Chereads / Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero / Chapter 156 - ...Has Rules...

Chapter 156 - ...Has Rules...

[Loop 5]

"The truth is I'm here to meet with someone." Verum said to the young half elf behind the desk. She had decided to investigate the Adventures guild next and arrived dead on 12:13. The inside was rather charming, though pretty generic. It was like the ones out of a boring isekai anime, just... Boringly creative.

"Much like this story." She laughed. The elf raised a brow, though just writing it off as the rat Demi-human being insane. "Who are you here to meet?" He asked with a half hearted sigh.

"Oh... Shit, didn't think that far. Uh... Who runs this place?"

"Right this way, ma'am..." He muttered before firing a blinding flash from his finger tip. Before Verum could react, she was surrounded by about fifty different adventurers, all ready to attack. "In my name, what did I say?" She said with a playful smirk before getting an arrow between her eyes and falling to the ground limp.


[Loop 6]

"The truth is... I wanna know the name of the guy or gal who runs this place." Verum said to the young half elf behind the desk. "Are you not from around here?" He asked with a half hearted sigh as he leaned back in his chair. 

"Yep, Yep, Yep. I... want to make a name for myself in the hero biz." She did jazz hands while practically leaning over the desk. The elf sighed and handed her a form to fill out. "Just sign your name, age and class."

Verum swiftly took the form in a rather dramatic fashion before planting herself on one of the many seats scattered around the great hall. The heroic doppelganger suddenly appeared across from her current seat with a curious, though clearly frustrated look. "Why don't you just force him to say who's in charge with all those little truths of ours?"

"Hehe, where's the fun in that? Plus, I think my powers on the fritz. I dunno. Don't really care..." She chuckled, waving away the concern. "Alright... Name... Uh... Lets go with Mollia. Age? My name, how old are we?" She muttered, scratching the pen against her head while looking at her more feral counter part. 

The feral doppelganger began counting on her fingers before shrugging and turning to their heroic counter part. "We're... Uhm... Okay, actually let me do the maths on that one." She muttered. 

"I'll just put twenty four. That's how old we look." Verum jotted down her fake age and looked at the final bit of her class. "Put paladin. Closest thing we have to a class." The feral one motioned to the page with a grin. 

As Verum finished up the very short bit of paper work, finding it kind of funny how easy it was to sign up, her heroic counterpart had finished doing the mental maths as Verum handed over the paper work. 

"Okay, the guild leader will see you tomorrow to review your application. Anything else?" The elf asked with a fake smile. "Isn't there anyway you could... Speed things up?" She asked with a sultry tone, practically leaning over the counter. 

The elf looked less then amused by the out of nowhere attempt at seduction. "You can wait until tomorrow." He grumbled before leaving for lunch. Verum let out a small huff as she sat back down, annoyed that her plan didn't work. 

"I'm irresistible! How could that now work?" 

"You know our charms only work on women, right?" The feral one chuckled, kicking her legs about while sitting on the table. "Wait, are we a lesbian?" Verum said a bit too loudly. The feral doppelganger shrugged, casually motioning to the heroic version of the three. 

"If you can't remember our own sexuality, your mind is more scrambled then an egg." The heroic one answered. "Riiiiight.... So... Do I normally talk to myself?" 

"No/Yes." Both of her doppelgangers answered at the same time. Verum gave a playful thumbs up before snapping her fingers. "Alright. This plan ain't workin'. Wanna try it the old fashioned tried and true way of breaking into an office?" 

With little warning, every adventurer was put on guard by Verum blowing a hole in the front desk with a giant bowling ball of light. As people began swarming her like flies, she just swatted each of them away with a rapier of light and shadow.

Weaving between everyone of her attackers, moving quicker then they could perceive. Killing everyone in her way with little thought. She soon reached a wooden door at the end of the now blood soaked hallway. 

The door was conveniently ladled "Guild Master's Quarters", making it easy to find. As Verum reached for the door, she instinctively ducked to the floor as a canon ball flew through the wooden door in an explosive fashion. 

"I demand that whoever you are, to come out and accept your pathetic death!" A calculating feminine voice called out. "No thanks, I fancy keeping my chest!" Verum quipped with a giggle. As the hall fell silent, The rodent quickly blitzed through the busted door frame and before the woman on the other side could even be seen, she, along with the entire back half of the hall was disintegrated in a flash of blinding light that consumed everything.

