Chereads / The Reaper's Desire / Chapter 10 - Amusing rumors

Chapter 10 - Amusing rumors

Six months went by.

Descaera had only partially recovered from their unexpected and unexplained loss. However, since a similar incident had occurred a few years ago, they decided to move on from their grief.

Lightning flashed across the dark, rainy sky, followed by booming thunderclaps.

Trying to fall asleep, Gwyneth curled up in her queen-size bed and took slow breaths.

But each time she closed her eyes, his face would materialize in the recesses of her consciousness, adorned with that crazed smile.

It was an ongoing occurrence that had persisted for the previous six months.

This time, he did not open his eyes, which pleased Gwyneth. Those luminous, blood-red eyes... Even so, she jolted, jerking her eyes open and directing her attention to the door, which was pushed open to reveal Elias.

"Brother!" Pushing herself from the bed, she bowed her head in response to his blank expression as he walked towards her.

Because of their parents and sister's untimely death, Elias has been awfully cold to her.

She had described what had happened that night. However, not a single person held any belief. They believed she was insane!

Elias had even worse ideas than that.

In fact, he believed that she was the reason behind their demise.

"You look like you are ready for bed." Elias remarked, pointing to her nightgown.

Gwyneth nodded, noting his brown eyes that revealed intense animosity.

It was the same way they gawked at her in her previous life. And she felt the same guilt, the same heaviness.

Elias was ten years older than she was. Since his coronation four months prior, he had avoided supernatural beings in every way, and he was doing a good job as king.

Their relationship had never been smooth sailing. There was never any conversation between them. But ever since their loss, he had been following up with her to make sure she was getting enough rest, eating her meals, and going about her day as though nothing had happened.

She forced a smile. "Is there anything important you would like to talk to me about?"

Elias nodded, keeping the hostility in his eyes. "Father did not tell me about the engagement nor did he tell me that he was going to have a relationship with vampires of all species."

Gwyneth pressed her lips to his words. Why was he bringing this up? He never talked about that day... It seemed as though he had never experienced that day.

Returning from four months of duty in the West only to discover half of his family had died.

"It is not surprising." She murmured, her voice low.

"You need to get yourself ready for tomorrow. You and a close friend of mine will tie the knot." Elias spoke abruptly, a tiny smile appearing on his lips.

Gwyneth's eyes widened. "What?"

Elias's smile faded. "You are not getting any younger, are you? You have the opportunity to marry for love, but since you are not into love, I will have to set up the ideal marriage for you."

Gwyneth held her breath. This was not what she wanted! How could she possibly tell her brother that she was not able to marry? She could not even let a man approach her. Never less touch a single strand of her hair.

"I can't, Brother. I..."

"Do I look like I am going to accept your words?" Elias questioned, fury darkening his features.

Feeling very intimidated by her brother, Gwyneth pressed her lips closed.

Elias quirked his lips in disbelief. "You have turned away a great deal of prospective grooms. Mother and father never once grumbled about your behavior to your face." He moved closer, glaring. "I want you to remember that I am not like them. Whether you like it or not, you will get married."

Gwyneth widened her eyes. What did he mean by they never grumbled to her face? She believed that it made no difference to them whether she married or not. Was that a foolish thought?

Her father was a rapacious man, ready to marry off his daughter in exchange for treasures. Her mother supported and obeyed her father in everything he did because she revered him as a god.

Upon careful reflection, her current life was not all that dissimilar from her previous one.

People continued to pass away.... She continued to face hatred...

She balled her fists tightly.

If her current life did not differ from her previous life, she would be different.

"I will not get married." She looked straight into Elias' eyes. "And you will not force me."

Elias scoffed incredulously. "What? I will not force you?"

Gwyneth sensed a deep danger from him. With nowhere to run, the rage against her that he had been trying to control was beginning to show.

He sincerely believed that she was involved in the taking of all the lives. Both humans and vampires. He made the decision to reject all information regarding the vampire prince and d...

She paused her thoughts, stepping back.

Elias moved towards her, taking a deep step, his eyes still filled with hatred and rage. "Gwyneth, do not test me. Whether you love him or not, you will marry the man I choose for you."

Gwyneth scowled hard. Why was she not reincarnated as a male? She would receive different treatment, right? And that, Sirius... He was not going to come after her, right?

She was looking at Elias even more than before, and she could see he was resisting the impulse to raise his hand at her. Her gaze strayed to his hands, noticing that they were tightly balled into hard fists.


She glanced back at his countenance. "Are you following in your father's footsteps? Are you marrying me off in exchange for treasures?"

Elias said nothing. He did nothing more than give her a glare and back away. "I am only concerned about you. Are you not aware of the rumors surrounding you?"

"About the fairest Gwyneth Whitworth's interest in women? Yes." Gwyneth casually perched on her bed.

Elias' eyes darkened. "There are plenty more."

"Similar to the rumor that I am a witch? A soul-stealer? Or is it a soul eater?" Gwyneth questioned thoughtfully, rubbing her chin.

Elias grimaced. "You find the rumors amusing?"

Gwyneth laughed at him. "I am always looking forward to new ones."

Elias frowned. Clearly, he despised her indifference. And Gwyneth noticed it without any anxiety.

Elias had trouble keeping his feelings under wraps.

With a heavy breath, she reclined in bed and covered herself with her duvet. "You can not force me." She mumbled, steadfast in her conviction that he would not hit her or cause her any harm.

Gerald's words lingered in her memory.

'On the night of your birth, half of Descaera's population perished for no apparent reason. They just died.'

'It was Death's way of declaring you as his to claim!'

Undoubtedly, that was the reason. Her parents had never opposed her, Elias's fists were clenching so tightly that blood was dripping out...

Honestly, Gwyneth felt delusional. However, watching Elias become silent in fury and storm out of her chamber, shutting the door with a loud bang, she knew he was aware of something.

Particularly in light of the fact that Gerald's body was never found.