Chereads / Chronicles Of An Incarnated Overpowered Hero: The Beginning / Chapter 27 - The Secret Of Spellcasting [II]

Chapter 27 - The Secret Of Spellcasting [II]

Even after receiving notices from ‹Great Sage›, Ewaan remained steadfast in his pursuit of understanding Mana's nature, but it did intrigue him, for he hadn't expected these sudden changes.

He turned his attention to his own hand, concentrating on channeling his mana and gently guiding it toward his fingertips.

Focusing on a small, conjured orb of energy, he concentrated his efforts on manipulating its size and intensity.

This fundamental test served as a gauge for his grasp of Mana Control, a crucial step in honing his magical abilities.

Ewaan whispered, "‹SHADOW MOVEMENT›…" and effortlessly merged into the shadow beneath him, disappearing into its depths as if engulfed by his own darkness.

However, the unexpected descent caught him off guard, eliciting a surprised "WOAH!" as he fell.

The girls immediately noticed the sudden turn of events. The sudden disappearance of Ewaan left them momentarily bewildered.

Startled, they jumped up from their seats, Ayami's voice breaking the silence with a shocked exclamation, "What the heck? How did he disappear like that?"

Ayaka, equally startled, glanced around in search of any sign of Ewaan. The unexpected vanishing act left both of them puzzled and concerned.

Maya felt a surge of fear that brought tears to her eyes. "No..." Her mind raced back to their first arrival in this world, fearing a similar incident.

As Ayami continued to stare at the chair where Ewaan had been sitting in confusion, he emerged from the shadows behind her with a satisfied little grin.

Calmly, he said, "What? I didn't die, relax."

Ayami, completely startled, let out a scream and swiftly turned around, attempting to slap Ewaan's cheek.

However, he reflexively dodged the impending attack, narrowly avoiding her hand.

Her initial shock turning into annoyance, she retorted, "Don't play such stupid tricks! You scared the life out of me, you idiot!"

Maya breathed a sigh of relief, while Ayaka, with a slightly stern expression, stated, "Seriously, that was unnecessary. Don't give us a fright like that." Coming to a quick realization, she added, "No, wait! How did you do that just now?"

Ewaan calmly walked back to his seat, explaining, "It's an extension of mana control. By manipulating the mana within shadows, I moved within them seamlessly. It's all about understanding the flow of mana and using it to harness my existing abilities."

Ewaan added, "Also, with my proficiency in the Dark attribute enhances my ability to manipulate shadows. It's a combination of understanding mana, having the right attribute, and utilizing the skills at my disposal."

His demeanor remained remarkably composed throughout the explanation, as if discussing such abilities was just another routine task for him.

He then looked at Maya, saying, "Give it a try. Imagine the flow of mana around you, like you did inside that chamber at the church. Feel it, summon your attribute, and try to manipulate the mana within."

Maya, afraid of falling short of his expectations, hesitated for a moment. But then, she took a deep breath, calming herself.

With determination, she closed her eyes and focused on feeling the mana around her.

By concentrating on her inner mana, she emanated a subtle aura that became visible to Ewaan and the Takagi twins.

Encouraged by Ewaan's guidance, she attempted to channel that power within her mind and silently communicate with the others, attempting a form of telepathy through her newfound control over the Psychic attribute.

Ewaan? Can you hear me?

Maya's successful telepathic message echoed in Ewaan's mind, a bit startled by the suddenness, but ultimately pleased by her quick adaptability.

A satisfied smile graced his face as he acknowledged her progress.

What the heck? Is that Maya's voice? It feels so weird!

Ayami's startled expression quickly shifted to one of mild discomfort as she felt the unusual sensation in her mind.

Ayaka winces, pressing a hand to her forehead.

Ugh, it feels like someone's constantly hammering my head.

Maya, taken aback by the unexpected outcome, inquires,

Wait, you all heard that too? But I was only focusing on Ewaan when I tried to use telepathy…

Ayami and Ewaan suddenly also felt an intense throbbing sensation in their heads, as if some force was constantly hammering against their skulls.