"You know we needed her name, right?" The heroic doppelganger muttered, though Verum gave a cheery smirk as she grabbed the only surviving thing from the now exposed hall. An adventurer plate with the guild master's name.

She began noting every little detail of its design before burning it with light. "Welp. That's today done. On to the same next day." The rodent laughed and scampered off back to the tavern she had been visiting to get another bagel before the next reset. 


[Loop 14]

"The truth is I'm here for a meeting with your guild master." Verum said to the young half elf behind the desk. "And you are?" The elf questioned with a flat tone. She gave a playful smirk as she used her rat tail to show an adventurer plate that she forged.

It was one that would belong to a Guild Master, one from some kingdom she made up. Over the last few loops, she had taken the time to learn how to recreate the plate. It was rather convincing with its details. "I'm the guild Master from Rodentia. Name's Mollia."

"Rodentia? And where is that?"

"The truth is, it's A smaller city near Dustination." 

For some reason, the elf felt compelled by her words. "Okay... She's free right now. Would you like to see her?" 

"Yep, yep, yep." Verum grinned. It had taken a few attempts to actually get down the right words to convince the elf to let her in. A good lie needs a truth after all. Even if that truth is forged as well. Layers upon layers, really. 

After a short walk through the many hallways and up a few flights of stairs, the elf opened the door to the guild master's chamber. It was rather ornate, filled with many priceless magical artefacts. "A Miss Mollia has come to visit." The elf informed his boss, who sat turned away on her seat and staring out to the city below.

"You may leave, Morrice." A calm, calculating voice said to her subordinate, dismissing him. Verum gave a chipper step and planted her down on one of the two seats. 

"So. Mollia, was it? What are you here about?" The woman turned around in her chair with a coy smile on her animalistic face. Verum felt a twinge of familiarity, noticing a few rather traits that reminded her of someone. 

Maybe it was the classy black suit she wore? Maybe it was the magically metallic prosthetic limbs that resembled plate armour. Or maybe, most glaring of all, was her orange, white and black furred jackal head. 

The feral doppelganger suddenly appeared, wrapping her arms around the guild master like she was a pet. Despite not being able to see the feral one, she did notice Verum's confused look. "What? Is there something on my face, dear?"

"No... Anyway, Miss..." She twirled her wrist, expecting a name. The guild master looked somewhat annoyed that this girl hadn't even checked who she was meeting. 

"It's Carlotta Clienta, but people just call me Biz."

"Cute nickname, anyway... I'm here on a mission, Biz. I think you might know know about it." Verum explained with a knowing look. "You wouldn't know a Rat from a hero." She remarked rather flatly. 

Verum remained quiet. The feral one seemed to catch on to what was happening rather quick and whispered to the rodent what to say. "I know the hero isn't much better then the rat."

Biz clapped her metallic hands together, a door suddenly opening up from a bookshelf. "I see you know a bit more then I first thought. Come with me." The jackal soon stepped through the door, with Verum soon following behind, though not before questioning herself. 

"How the hell did you know that?" She whispered to the feral one, who gave a playful flick of her hair. "It's a common phrase between business partners. I guess it applies here as well. Neat, huh?"

Verum chuckled a bit as she followed. The two entered into a rather lavish room filled with experimental magical weaponry that could rival ###'s own old collection. Biz's fingers trailed across a suit of armour before turning back with a grin. 

"I assume you're with the goblin? Why else would you make up such an elaborate lie to see me."

The rodent nodded her head, pretending to understand what was happening. "Yeah... They're pretty weird, right?"

"Heh, you said it. Now then, if our plan to take out our dear queen is to go off without issue, I expect you'd need a weapon to do it." Biz smirked before reaching for a wooden looking launcher with different potions loaded into it. "Tomorrow, I want you to take this to Wretz and tell her Our sins are forgiven.

Verum nodded along, eyeing over a few things as Biz soon handed her a label. "This is the address to her workshop. Don't be late." The jackal smirked. The rodent quickly looked over the address along with her doppelgangers to memorize it. 

After a bit of time discussing, Verum was left with another five hours until the loop reset. So her feral doppelganger decided to ask a favour. "While we wait, do you want to have a drink?" Verum questioned with a coy smile that matched the jackal's own. 

It was hard for Carlotta to say no. Despite barely knowing this woman, she felt a strange fondness for her. 

So with the hours ticking down, the two had a few drinks together into the night.