with a few unlit candles around mother was getting ready to teach me because it was only me and Mother today.
I sat down in front of her in one of the many chairs that were scattered around she gave me a book Titled: Ways of Steel A Book of Different Types of Weapons My mother also had the book in her hands.
She started reading to me the different types of weapons as I was listening to her speak about their advantages and disadvantages against current opponents or types of armor and a few caught my attention.
( Spear )
A spear is a pole weapon consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a pointed head. The head may be simply the sharpened end of the shaft itself, as is the case with fire-hardened spears.
It has quite a reach and can keep your foes at a distance but can be broken with enough strength to cut the spear in half or when passed puts the wielder in great danger if they aren't fast enough.
So it is a maybe for Spear still I will learn it just not master it.
( Great Sword/longsword )
greatsword (plural greatswords) Any generally straight-bladed double-edged sword large enough to require the use of two hands to wield it effectively.
Requires great strength to wield but can cause great damage but is too heavy and slow when facing agile opponents...
It is a no for Greatsword/longsword
( Short Sword/ Daggers )
A sword of a class is generally shorter than one meter, but longer than a dagger.
And a dagger is shorter but both are very light and very easy to move but not very hard-hitting. good for agile fighting
Must have for a second weapon if first is lost.
( Helbert )
A Halberd was perhaps the perfection of Medieval combat weaponry. A long spear tip for stabbing, a strong blade for cutting, and a hook for pulling people off of horses. Halberds could do a lot more than swordmen, at much cheaper costs.
So like a spear it's a maybe...
( Warhammer )
A war hammer is a weapon that was used by both foot soldiers and cavalry. It is a very old weapon and given its name can be used as a heavy two-handed or one hand can dent armor and deal damage.
Very tempting...
( Lances )
Think 'lances' and images of medieval jousts may come to mind. However, the lances used in such sporting events were blunt-ended and brittle, and designed to unseat rather than impale opponents. They were a far cry from sharp, deadly battlefield lances that were essentially pikes used by soldiers on horseback. Byzantine armies, for example, would often deploy fearsome cavalry formations consisting of both mounted archers and lancers, the latter wielding their long weapons in underarm and overarm grips. Driven forwards by the surging momentum of the attacker's horse, a lance could make short work of any infantrymen unlucky enough to be in the way.
Yeah I think I'll learn it
( Maces )
Perhaps the most crudely straightforward of all medieval weapons, the mace was quite simply a kind of club used for bludgeoning enemy combatants. Maces came in various shapes and sizes. Some had metal heads, some had stone. Some had protrusions to better penetrate armor (or bone). Even if the enemy's armor remained intact, the force of the blow could cause serious internal damage. There's a popular misconception that maces were wielded by priests in battle, to avoid shedding blood. But there's no real evidence this was ever the case. Besides, maces would most assuredly shed blood when used to cave in enemies' skulls and can bend armor or break a bone with great force.
Yes this will be my main weapon of use
And for Range, I'll just use a bow or crossbow
some weapons have great uses so I will learn a few of them but not master the Mace / Shortsword/longbow and Crossbow / Lance I will master or at least try.
Then my Mother Started to Explain how to lead troops of your own and how to keep morale up as well as strategy.
"'Grand Commander') was one of the highest ranks within the Knights responsible for the administration of the Order and second-in-command after the Grand Master." She explained the Rank for Knights after all that's what I am aiming for.
after all, there are many ranks when it comes to knights, and are marked by class.
Class 1:Grand Cross, Commander Grand Cross, Grand Cordon, Grand Collar.
Class 2: Grand Officer, Commander 1st Class, Grand Commander, Knight Commander, Knight Companion, Commander with Star.
Class 3:Commander, Commander 2nd Class, Companion.
Class 4:Officer, Knight 1st Class, Member 1st Class
She explained the ranks of knights and their jobs and duties (won't explain to them it will take too fucking long)
Then she told me how to siege a city or town in different ways some like.
"Battering rams and siege hooks could also be used to force through gates or walls, while catapults, ballistae, trebuchets, mangonels, and onagers could be used to launch projectiles to break down a city's fortifications and kill its defenders," she explained me.
"Or you can cut off all routes to the town to solely starve out the defenders by blocking any trade routes by setting up ambushes or blockading their ports and getting their supplies for yourself and your men." Mother told me
After all, when it comes to war nothing is fair and honor has almost no value and it becomes a game of survival of the fittest.
She then told me a few quats from a war book that I had to keep in my head at all times. (Sun Zu )
" then, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field. 4. These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline."
"Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. The worst policy is to attack cities. To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill."
"Amid the chaos, there is also opportunity."
"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
These are just a few of the quotes Mom told me as I took it in like a sponge.
(( 7 hours later ))
After a few hours passed my head was pounding from the amount of information I got from mom and went out to train so I ran home to get my training gear.
( 20 mins later )
I Arrived home and ran into my room after unlocking the house because mom had to stay back to help a noble kid who was struggling to understand some work and gave me the key.
So I entered my room going to The Large bag with Iron bars that were on the side I Picked up 3 iron Bars and put them in the bag then put them on my bag putting a great amount of weight on me so I struggled a bit to move so I started running to the Backyard of where the Forests is with great effort.
And I returned to my normal training by doing different physical exercises until my body started getting sore again I Was thinking about what mom told me today and how I would train my weapons and how I should train my body and instincts to a monsters level.
I let out a deep sight because I will nearly get any breaks when I start these different pieces of training.
And Ill get mom to give me a few tests at home so I can slowly learn how to tell when some one is lying or telling me the truth or half-truths.
But that's for the next moon now I need to train my body to be able to handle it all and went back to mu pull-up while struggling greatly.
(That all for now I had to google a few things to make sure all the weapons and stuff are correct and I like Mace that's why our little groot will learn them but anyways hope you all enjoy it next time.)