259 A.A. Cardonian-Arendain Border. One day before Ascension day.
The walls of the fort stood strong and unbroken even hundreds of years since its construction. But no fort, castle, or keep could keep out a determined and prepared attacker that was the secret to forts. They were made to holdout and buy time until an allied army could counter attack or the attacking was too drained of resources to make the siege viable. Once that was understood forts were easy to break.
There were six forts scattered across the Cardonia-Arendin border all of which were controlled by Cardonia after they defeated the Main army of Arendin. The fort that stood before him was Chief amongst them all. It was nestled along the mountain range the separates a large amount of both countries and overlooked the largest and most suitable road for armies to use in times of war. Its superior positioned was just one thing that made it so dangerous. Over the last couple generations every ruler of Cardonia would spend large sums of money to expand and reinforce armories, granaries, and walls. It was for all intents and purposes a death trap. That made his task all the more fun.
Judging the sun to be set enough I jump from the tree I used to overlook the Fort my hooded companion follows we quickly make our way to the walls. We have engraved the patrol routes into our minds after weeks of patiently watching so we are able to avoid all the guards until we make it to the wall. While the walls were well maintained age was something that couldn't always be reversed by throwing money at it. They found the predetermined section of wall and carefully climbed using small cracks as handles.
Looking over the side I saw no patrols in the immediate vicinity and hop over the wall onto the ramparts. We quickly dashed to the nearby tower and took their positions by the door. I sound three loud knocks *Bang, Bang, Bang* the door swings open revealing a Large burly man clad in chainmail with a sword at his hip. "Is it time to rotate alre-" his words are cut short as I jump out of the shadows and plunge my knife through his eye killing him instantly. I push the still standing body back into the room we bar the door behind us. We know there is only one in the tower so we don't bother to check time is of the essence.
I peak through the next door. There is a patrol of two making rounds back and forth on the wall. We wait till their backs are too us and start walking the other way. We dash towards them I take the one of the right covering his mouth and slashing his throat. My partner does likewise with the other. Our armor was made and enchanted by the best elvish smiths in the world. We could run at full speed and not a sound would be made. The two suits cost a small fortune.
We once again dash to the next door and take our places next to the door way. This is our objective and the riskiest part of the whole operation. I repeat the same loud knock once again getting an oblivious guardsmen to open the door. This time I don't let him speak I rush him and tackle him to the ground driving my dagger into his heart as I do so. Me ally follows me in.
We look up and see the stunned faces of five men playing cards at a table. There was only supposed to be three. It was no matter they would die all the same. I draw my sword and charge the closet one unwilling to let surprise factor go to waste. The shocked men clamor over each other to get to their weapons. I skewer the first man through the gut before he even has a weapon in his hand. The next man I stab through the neck while he stood up. I throw myself down as another man tries to strike me with a sword. I cut at his feet making him jump back. It is all the time I need. I quickly jump up and drive my sword into the bottom of his mouth and into his brain. My ally has already dispatched the other two and began to bar the doors.
We run to the mechanism in the center of the room and began push it counter clockwise. The floor below us creaks as the portcullis begin to ascend. On cue a rush of movement can be heard from below as the vanguard of our army begins to poor through the gate. Moments later screams were sounded as the poor guards of the garrison were cut down to pieces. Their walls once used to protect them now nothing more than a prison cell while they waited for execution.
Our objective was complete and rather easily at that. If they had been so successful the rest of their guild would be too. All across the Cardonian border their once might forts would be falling rapidly. In just one day on the holiest and most celebrated of days Cardonias celebrations would turn into a slaughter. No one would be safe.