Chereads / Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero / Chapter 151 - My Story...

Chapter 151 - My Story...

Ami stared at the sight of the burnt leviathan, trailing her fingers over the dome that kept the city safe. The two, with what little time they had, were struggling to come up with a plan. You would think a vessel of Fate and a being of infinite knowledge could come up with something, but they were quite limited by their current skill set. 

"I... Would say t-the void is our best b-bet. B-But with t-this body, I can't do much." Ami explained with a sigh, looking at the fed up Siren beside her. "Penumbra... I've seen you erase entire Worlds at after parties because you thought it would be fun." Odyssey remarked with a light smirk. 

Though that only served to frustrate Ami. "I-I'm not Penumbra anymore! I-I'm Ami! I-I don't go to parties, I-I read stupid books about people who g-get stupid overpowered abilities from the god w-who do... H-Hang on, ! W-We need a D.E.M!" The mermaid let out a joyful squeak at her own idea, though the siren was less then pleased. 

"You... Want to cheat? If you want a D.E.M, I still have mine." She grumbled, pulling out a small glass globe that swirled and pulsated with energy. "Yes, but yours is... About knowledge. We need o-one based on f-fate. S-So, why not v-visit my prince of darkness?" She smirked, and before Odyssey could even complain, Ami pulled out her coin and the two instantly found themselves in a safe house just under the city.

Yet as the two began searching around for the prince, they found that he was all but missing. Along with what was supposed to be an entourage of guards with him. It'z was a bit befuddling for the two. The two both had intimate knowledge of the city and all of the royal happeningz due to their bodies, but all they found was a note.

Ami read it out before tearing it up into pieces in frustration. Odyssey looked at one of the pieces drift by her in the water, sighing along with the princess as she read; "I'z already thought about him, Auntie. Sorryz."

It seemed I was more smarterz then tey realised. I'z not even awake and still I'z the smartest. What? Did you thinkz Ennuiara was the onlyz onez who could do this? I see you. I'z watching. I'z... Oh, they already left. Not you, auntie and the siren. Apprently I'z should have payed more attention... Hahahaha.

"She's watching us." Odyssey said as they rushed down up a long flight of stairs. I don't get why they havez human stuff if they're underwater thoughz. It wouldn't take long for whatever Lucy was to find and most likely erase them. 

"S-She's probably stronger then h-her original self right now. W-Who knows what s-she'll do when she actually gets out of the sea. W-We have to find Antumbra and h-his D.E.M!" 

I bet you're wonderin' what a D.E.M is as well. I guess I'z could exposition a lil'. If my mind is as sharp as ever, it's a literal Deus Ex Machina. A boring plot device. Why? Becuase they have nothing that could actually stop mez.

While the thing wearing #####'s face was quite rude for interrupting, she was right. It wasn't like The author had actually planned any of this. She had instead opted to be more spontaneous with her story, but just like last time, she had vastly overestimated her skills.

Even still, two beings older then time would have a trick or two up their sleeves and it wasn't like I couldz just do this.


Ami and Odyssey were suddenly in the void. 

Empty and cold. A familiar presence. It was home after all. 

"F### me #-####### ## ####### ### ###### ######## in my ####### #### ###### and you're m-mother!" Ami screamed as she flopped about in the infinite nothing. Dropllet's body was only able to breathe in the sea, so she was suffocating on literal nothing. 

With little option left, Ami threw the coin that was her body before swapping back over. In an instant she appeared in all her no faced red glory. Odyssey on the other hand, seemed rather contempt. But with a quick shove from Ami, the two began drifting along before hitting a golden brick pathway. 

It seemed something was watching them from afar. Or rather someone. 

As the two trailed along, The siren asked rather flatly; "Your plan is to erase me, isn't it?"

"I-I wouldn't dream of it." Ami mumbled, having a nervous look in her single eye. The Oracle's plan was to wander the path and pray they meet a being of their calibre and then hope who ever they met would be nice enough to give them their D.E.M. 

While the the two walked, eyeing the many stars and their different beauty, the ground beneath began to tremble. 

That was weird, even for the void. 

The two vessels from beyond time itself were rather confused, but as they tried to move a bit quicker, they looked to see the bright, lush world that loomed above them suddenly erupt into a volcanic fury. Chunks of the planet falling down as meteors that shattered the pathway ahead. 

"O-Oh shit. N-N-Not her!" The two mumbled in unison, quickly trying to make their escape as the outline of what seemed to be only one clawed, crimson red scaled finger of something so immense in size that their current forms couldn't even comprehend it.

Ugh... How many more stories end like this? Unfinished. Ugly. Boring. A booming voice muttered to themselves. It was near deafening, despite it meant to seemingly be a whisper. It sounded rather bored as it's overwhelming finger finished up with another tap, every chunk of the planet all but evaporated into dust, scattered across the void. 

"M-Move!" Odyssey yelled. Ami quickly blinked them across the gap before the duo began running for their lives from the end. But it seemed whatever it was had noticed them. Before they could get any further, a scaled draconic woman appeared before them, not much taller then the average person. 

She gave a casual wave, eyeing the two over. "Yo. You two lost or somthin'? Oh, are you from En's weird office thing?"

"Rag... It's Penumbra." Ami said flatly. The draconic woman let out a gasp before cackling in a fit of laughter. "Y-You're kiddin'? Peni... W-When did you get s-so... Girlish!? HA, in my name... Alright, you got me. So, why are you here? I thought you wanted to spend time with your family or whatever?"

Ami kicked the ground awkwardly, twiddling her fingers as she began recounting everything that had happened to both Penumbra and Ami. The woman seemed captivated, even giving Odyssey a smirk here and there. 

"Ah. So you're just playin' pretend as this 'Ami'. Got it. Anyway, if you need a D.E.M, Ouro can make you a new grimoire. Ya know, it might be handy considerin' how pissed Ennu is." The woman remarked, summoning what was the universal god equivalent of an Android phone. 

You see, Penumbra was quite the figure in the Void. Many of the gods and beings of the void mostly stayed out of each other's ways. Yet, Penumbra was one who had little jurisdiction because she just didn't care enough to fight over it. 

She just stuck to her home star and rarely bothered arguing. Even still, she had quite the friends list. One of them just happened to be The Destruction of The Void, Ragnarök. Who, despite the name, was actually rather relaxed. 

As Ragnarök made her call, Odyssey began to get curious. "What's up with Ennu now?"

The dragon pulled her phone away for a moment before shrugging. "She's filled out the paper work for that Star you're on to be annihilated. She's even got that weird thing of hers on standby. So, you might wanna ditch that place."

It wasn't that much of a shock to the two. In the many pantheons, one god was known for being rather weird. Even by their standards. The Goddess of Order and Travel, Ennuiara. Any god worth their dominion knew of her and her ways. 

She used beings from different stars to run her section of infinity. It was actually a revolutionary method that few had employed to such effect as her. Ennuiara would normally be considered a rather weak god, even by normal standards, but it was her ability to bind people to her whims in a sense, that she was so strong. 

Even the top pantheons considered her equal despite her rather petty and human like nature. But to hear that she had targeted The Eye was concerning. It meant they had little time left. 

Once Ragnarök finished her call, a black grimoire appeared in her hands. She handed it over to Ami with a small smirk. "You know how stupid it is to mess with fate, so only the first page can change stuff. The rest is pretty much a spell book. Hope ya like it, Ami. Cute name B.T.W." The dragon smirked. With that, Ami dipped her finger in her face of nothing and used the void of her face to rewrite their fate. 

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