Ewaan spoke with a troubled expression, "That's enough, Maya. To release your mana, just let go of the feeling. Allow it to disperse naturally."

Maya follows Ewaan's instructions, gradually releasing the mana she had harnessed, allowing the magical energy to disperse naturally.

"You need to practice diligently before attempting to use any psychic skills. Mishandling them can lead to potentially horrific accidents." Ewaan, with a serious tone, advises Maya.

Ayaka, filled with amazement, couldn't contain her excitement.

She leaped forward to hug Maya, exclaiming, "Now you can use magic too! Yay!"

Maya, caught off guard by Ayaka's sudden hug, blushed suddenly. The realization that she could now use magic added a layer of joy to her expression.

With a puzzled expression, Ayami interjected, "Wait, hold on! How did you guys use magic without any incantations?"

Ayaka, recognizing the weight of Ayami's inquiry, shared in her surprise.

The realization dawned on her that achieving such proficiency in magic, typically reserved for higher-ranked sorcerers, was an unexpected feat for Ewaan and Maya, who were relatively new to the world of magic.

Ewaan explained calmly, "It's all about precise mana control. By understanding and manipulating mana with accuracy, we can perform magic without the need for lengthy incantations. This comes with practice and mastery over one's mana."

He demonstrated by covering one of his hands with shadows. "Look closely, even without a specific skill, precise mana control allowed me to manipulate shadows at will. It's about channeling mana with accuracy to achieve the desired effect."

He emphasized, "Accuracy is crucial. You must think precisely about what you want to achieve with the mana at your disposal. It's not just about power, but also about control."

Ewaan glanced at the bewildered expressions of the girls and pondered,

– Did I perhaps go too far? Is it uncommon for someone to grasp the intricacies of mana manipulation?

As Ayaka confusedly raised her finger, about to express her thoughts, Ewaan intervened.

He raised his right palm, lowered his head, and with a sigh, facepalmed with his other hand. "Wait!" Frustration evident on his face, Ewaan mused to himself,

– Damn it! By their reactions, I really did overdo it! Ugh… what should I do now...?

Ewaan's expression shifted as an idea sparked in his mind.

Turning to the girls, he said with determination, "It's not that difficult. You can use magic without incantations as well, and I can teach you if you allow me to."

The Takagi twins exchanged glances, then Ayaka spoke up, "Then please, mister Ewaan, teach us."

Ayami nodded in agreement, though her gaze betrayed a hint of suspicion as she cast a sly look towards Ewaan.

Ewaan said indifferently, "Alright, let's get out of the library first, and... let's not be too formal, just Ewaan is fine."

Ayaka grinned mischievously, "Sensei it is then! Since you're about to enlighten us in the art of Incantationless magic, hehe~" Her playful tone carried a hint of excitement.

He furrowed his eyebrows, saying, "Sensei? Are you kidding me?" His expression reflected disbelief at Ayaka's playfulness.

Except for Ewaan, the girls playfully laughed, finding amusement in Ayaka's teasing.

With a hunger for knowledge, Ewaan selected five books covering various aspects of magic, including Mana, Skills, Elements, and Magic History. Intrigued by tales of past Heroes, he also grabbed a book on their exploits.

Afterwards, they started approaching the librarian.

In their way, Ewaan suddenly asked, "By the way, how do you usually acquire new skills?" 

Ayaka begun explaining with a serious and focused expression. "Through dedicated practice, one can develop new skills aligned with their attributes. Alternatively, skill scrolls are available for purchase in the market, though even basic ones cost fortunes."

With a wary smile, she added, "So, it's usually the affluent merchants and nobles who can afford those scrolls. For us common mages and adventurers, it's all about hard training, he-he…"

"I see…" Ewaan muttered indifferently, though internally he mulled over the situation.

– If it's just money, I could easily purchase even intermediate or advanced-ranked skills. But then they'd become suspicious about how I obtained that money… Such a pain!

His inner thoughts revealed a sense of annoyance and inconvenience.

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